What is your opinion on eating dog meat?

I've recently come across a debate on eating dog meat. I have never tried eating dog meat, so I can't say if it tastes good to me. I am not really sure about how dogs are different to any other animal, though I do know that by applying this logic will lead to cannibalism, as humans could be referred to as animals as well. For me, I got no problem with people who eat dog regularly or enjoy doing so.

So I'm just here to ask you if you think eating dogs is a neutral, good or bad thing.

Normal/neutral 86
Bad 97
Good 16
Other/explaining the above options (please comment) 7
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Comments ( 110 )
  • ccjigsaw

    I've always thought this, but what makes a dog any better than a pig or a cow? Some cultures won't eat cow, so they disagree that we eat it. We still do though. I love dogs, and I love cats, I wouldn't eat them myself, but I also see how in a world abundant with dog and cats, (many that get abandoned every day) why people would eat them.

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  • q25t

    I'm neutral on the subject. I wouldn't do so myself, simply because I don't think I could look my pets in the eye after that (when I finally have some), but if other people do so, it's not that much of an issue.

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    • Shackleford96

      Mmmm, old Shep sure is looking plump...

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  • SeverusFan23

    I don't agree with it. I think it's wrong that people eat dogs. You can't compare a basic meat animal such as a cow, pig, or chicken to a dog. You just can't because unlike dogs, those three animals were meant to be consumed. I know alot of times people don't have a choice but there are many who do and i find that abnormal. I never ate dog meat and i never will. Dogs are supposed be companions, hunters, protectors, and so forth but never meat on one's platter. I think it's sick and disgusting. That's just my opinion though.

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  • Thexoutcast

    I personally find it to be barbaric. The very thought is revolting. I work with dogs at my job at Petsmart. I've gotten to love the dogs as if they were family and I view dogs fairly similarly to people. But then again, the only meat I eat is seafood..

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  • It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.

    I guess....



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  • Watermelon28

    Dog meat disgusts me but that's because I never even heard about eating it... I think that if eating pigs is okay, why not dogs?

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    • SeverusFan23

      Because pigs are meant to be eaten, not dogs. Dogs have many purposes but being on one's plate isn't. That's why it's wrong to me as many other humans.

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      • Watermelon28

        No dude, im pretty sure pigs aren't meant to be eaten, and yet people eat them...who decided which animals are okay to eat and which arent?

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        • SeverusFan23

          I'm a girl.

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      • sega31098

        All animals only have one purposes: Survive and produce offspring.
        And that includes us.

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      • fufu0102

        This is just wrong.
        All domesticated animals were raised to work and to be food source.
        So dogs were raised to be food source as well back then.

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      • barney93

        yea what makes cows or pigs different than a dog? ill tell you actually, they arent fluffy and adorable so girls like you think its sad to eat the cute things. in reality theyre all the same. in my oponion the only animals that seem wrong to eat are the really smart ones which actually includes cows and pigs, also whales dolphins ect, most mammals* are smart but we DO live in a dog eat dog world, no pun intended, where the smartest animals (us) get to eat whatever we want to survive and we do.

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  • sega31098

    Morally, it is no worse than eating a cow or pig. In India, they view their cows as beautiful animals and mother-figures. Slaughtering a cow is like slaughtering your own mother there. Pigs are also smarter than dogs, yet most of the time we see them as bacon and sausages.

    However, I am (generally) against the consumption of dog meat for health reasons. Dogs are carnivores, meaning they eat only meat (naturally, except some grass if they're sick). Eating carnivorous mammals causes bioamplification, and that wouldn't be good for you. Cows and pigs are generally fed a herbivorous diet in slaughterhouses and are less likely to accumulate impurities.

    By the way, dog meat is not only consumed in China. It is eaten in Korea, Vietnam, Switzerland, Tonga, Benin, Nigeria, and in the USA by a few Native tribes.

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  • disthing

    I'll try anything once, and twice if I like it.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Not to say that dogs do not have feelings but eating dog is not the same as becoming a cannibal. In what way is a dog the same species as a human? They are not. However the reason a lot of people would not eat dog is because they use them for guarding, attack and hunting dogs as well as keeping them as pets. They also are used to lead the blind. So have high regards in a lot of places. So many do not consider them meat.

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  • dirtybirdy

    oh gross. I couldn't eat that. Alligator is the most 'unusual' thing I've eaten. It was pretty good.

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      I'd say the most unusual thing I've eaten was jelly fish. All I remember is that it was really cold.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Was is a peanut bunker and jelly fish sammich?

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        • OswaldCobblepot

          If only!

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    • Moonbow

      I've eaten alligator lots of times. Fried alligator tail is a specialty here in Florida.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        So is crack.

