What is your opinion on muslim faith (islam) ?

All religions have their faults but it seems fair to say at the moment the Muslim faith is a hot topic. With the problems in the middle east having links to Islam and fanatics in the west to Terrorists plotting mass public killings.

Obviously there is alot more to the Islam faith than all of the above. It promotes peace and mutual respect as well as good values and ways of life.

Lets not compare to other religions, I am only interested in your opinion on Islam.

By the way I am squarely agnostic.

It is fundamentally good and not a threat 97
It is a threat 87
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Comments ( 71 )
  • All religious fanatics kill people in the name of their God. Not all religious people are fanatics though, many are peaceful. Islam is no more capable of dangerous acts than any other religion.

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  • MissClaire

    Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people

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    • BLAh81

      ... because their religions tell them to.

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    • Bullets kill people.

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      • murderotica

        Bullets don't kill people, nah-ah! I kill people, chuh-chuh, with guns!

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        • Justsayinso

          Still murdering ppl?

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        • LethalBurger

          I got the reference! :)

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      • MissClaire

        LOL, indeed they do:)

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  • dappled

    Terrorism is nothing to do with Islam. Terrorists who are muslims are just terrorists who also happen to be muslims. It's like saying people are terrorists because they have brown hair. It doesn't follow.

    Moreso, the muslims I know and interact with on a day-to-day basis are peaceful, respectful, tolerant, and quietly resolute in their faith. This is how I see Islam. Because this is the vast majority. If people choose to see Islam through the tiny minority that make the news for negative reasons, they should see everyone this way, i.e. All English are Harold Shipman, all Americans are Jeffrey Dahmer, all Australians are Chopper Read. None of these statements are true. Neither is the fact that muslims are intrinsically terrorists.

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    • Hmmaybe

      I agree and anyone who knows a fari number of mulsims know this. The problem arises from how muslims and the islamic faith in general are portrayed by the media. Whenever a muslim does anything wrong the press is very quick to mention their religion. Whereas this is certainly not the case with other religions and aetheism. In fact in America it is the Christian church (I haven't got anything against moderate or liberal Christianity) is causing a much larger problem through it's support of discrimination (so much for Jesus' message of equality).

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      • dappled

        Some countries (and religions) seem to think people are galvanised by the fear of a common enemy. Whether it's a new bacterium, the devil, being gay, a political ethos that isn't their own, or a religion that isn't. It's short-sighted. If you say someone is the enemy, they might just start to believe you.

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    • pooItoy

      yup. and anyone who went to germany when hitler was in power would have seen a lot of nice hardworking decent people who were quietly resolute in their faith in their fuhrer and the superiority of "The Fatherland".

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      • dappled

        It's been a long time since something on IIN made my jaw drop, but well done, you managed it. Are you really so Islamophobic that you're comparing a faith to Nazism? I am not only lost for words, I am hugely uncomfortable in a world where people like you continue to fester in your ignorant and ugly malice.

        What good is your viewpoint doing anyone at all?

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        • pooItoy

          nice speech. But I'm merely pointing out that evil and oppressive philosophies have historically been held by "normal", "good", and "peaceful" people.

          And yes, I compare a faith where one can be jailed beaten and/or executed for "heresy" and "insulting the prophet" to any other totalitarian mentality including nazi-ism, government imposed communism, catholicism (in its pure form), unreformed/ancient judiasm, etc.

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          • dappled

            But you seem to be implying (and apologies if you're not) that Islam is an evil and oppressive philosophy. Governments (not just Western governments) often want to foster these attitudes to garner support for conflict.

            It's not fair to compare Islam and Communism. Many people in Communist countries were told they were communists, couldn't question it, and didn't necessarily want it. Muslims are proud to be Muslims. It's a religion, not a political system.

            As an example of both my statements, let us say a largely Islamic country finds itself with a despotic leader. Where's the problem? The despotic leader or the faith of the people? If you're about to say "the faith", think of other despotic leaders. Idi Amin (a muslim), Robert Mugabe (a Roman Catholic), Nicolae Ceaucescu (an atheist). Do you see how ridiculous it is to blame the religion of a despotic leader as opposed to their very despotism itself? I don't recall a war on atheism to overthrow Ceaucescu.

            But when it's politically or economically advantageous to go to war with an entire country, the propaganda machines go into overdrive to "sell" the conflict to those people who are going to pay for it, going to lose family members, and going to die themselves. No government can say, "we just did it for our own gain, but hey, we're sorry you died".

            The sad part is that we're left with a legacy of the propaganda being accepted as truth. An untruth yesterday, even if it's used to unseat a despot, remains an untruth today.

