What is your opinion on joe biden?

Yeah, what is your opinion on Joe Biden?

Approve ( American ) 7
Disapprove ( American ) 24
Approve ( Non-American ) 8
Disapprove ( Non-American ) 7
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Comments ( 19 )
  • RoseIsabella

    What do I think of creepy, sleepy Joe? I think he's a buffoon.

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    • Inkmaster

      Hey now, it's not nice to make fun of the senile.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I just call it like I see it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Hes a puppet for the establishment. The media covers for him and does not report his history of supporting segregation and writing the crime bill that gave black longer sentences than whites. But he does not have the senate yet so he cant do much harm right now. It looks like thats about to change.

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  • Vvaas

    Joe Biden this message is from Mohammad Rajab Wali Khanaqin

    Joe Biden

    One day you wake up

    Joe Biden

    And you go to the doctor he say: you have 2 year

    2 year

    You go to the doctor and he say you have 2 year

    You go one year then six month then one month

    Joe Biden

    You prevent this from happen you recognize Kurdistan no suria no turkey you recognize Kurdistan

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Everyone everywhere was like, "By default, he has to be better than Trump." Then his presidency happened.

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  • LloydAsher

    This is why you vote for people not against others.

    To be completely honest I have no idea how someone who doesnt have trump derangement syndrome would think that biden was superior to trump. Just look at bidens 40 year political history and it's pretty clear he was going to fail from the start.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    There was a time about 30 years ago I thought he should run for President.

    Now...I think he's a fuckin' moron.

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  • SwickDinging

    He's a piece of shit. Just like almost everyone that came before him, and everyone who ran against him.

    I do not see these huge distinctions between US politicians that the various media machines like to shout about. Same shit, different assholes.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Piece of shit. Banned Russian made ammo because of something that happened a year ago. The majority of my guns shoot Russian made ammo. 22% of the ammo purchased in the u.s comes from Russia. Its fucking bullshit

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  • olderdude-xx

    I did not have time to post my thoughts on this last night.

    Overall - he's an average President. He's not either really great or really bad. He's reasonably competent; and is unlikely to ever have much brilliance.

    I've done a lot of reading on sites that deal with foreign policy and military matters concerning Afghanistan. My conclusion (and the conclusion of a good number on those sites among those that really have a good understanding of the situation) is that President Biden was given a bad hand to play.

    There was no way it could have come out well in any of the possible scenarios, unless the Afghanistan Military pulled together and permanently held onto Kabul (or at least held it for years) with the existing government intact in that part of Afghanistan. The problem is that no one really believed that was possible. Best estimates was that they could hold Kabul for 3-9 months if they faught.

    President Trump negotiated essentially a surrender to the Taliban and a withdrawal that left few options; unless President Biden was going to repudiate that agreement and dump another 10-20,000 troops into Afghanistan and commit to decades of nation building (my personal estimate is that it would take at least 60 more years to complete that - 3 generations to grow up in a non-tribal dominated society).

    President Biden did negotiate a 4 month delay in the timetable to provide a more orderly withdrawal and to protect more of the people who had assisted the USA in the last 20 years. The Taliban did agree to that.

    Thought much of Afghanistan people were moved to Kabul as the USA withdrew from various parts of Afghanistan. People how chose to stay behind in those areas did so because they wanted to.

    As best as I can tell (and I have seen video clips of key advisors stating this), President Trump and his advisors had zero plans to bring out the Afghanistan citizens who helped the US forces in the last 20 years. President Biden included them into the plans.

    Things really fell apart when the Taliban told the Afghanistan Military that they could surrender, without penalty; or die; and they just surrendered. The Taliban took Kabul and the surrounding area in 1 day, instead of months. That made things very bad for all the people in Kabul that President Biden was planning to move out of the country.

    Key players in all of this are The Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State. Those are the key advisors who were recommending actions to President Biden in their areas and who also have the responsibility of having contingency plans for other possibilities if things don't go as planned.

    President Biden would certainly have been briefed that yes, there was a possibility that the Afghanistan Army would just surrender and turn the city over in a day. However, he was likely advised that this was a low probability event.

    However, but the State Department and the Department of Defense should have had contingency plans for what if that happened.

    Both Departments lost a great many experienced foreign policy experts during President Trump's time in office; and are considered significantly understaffed in these areas with experienced people at this time. That is likely why there really were no major effective contingency plans (and many on the sites I have read recently say it is the reason).

    President Biden has bit a hard bullet, played the hand he was dealt, and parts of it played out badly. Not that anyone with any real experience in these areas that I could find thinks it could have gone much better.

    A reality is that the USA should have been out of Afghanistan at least 16 years ago. Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump developed and set up a no win situation for President Biden.

    It's great to Monday morning quarterback the situation; and claim superiority. Its the favorite pastime for much of the population. Hindsight is always 20-20; and of course had we all known how this was going to play out no one would have given the Afghanistan Military all of that equipment that they turned over to the Taliban. The Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan prior to our arrival; and they now control most of it again (there is an area they did not control back then - and still do not now).

    Interestingly, a friend of mine reminded me that I told them about 18 years ago that all the Taliban would do was wait for the USA to leave, as we would someday as we had no real vital interest in the country.

    In my view President Biden is being blamed for some things he was not directly responsible for. Yet he as said that he takes responsibility and the buck stops with him.

    I also agree with him that it was time to get out - regardless of how badly it went (and it never was going to go well).

    As for those left behind. My understanding is that the virtually all are either people with dual American/Afghanistan citizenship or are Americans with family ties there; and that they all declined many request to leave earlier. They wanted to stay. They all could have been out at least a week prior to the deadline if they had wanted to. I'm not concerned with them. Just like I'm not concerned with people who don't follow evacuation orders for major hurricanes or fires. People are upset over the wrong thing here, in my opinion (but it makes juicy "politics")

    I'm more concerned that we did not get out all the people who assisted the American diplomatic efforts and forces.

    Back to the domestic side of things.... President Biden has done some good things (being patient and getting the bipartisan Senate Approval on the infrastructure bill is one of them); and he's been average or "so-so" on other things.

    With the strong emergence of the Covid Delta varient things are not going as well as they should be. However, President Biden is not responsible for the spread of the Delta variant.

    Peace to all who have read this...

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    • Grunewald

      This has to be the most informative, least polarizing and least inflammatory post on this topic. Thank you, dude. Respect.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Thank you. Keep in mind that my earliest memories were of John F Kennedy as President (and I remember exactly where I was at when I heard the news that he was assassinated - I was in school in 2nd Grade when one of the Staff came in and told the Teacher about the assassination).

        I've seen a lot of Presidents in my life and all kinds of international and national crises; and have some real basis to judge how things are working.

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  • Somenormie

    I only like Biden solely because he's a meme.

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  • raisinbran

    The "I'm not Trump" puppet?

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    He's a good man who's doing right for this country, in spite of the fascists who're trying to take over.

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  • neither approve nor disapprove. his sole redeeming value is that he is not as incompetent as the other guy was, and watching a bunch of retarded cultists lose what little of their minds they didn't surrender to Trump upon seeing him leave office was damn satisfying, to the extent that it wasn't terrifying.

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  • LionsShare

    Neither. I really don't care about politicians.

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  • Pilum

    On the fence.

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