What is your pet afraid of?

I remember back when I used to have a dog, one of the things she feared was tall people. She'd growl, flash her teeth, and bark at the tall person. She'd also do the same thing with men for some reason. What is your pet afraid of?

I'll comment 9
I don't have a pet 6
I have a pet but I won't tell 7
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Comments ( 23 )
  • RoseIsabella

    The Garage door.

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  • handsignals

    Ellen Degeneris.

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    • Holzman_67

      Ellen Degenerate lol

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      • Who_Fan4Life

        Ellen ''The Generous''

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  • charli.m

    Leaves. Her own farts. Her shadow. Sudden noises. Her tail. Her bowl. Leaves in her bowl. Cats. Flies. Being touched (unless you're pulling out chunks of fur. Because brushing is evil and cruel but pulling out chunks of moulting hair? Awesome). Men until she gets to know them, then she worships them.

    My cousin, but that's justified.

    There's prob more I just don't remember.

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  • ginsters110

    My cat is afraid of chickens (he had a go at one when he was small, and got his nose pecked)

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  • Ellenna

    Car horns
    If my car doesn't start immediately (it's an old wreck) she starts barking madly in the car, I start yelling at her and it's absolute chaos: now I leave her tied up until the car starts and then go back and get her
    When I first got her, the sound of water going over the rocks in the nearby river, until I went in for a dip one hot day and now I can't keep her out of it even in the winter
    Windmills - this is a very recent one and I can't imagine why she's scared of them

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  • TheMasterOfGTA89

    1.Me! (Now, she treats me like I hung the moon and the stars, but for the first few weeks in our home, she didn’t want anything to do with me. Our relationship has clearly transformed since then.)
    2.House guests. (She’s even not afraid of male house guests anymore, which is a big accomplishment for her.)
    3.Squirrels, birds, and any other small vermin. (Her wavelength: Mmm, mobile snacks!)
    4.Other dogs, when the dogs are in an off-leash context. (Despite her reactivity to other dogs on walks, she actually adores other dogs and loves playing with them.)
    5.The guitar. (Used to hide in her crate when Guion played the guitar; now sees it as a normal part of life.)
    6.Riding in the car. (She loves car rides and has always traveled like a champ.)
    9.The elderly.
    10.Skateboards or bicycles or other similar moving objects on the street.

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  • Thexoutcast

    My dog is afraid of the sound of my dad spraying cologne

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  • KeddersPrincess

    My dog was afraid of everything. I shit you not, we got him one of those squeaky toy bones and he wouldn't go near the thing.

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  • Cucco

    Birds and dogs. The latter makes sense, but I'm not sure why he still thinks a bird can make off with him.

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  • tokillanally

    Nail clipping, vacuums, and car rides. I feel quite sad about the last one because I swear my pet is the only dog in existence who feels distressed whilst riding in the car, even if I roll down the windows.

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  • Rihyae

    One of my cats is afraid of garbage bags, and the sound they make.

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  • Acs1574018


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  • VinnyB

    My dog hates fireworks, which go off a few times a night here, as well as children.

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  • RainbowDischarge

    I only noticed when I took my 1 year old cat to Petco, the vets and the local pet store that he is afraid of tall, very fat men and big dogs. On two separate occasions at the vet he has seen really big dogs leaving the office and my cat hid under the chairs (he uses a leash and harness cuz fuck a cat carrier). At Petco he came across a giant black lab or something, he hid in the aisle and let me carry him throughout the store. That was cute. Then, at the local pet store a big, fat guy came in and kitty was scared but also intrigued by this mysterious tall and round man. He camped out in a low shelf of dog food and hid as he watched the guy shop around. I love my Thor Baby.

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  • dirtybirdy

    One of them is terrified of the broom, when I first got her she would tremble so bad at the sight of it and when I would vacuum she would pee in the house, she was so scared. My poor girl :( She was mistreated before I got her :'( She doesn't like car horns or thunder or even rain but she loves to play in the snow. The other dog is just a spaz. He jumps at every sudden noise. Oh and he won't sit in the front seat of the vehicle if there are things on the floor like grocery bags, and he'll almost never push through anything like a partially opened door. He's just weird, my special boy :}

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  • Shrunk

    Flicking on a lighter, getting picked up the wrong way, other dogs, poop getting stuck, getting nails clipped, strangers

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  • JD777

    Flying insects. And his own fart would startle him and he'd look around like WTH!

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  • I used to have an orange tabby who was afraid of shoes. We had a basket near the door where we would leave our shoes, and if a pair of shoes were laying outside of the basket near the door, he would neither enter nor exit the house until someone put the shoes away.

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  • natdrum

    Thunder, fireworks, a bag of chips (at least if it falls over next to her, she'll keep showing it her teeth and growling)

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  • Twickers

    Thunder, children, and the word "boo".

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    • I remember my dog was afraid of the word "bye". She used to have separation anxiety when first got her. Thunder also scared the jeebies out of her.

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