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            • pooItoy

              if you don't mind me asking, what is your religious background? are you an adherent to an organized religion, or are you an atheist or agnostic?

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  • wigsplitz

    I don't equate Islam with terrorism. What I feel when I see a person of that region and faith is wonder-I truly wonder what their life is really like, not what we've been shoveled down our throats by the US media (and gov, no doubt).

    I note ONE thing whenever I hear "terrorism"....that Americans have perpetrated FAR more terrorist acts upon Americans than by anyone else. Period.

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  • dutchy

    Islam is a beautiful religion. A terrorist is not a muslim They use Islam as an excuse for their horrible actions, but everything they are trying to achieve is forbidden in Islam. Their missuse of the word Jihad (holy war) is a great example.Jihad is supposed to represent the struggle within yourself against the temptations of life. The choises you make everday to do the 'right' or the 'wrong' thing, It does NOT stand for war against others as so many terrorist and dumb racist believe

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  • zenji

    It's like any other religion, some good followers, some bad. Secular education discourages fanaticism.

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  • nagasonavimana

    Islam pisses me off...or rather the leaders that practice it. They have a faith that fostered the growth of key sciences and technology during a renaissance that happened well before the Western one...and they can't even band together in solidarity? These are the people that created the first robots before Columbus discovered America...and they live in such a backwards way?
    I hope the North African democratic movements do well. Dudes need to get on their game.

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    • Hmmaybe

      You're connecting people, and nations too strongly with religion. People are a lot more than just their religion or nationality and should not be judged or classed using either.

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  • Colgo

    Best religion but people are misunderstanding it

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  • UliNalaMansae

    my friend is a muslim, this was before i knew what terrorists were so of course i think i respect it as much as any other faith (apart from christianity, they can suck balls) but it all depends on the individual themselves and how they interpret things.

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  • pooItoy

    Islam is an unreformed fundamentalist religion, and as such is a serious threat to free thought.

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    • Hmmaybe

      Apart from the reformed, liberal denominations i.e. the majority...

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      • Hmmaybe

        Did the media just forget to tell you this?

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        • pooItoy

          Instead of complacently believing that every critic of islam is a brainwashed victim of the retarded media we have in our countries, why don't you educate yourself alittle?

          Do you know of the case of the egyptian blogger Kareem Amer, who spent years in jail for blogging what the authorities called heresy and "insulting islam"? why don't you google him?

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          • Hmmaybe

            Because an the Egyptian dictator that just got kicked out of power clearly wasn't a fundamentalist muslim...

            Alternatively the Egyptian authorities may have been afraid about him talking out against them (understandably seeing as the Egyptian revolution was organised online) and used Islam as an excuse to give their move against him authority.

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            • pooItoy

              you know, about 20 years ago in new york an artist created a piece called "piss christ" which showed a small statue of jesus in a glass of piss. It was shown in the brooklyn museum which gets some of its money from the city. New York has a large population of catholics and other christians, and in fact the mayor was catholic and hated it. He threatened to cut off funds from the city to the museum if the exhibit was not shut down.

              but in the end, the piece showed, the exhibit was not shut down, and i think the artist (who was himself born a catholic) is still creating work.

              All this despite the fact that at least half of nyc is catholic or other christian and even the mayor (gulliani, btw) was catholic and pissed off.

              thats freedom that comes when a religion has been reformed. That freedom was earned by people in the "christian world" who fought for it over the last hundreds of years.

              So this is part of what i mean by reformed vs. unreformed religion.

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            • pooItoy

              what u say is true, however, laws against "insulting islam" were on the books and are still on the books of almost every islamic country. And even after the arab spring, those laws will STILL be on the books of Egypt and other countries.

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  • I've never spoken to a Muslim who could give me a rational explanation as to why the Muslim faith has any validity.

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    • flutterhigh

      I've never spoken to anyone who could give me any explanation as to why anything has any validity.

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      • nagasonavimana

        Drive to the forest at night. Look up. If you don't feel a valid connection with anything, apply medicinal lead pellet to forehead via projectile injection.

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        • flutterhigh

          That's supposed to be your explanation? Sardonic? Maybe. But absolutely meaningless.

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          • nagasonavimana

            Better than nihilistic with a sense of elitism, wouldn't you agree?

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            • flutterhigh

              You should have just said, "yes, valid point." Then I would have been fucked.

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    • nofear786

      islam comes from the same roots as judaism and christianity the quran is gods word and hasnt been changed since it was revealed by god to his last prophet.
      muslims also believe the other original holy books (the bible,torah, psalms)
      but why isit theres a new addition of the bible everyso often
      muslims are not facists nor racists

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    • Nogoodusernames

      I spoke with our mom and she couldnt give me a reason as to why you are valid.
      SUCK ON THAT!!!