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        • Moonbow

          You would know, crackhead!

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          • NotStrangeBird

            So am I rubber and you glue or is it the other way around?

            What an imaginative jibe. Remember, I'm the one who does not live in the drug capital of the USA.

            Do they allow street drugs there in the retirement home?

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Tastes like chicken. :D

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      • Shackleford96

        Everything tastes like chicken. Well,except chicken of course...

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      • dirtybirdy

        Pretty much, as far as I recall. It was a long time ago when I was in south carolina. It was alligator balls Haha not testicles, people!!

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        • MissyLeyneous

          I was in Florida at the time... they called them Gator Nuggets. xD I've always wanted to try Gator Gumbo too. :D

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          • Hahaha 30 rock.

            "Have you ever been to Florida? It's basically an all criminal population. It's America's Australia."

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  • dappled

    My argument is always about the intelligence of the animal or plant which provided the meat. Intelligence implies self-awareness and some sadness at the loss of its own life if we kill it and eat it.

    Like it or not, dogs are really intelligent.

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    • Moonbow

      Actually, pigs are much more intelligent than dogs.

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      • dappled

        I've spent time around pigs and I'd agree that they're really intelligent too. So I don't eat piggies, either.

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    • VioletTrees

      I often think that way, but there are ways about it that bother me. I generally think in terms of what actions will minimise suffering (or maximise net happiness, insofar as such things can be measured). In social animals, the intelligence argument holds up well, because killing an animal that will be mourned causes more suffering than killing an animal that won't. Also, even if they're not particularly social, animals that can comprehend that others are being killed will probably suffer more before death, because they'll be afraid. In that sense, I think the argument that killing animals that have some understanding of death (however basic) is worse than killing animals that don't is a good one.

      But when we start talking about intelligence, rather than the capacity for suffering or desire to live, things get messy. I'm not at all sure that intelligence is a good measure of capacity for suffering. It's very difficult to measure the emotional capacity of other animals, but in humans, I don't think intelligence and emotional capacity (for the purposes of this post, I'm including the ability to experience physical pain and react negatively to it as part of emotional capacity) are directly related. For example, people with severe intellectual disabilities can experience a full range of emotions (I say "can" because it's entirely possible that there are disabilities I don't know about for which this isn't true).

      I know you're not trying to apply this to humans, but I'm just generally uncomfortable with the idea that if something is less intelligent, it's more ok to kill it (unless we're talking about things that we have no reason to believe have any capacity for emotion, like plants). I feel sadder when an elephant is killed than a mouse, but I'm generally of the opinion that my feelings aren't a very good indicator of reality. I don't know, though. Suffering is really hard to measure.

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      • dappled

        It's a valid point and I was linking intelligence with emotional intelligence, which may or may not be valid. Certainly in humans, I don't think justice in a murder case should come down to how intelligent the victim was (which would have been the argument I'd use against myself if I was asked to debate with myself).

        You were tricky, though. You loaded the question by inverting it and saying it was more okay to kill less intelligent things. I'd still argue the original polarity that given we live off other living things, it's less okay to kill the more intelligent ones.

        The alternative is to live off things that never have sentience or live off things that are engineered without them strictly being alive. Both of which I'm fine with. I'd probably eat non-sentient veal.

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        • VioletTrees

          Your mention of non-sentient veal reminds me of something from my childhood. When I was a kid (from around age 6 to about age 9 or 10, I think), I had a huge collection of beanie babies that my brother and I played with (the tags were ripped off immediately; they were toys and we treated them as such). We had a whole beanie baby society worked out.

          We also had a lot of toy food that they'd eat, but some of it was meat. My brother and I were both outspoken vegetarians, and we couldn't justify the protagonists in our games eating meat. In order to fix this, we decided that our beanie baby society had genetically altered livestock with brainstems, but no brains. If I remember correctly, there were still ethical issues with purchasing the meat, since the beef industry was monopolised by an genius baby doll named Sara, but that's beside the point.

          Now that I think of it, we dealt with a lot of issues in our games with science fiction workarounds, and we spent a lot of time dealing with the ethics involved. My brother and I were kind of weird kids.

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          • dappled

            Awww, you'd have been a fun sister for me. My sister just had dolls and tantrums and crushes on Hollywood actors. Science was something that remained unconsidered. Although I guess if I told you they turn Niagara Falls off at night, you wouldn't have fallen for it.

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            • VioletTrees

              Haha. My brother pulled shit like that all the time, and I got in these exhausting arguments with him about how no, I don't believe that our dining room table is secretly filled with creamed corn. I think it's part of the reason I'm a skeptic.

