What is your opinion on gay marriage?
I'm only doing this for my year 12 oral presentation on gay marriage.
For gay marriage | 139 | |
Against gay marriage | 30 | |
Undecided | 3 | |
Don't care | 23 | |
Other (comment) | 4 |
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I'm only doing this for my year 12 oral presentation on gay marriage.
For gay marriage | 139 | |
Against gay marriage | 30 | |
Undecided | 3 | |
Don't care | 23 | |
Other (comment) | 4 |
I'm fine with it.
Although I wish it would be legal already. I'm sick of hearing about it. It's the most useless debate ever, I think it would be common sense that everyone deserves equal rights, damn.
Agree on this. ^^
I have a grandmother that is sooo opinionated, she'll never be for it. I just remember her saying that they never deserve going to church and that's when I had stopped listening to her about it. She'll never like gays... but oh well... it's not my opinion.
You're gonna have a hard time finding people on this site who aren't open-minded.
My only problem with this question is the fact that you're relying on an IIN poll for the source of your presentation...
I did vote...I don't care. What people do to make each other happy...or miserable, makes no difference to me.
For it.
I think while it might seem like religious people oppose it the most, the real leverage is probably from insurance companies, firms that pay out pensions/retirements and other such businesses. They get out of paying billions in benefits provided gays can't legally marry. I think they enjoy that people think it's religion that's holding back gay marriage while leaving them out of the spotlight. That's my theory anyway.
Love knows no age, sex, or race. Love is blind an feels its way through, you dont love from seeing; but feeling anothers emotions. If you can find love in this world I'm glad for you, and if they are the same sex; all the power to you! People really have to get over this.
It's legal in the UK now and gives their partners rights to the other's pension etc which is a good thing - rather than the government taking it all back.
To say that being gay is wrong is like saying God made a mistake when making that person :o)
I say, do whatever, as long as you dont hurt someone else doing something, fine with me.
Gay people can live together, so it only stands to reason that they should get married together, too.
The problem is that most religious people are against it because they are afraid that god will punish them as well as the gay people, them for allowing it, and well, the rest is obvious.
Sounds dumb, i know, but they actually believe this. Its hard to convince them otherwise due to that fear.
No not with it against they can't leave it how about a easier way change insurance polls and such I belive love is love yes but this is pretty muck straight have and belive it or not I'm bi but I have more of a man fettish but I think that give it up it theirs and I think it should stay that way...
I personally don't see the point in marriage. What is the point in marriage? Having to get your relationship "official"? So you need to have the law involved to make love official?
I'm no love expert, but I don't think that's the whole point of love.
In my opinion, marriage should not be involved in the law and should only be in the church. I hit "Other" because my answer is "Practically, yes, but ideally no."
I... don't really have that much of an opinion. But I personally think that religion should be the only argument against gay marriage. I think it's weird that there are more states that legalize first cousins marrying than gays, which is ridiculous :/
I also think that it should be up to the church whether or not they want to marry a gay couple. If they don't want to marry a gay couple, then that's their decision.
When it started becoming legal in some countries, the world didn't suddenly explode.
I've never understood why the right to a certificate has anything to do with what other people's opinions are of the gender you choose to have sex with.