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    • Hmmaybe

      That's not the point of faith. Science is something that can be disproven or proven, faith is something that cannot be proven either way and thus must be believed, if you want to believe in it, and respected if you do not.

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  • Jfdp

    "Its a threat" its not a threat and fundamentally good"

    Whats with all these absolute answers?
    Surely theres some sense of common sense middle-ground for us south park republicans?
    You know like, the average muslim is a decent person but theres enough radicals to make them a threat to western people?

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  • funnymoments

    What people do in the middle east has nothing to do with Islam ... Islam is perfect people are not so blame it on them not on their religion

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  • Welp... Lupe Fiasco is muslim, so i guess i like muslims.

    Yes, i just judged a whole religion to be ok based on one rapper that i like.


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  • Miss_Anthrope

    Perhaps it's now rather clear that it's not the particular religion or its beliefs but religion itself, as an institution, that is too often abusive. Remember, religions were institutions of social control - that is their function in all societies. In that light, all religions have the capacity to be benign or brutal, depending on local customs, resources, and political stability.

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  • disthing

    السلام عليكم

    I think Islam has the potential to promote good values in a society, but the 'word of God' is open to interpretation, and as such can be bent to the will of whomever wields it, regardless of their mental or moral status. It is partly because of this that so many countries in the Middle East and North Africa are fractured, posing both an internal and external threat. It's partly because of this that despite much of the secular world striving towards equality and a balance of freedom vs. security many countries with Islam at their foundation are relatively static, or are regressing. But this is not an inherent fault with Islam, rather the fault of some who follow it.

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  • Jas

    I consider myself agnostic although I was born into a Muslim family. The point is, I've read the Quran and I find it no more or no less violent than the Bible so no, I don't find Islam to be a violent religion. In fact, when I was a strong believer, I find myself to be more at peace than I am now...Unfortunately, I started to doubt when I seriously asked myself if I truly believe in the existence of God.

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  • Oli

    I don't care. You should have your own things to believe, but if you start shoving it down my throat then shit's gonna get real.

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    • nagasonavimana

      Do you shit virtual excrement? Is it in a state of quantum flux, this expellation? is your poop phasing between particle and wave? How is shit not already real?

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      • Oli

        It's a meme. A phrase. It's not meant to be taken literally.

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        • nagasonavimana

          There but for the grace of my schooling, go I. Don't you know that words have power Oli? A single phrase spoken in a certain way can start a war or win the heart of a beautiful lover. Why would you ever be lazy about them? Why would you use words that are hollow, that have no meaning or use beyond affirming your presence as a chattering being? Even a songbird has an intent behind their incomprehensible trills.

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  • Diver2

    Muslims are all fucking faggots. We know this to be true.
    Ask and Islamic man if he has ever sucked a cock and see what he says. They all do.

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  • BLAh81

    "It promotes peace and mutual respect as well as good values and ways of life."

    What a fucking joke.


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  • pooItoy

    i think its funny how u could come on here and say "christianity is a backward oppressive philosophy" and no one would have a problem with that, but then all these politically correct dickheads get their bloomers in a knot if you criticize islam.

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    • Hmmaybe

      No major religion is in itself a backward oppressive philosophy but there are fanatics and fundamentalists who make all religions look bad.

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  • 41ph4m413

    islam is fundamentally at odds with christianity and the american way of life. they want us dead and the fact that some of you want to tolerate that just shows how niave and stupid you are

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    • Hmmaybe

      You are showing how naive and stupid you are by judging and entire religion by it's extreemists. It's like judging the whole of Christianity by Westboro Baptist Church (they think all Gays should die and it's good that soldiers are dying because war is always wrong). Westboro Baptist Church is clearly against the Western way of life, as is extreem islam and the vicious conversionism of extreem atheism. All of these religions have good, peaceful followers and should not be judged by the people who make their religion look bad. I hate the media sometimes.

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      • pooItoy

        didnt the media report on the westboro baptist church though? what media do you listen to that is so anti islam? Haha, the media I listen to, if they ever do criticize religion, is usually bashing christianity.

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      • 41ph4m413

        All Islam is extremism. How bout you travel to the Middle East and see how much they tolerate you? Oh right they won't unless your a Muslim. Like I said they want EVERYONE who isn't a Muslim gone.

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        • Hmmaybe

          How about you don't travel to the middle east when the majority of Muslims live in Africa or Indonesia.

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          • 41ph4m413

            Just shifting away from a real answer their arent you? You and I both know if you went to a muslim country nowadays you'd be treated like shit.

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