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      • boston12

        too long zzzzzz

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    • fufu0102

      cows are pretty smart too.
      You shouldn't eat beef from now on.

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      • dappled

        I don't eat moo-cows either so continuing to not eat them shouldn't be much of a problem. :)

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      Dappled! is that truly you? :O

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      • dappled

        Ha! I was temporarily unsure so I had to go and look in a mirror. It's early in the morning and I'm a bit rumpled and unshowered but yes, it was definitely me. Hello! :D

        P.S. My hair doesn't always stick up like this. Pretend you didn't notice. :P

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        • Bubbles-for-life

          xD Ok, to me your famous :P it even says it on my profile :}

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          • dappled

            Gosh, so I am. You've made me famous putting me there with Capy. Although I was famous being there with Poppy Corn too. :)

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            • Bubbles-for-life

              ;o i forgot ill put her up there xD

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  • fullhouse

    Why eat Dogs,horses,dolphins? There are plaenty of things to eat then why those? I hate people who eat them for food. If they have no option then it's okay but eating it is not normal.

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    • Moonbow

      What about in countries where dogs, horses and dolphins are food animals? Are you saying the people of thoser cultures aren't "normal"? Some people in India think we're "not normal" for eating cows!

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      • Devyn

        Cows are not very intelligent; dolphins speak to each other, teach each other, and display highly intelligent behaviour beyond all other animals except humans and other great apes. Killing a cow is very different to killing a dolphin.

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        • fufu0102

          Cows are intelligent and extremely social.
          I agree dolphin is extremely intelligent but cows and dogs are eh... about the same.

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    • Devyn

      I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat any of them, but dolphins are on a completely different level to dogs or horses. Killing a dolphin is murder and should be treated as such.

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      • myweirdself16

        Just wondering but why should killing a dolphin be any different than killing a dog or cow? I think killing any kind of life that can give you a sadface is a bit wrong.

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        • Devyn

          certainly killing a dog or cow in itself is not good, but dolphins are much more intelligent, they're like people.

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    • fufu0102

      Why is dogs, horses, dolphis different from other animals? There's just no logic to support your comment.

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  • Moonbow

    When I was in the Navy, anytime we went to a country where people ate dog meat, we always ate it. Sometimes, we would take some young man or woman who didn't know about dog meat to a restaurant and didn't tell them what they'd eaten until after the fact. It isn't the best meat I've ever had, but it isn't half-bad. In Korea, you can walk down some of the streets and they will be roasting whole dogs -- head, tail and all -- on spits over a fire and they'd slice you off some and sell it on a plate with vegetables, etc. Eating dog is no different than eating beef, pork, chicken, or whatever. They're all animals.

    Besides anyone in the US who frequently eats Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and other oriental food from restaurants has eaten dog at one time or another. These restaurants are always getting busted when someone finds a big bag of dog heads in the dumpsters out back. You'd think they'd have sense enough to dump the heads elsewhere!

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    • NotStrangeBird

      So you took time off from being a cabin boy or shoveling coal or whatever, to go ashore and eat what you consider is the filthiest creature on the face of the earth? Yeah.

      Make up your mind. Disease ridden vermin or foodstuff?

      Your stories and opinions are all over the place. That and you're a bully coward who can't come up with anything good on your own without me leading you there.

      I guess they don't teach debating skills in the navy.

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    • boston12

      way too much time on ur hands

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    • sega31098

      Actually, most Chinese and Koreans nowadays have never eaten dogs. Japanese and Hong Kong Chinese don't eat dogs at all. I don't think that happens for the Korean and Vietnamese restaurants in America, though it did happen in several Chinese restaurants in the USA.

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  • mm6969

    I would like to try it sometime. I have traveled and tried many foods

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  • WasNeverHere,ButThereInstead

    I think it's sick (as in, horrifyingly disgusting). However, I guess it can't be helped considering how poor and backwards alot of countries are. Any country that would eat a dog is very likely a 3rd World Country in my eyes.

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  • michaels4p5

    i wonder if it taste good i have ate frog legs and bugs before but no kind of dog or cat i eat sheep and moo cow and lamb

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  • CraneyCrow

    I don't see anything wrong with it, dogs are no better than other animals.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19

    I don't approve of the consumption of dogs. However, as long as people don't eat it infront of me, I don't care.

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  • Shackleford96

    Maybe if I was raised in a culture that doesn't view them as pets, but otherwise, no.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    I'm Middle Eastern, and we have a set of rules of what could be eaten, and what can't be eaten.

    One big rule is that any land animal that has canines and eats meat (isn't vegetarian) is not to be eaten by humans. This includes dogs, cats, and so on.

    There are many other things that we go by. We see them as logical. It's definitely more logical than "because they're cute and they're our best friends."

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    • Moonbow

      You see what as "logical"? Pigs are MUCH more intelligent than dogs. In fact, the domestic dog is one of the dumbest creatures on earth. People think that because they can teach a dog to fetch a frigging stick, that makes it intelligent, but down at Wakulla Springs in Florida, they even managed to train a catfish to perform tricks! An animal preforming some stupid act in order to be rewarded with food does not prove intelligence, it just proves the animal is food- and survival-oriented.

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      • -WhySoSerious-


        How is your comment a reply to mine???

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        • NotStrangeBird

          It's not, just it's some angry troll posting hateful demands under a couple of different names.

          Agree or else!!!

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          • Moonbow

            You should know since everyone here thinks you and SeverusFan23 are the same person!

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            • NotStrangeBird

              Wrong again.

              I'm sure you've heard from everyone here.

              Did you take a pole?

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        • Moonbow

          You said "We see them as logical," and I'm telling you dogs aren't "logical." If that's not what you meant, then be more careful next time you post something!

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          • -WhySoSerious-

            "Them" being the rules we have for diet not the dogs.

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  • Darkoil

    Some salamis, especially ones from italy may contain horse and donkey meat. Think about that next time you have a peperoni pizza.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      You know what else has horse meat in it? The horse meat you can buy anywhere.

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      • Darkoil

        No shit sherlock. Although not illegal it's quite rare in the UK, I've never seen it on sale anywhere.

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        • AbnormallyAwesome

          Really? It's quite common here on the mainland. Interessting cultutal difference.

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    • Energy

      So? Doesn't sound too bad.

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  • Tia_

    I think if I was raised in a culture where it was considered normal I might. Its hard to imagine cause I like dogs alot. They fall in the pet category. But truthfully pigs have just as much personality as dogs. I made the mistake of making friends with a pig marked for porkchopdom once. I truly don't know. I still eat pigs sometimes. But I have a hard time. I borderline on going vegetarian. I suffer with fuzzy animal guilt.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I've had bear meat and it was awful. I'm told dog meat is similar.

    I always make jokes about cooking and eating my dog (I don't think he gets it) but I would never really do this.

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  • SangoNyappy

    Wait you mean like eating dog? I thought you meant eating dog's food. I would never eat dog if I knew it was a dog but I think I would taste it if I didn't know what animal is that.

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  • VioletTrees

    I don't eat meat.

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    • OswaldCobblepot


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  • KeddersPrincess

    I eat human meat.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      Where do you get it?

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      • KeddersPrincess


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  • sheat

    okay that bad for your health. Its not healthy!

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    • Moonbow

      What's "bad for your health"?

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      • sega31098

        Bioamplification. You might accumulate toxins since dogs are carnivores.

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        • Moonbow

          No, you might accumulate toxins because dogs eat shit, vomit and anything else disgusting they can find! Although I've eaten dog, the only reservations I have about eating it is because dogs are the filthiest creatures on the face of the earth. Ideally, dogs should be kept in a pen with a wire floor and go through a period of "cleansing" before they are eaten, that is, a period of several weeks in which they are fed only "clean" food. The reason for the wire-bottomed cages is that it keeps them from lapping up their own and each other's shit. As I said, the filthiest creatures on earth!

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          • NotStrangeBird

            "As I said, the filthiest creatures on earth"

            Why are the legions of dog owners not keeling over dead by the thousands?

            Yes, we all get it, you hate dogs. Do you have any other opinions or are you a one-trick pony?

            You might check the poll results too.

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            • Moonbow

              Well, SeverusFan23, sorry, NotStrangeBird (LOL), why don't you Google all the diseases people can get from dogs and find out for yourself? Last year, there was a warning that that people shouldn't allow dogs to sleep on the bed because of all those diseases they can pass to humans. In 2006, there was a study done in Germany -- suppressed in the US by the multi-billion dollar "dog" industry -- that dogs can transmit a virus that causes breast cancer in women. When I read the report, I Googled the names of all the famous women in the US I could think of who had breast cancer: Sandra Day O'Conner, Kate Jackson, Happy Rockefeller and others and guess what? I found photos of every one of them with their dogs and info about how they loved their filthy dogs!

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          • sega31098

            No, the dung beetle is the filthiest creature on the earth.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              People eat dung beetles in places of the world. They do chuck them in a bucket of water to wash them off though.

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  • Dimasik2000

    can you help me Visa Classic Internet 4731185503244474

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  • Justsomejerk

    I'd eat it, meats meat.

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