What is your thoughts on smoking marijuana?

title says all

think about this while taking the poll. Give 7 reasons why cigarets are bad for yout health. Now give me 1 ligit reason why marijana is bad for you.

I totally go for it all the way 260
It's ok, nothing to write home about 83
I don't like it, but I don't mind it either 72
It's only good for glycoma 19
I am totally against it 76
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Comments ( 70 )
  • Getcha lighta's roll dat sticky let's get high let's get higher dat blue berry yumyum and it's da firee ;)

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  • Quad

    "I don't like it, but I don't mind it either"

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    It has improved all aspects of my life. I wish that I had started a long time ago, instead of just recently. It's really sad that some people are so against it; I can only assume it's because they are just ignorant about it.

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  • *Cutiepie;

    I'm all for it, Thousands of people die in a year from smoking Cigarettes.. but I have never heard of anyone dying from smoking weed.

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  • TheOmegaJuggalo

    It's just a plant, from a health perspective you're much better smoking weed than smoking a cigarette. It's enlightening, really - gives me a different perspective on things. It inspires me to write music. LEGALIZE!

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  • Im not gonna do it because so many people worry about me, but honestly if you are gonna do it try not to get too addicted and have your ass a good time!

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    • RainbowSheep

      It's not physically addictive. . .

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      • RainbowSheep

        I used to smoke at least twice a day. then I just stopped. it wasn't hard, I had no withdrawl. I just didn't want to keep paying.

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  • hotchickie81

    You must have watched the movie "The Union"... if not, do so! :) It's a really good documentary on marijuana.

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  • garrett99

    i smoke it all the time

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    • CrazyLaugh7

      then your messed in the head, hunny :)

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  • SM2010

    I smoke the stuff, so I'm all for it.

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  • hannahbelle4324

    I love weed. I love how it smells, how it tastes, and how it makes me feel :) When I smoke and am laying in bed I feel like the bed and I are one like the ocean. The feeling is amazing. But this drug is not for everyone. I have friends I've smoked with tha5 have claimed to feel nothing. And for the people who say that that marijuana is additive or can kill you are very missinformed. Using a vaporizer weed is one of the safest enhancements out there :) okay so I know use affects the speed of your brain but that is part of the feeling. It's not harmful because its just temporary. I can believe. That there are people so against the legalization of weed or justt recreational use. I mean there are so many legal things that negtavily affect your brain like using sharpies too close to your nose spray painting without a mask and licking stamps all kill brain cells. The fact that the smoke turns your lungs black Jang good but food coloring found in the majority of processed foods dye your intestines. I mean I drink but I can't understand how its legal over weed. People who are against legalization are just ignorant. Legalization would probally help the economy and recent survey show that marijuana has not let to a single death millions less to alcohol. While driving weed is much safer to have in your system. When driving drunk you are reckless and are likley to be speeding and have delayed reactions but while high you are most likley to drive slower which is safer. I have a very strong opinion about this so sorry for the typos :D

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  • Laundry3000

    Its actually helped me so much. I used to have terrible anxiety problems. Now I am alright haha

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  • i smoke marijuana pretty much everyday im lucky enough to have a friend buy weed everyday so i get the chance to do it everyday i guess i've been smoking so much now im growing a tolerance ganna have to quit for 2weeks but when im back im going to get high as a mother fucking kite :D!!!

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    • emoriotfreak13

      yeah i know what you meen you smoke the same shit for a long time you get used to it thats why i take a week off ever now and then to clean my lungs

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  • brkb

    Tried it 3 times, no effect at all(and everyone else was really high so the weed was fine). However, I have seen the wonders it has had on an ill family member, so I fully support it.
    People who are against it: if you don't like it-don't do it. It's none of your business what people do in private.
    P.S.: I hate people that are smoking tobacco and popping pills while up on their high horses putting down pot users.

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  • dusttodust

    It's ok, if you can control its use (which most smokers can't-admit it). If you find your worrying because your running out, well then you're addicted dude. I don't mean that in a derogatory sense but certainly, experiencing a withdrawal from a substance even if its just, "oh man, I would just love a spliff right now, I need to get some" means there is an addiction. The word "spliff" in the above sentence can also be substituted for "coffee".

    What annoys me, is not the smoking, but the denial that comes with some smokers (usually aged 17 to 25), claiming they do it only because it makes them feel good, but then equate that with the fact that it is not harmful. To some, it is very harmful-it can make you more depressed, irrational, apathetic, demotivated and even psychotic. But that doesn't mean that others can't have a smoke now and again and keep it in control. Its like alcohol, but the effects are more psychological.

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  • Personally, I don't like it and i don't wanna do it. But i'm not gonna hate sum1 4 doin it lol.

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  • intoothandclaw

    I would just like to note that, if that's the worst thing you can come up with about cannabis smoking, then I really don't see the problem. "Can" is not the same as "will". Personally, I smoke a lot more than one joint a day (although I almost always use a screened glass pipe) and I don't have any loss of lung function, immune problems, or any damage whatsoever. I've specifically asked my doctor to check (and yes, he knows I smoke.)

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  • Freakyfinderskeepers

    Relax time... who's in the circle?
    I'm in!

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  • dfm

    Incase you've missed it the death toll from weed is... 000000000000000000000000000000

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  • StrangestEnigma

    Okay. Lets face this fact. Anyone who has ever smoked weed, and continues to smoke week, absolutely knows that it is the most wonderful relaxing experience that is less harmful than booz, cigs, and even coffee. It makes eating better, sleeping better, sex better, all in all everything is better. The cost sux yeah...but its not really addictive, its just fun. What people dont realize is that they are addicted to the fun they have. Its soo great to just sit down with a bunch of buddies, hit a few tokes from a bong, and talk about the strange things in life. You never want it to end. People that are against smoking say, "its a gateway drug" Wrong. It has actually been proven to be an "exit drug" to help people quit smoking and drinking. People against smoking say weed is "dangerous" If you count being super hungry, super artistic, and staring off into space with a smile on your face as dangerous, then yes its dangerous. Yeah, it can lead to lung cancer, tops, but smoking anything leads to lung cancer. I say, Yes for marijuana, all the way.

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  • Sabbatha

    I don't do it everyday but occasionally it's fun and relaxing.

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  • sandra*

    i love it i smoke all the time with my bf :) sex is the best

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  • tygeronherbed

    i hit that green on the daily yo

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  • penguin1

    I'm totally against marijuana and cigarettes. Here are my reasons why:


    1. You light them up and you're not the only one smoking. Second hand smoke inhalation can cause just as many problems as actually smoking.

    2. There are around 2,000 different chemicals in every cigarette. Including formaldehyde (the stuff dead bodies are preserved in) and acetone (found in fingernail polish remover). They also have carcinogens, the following is a definition from http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/chemicalsinsmoke/a/chemicalshub.htm:

    A carcinogen is defined as any substance that can cause or aggravate cancer. Approximately 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

    3. Cigarettes are definitely addictive. It's the nicotine that keeps smokers coming back for more.

    4. T-A-R 'nuff said.

    5. Nicotine also raises your risk of heart attack and stroke.

    6. Smoking has been linked to heart and gum disease.

    7. The following quote is from http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/chemicalsinsmoke/a/chemicalshub.htm:

    "There are a couple of toxic metals in cigarette smoke that carry an extra punch of danger for anyone breathing it in: they are radioactive."

    As for marijuana, the following is a quote from: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/evidence99/marijuana/Health_1.htmlfrom

    "Smoking marijuana regularly (a joint a day) can damage the cells in the bronchial passages which protect the body against inhaled microorganisms and decrease the ability of the immune cells in the lungs to fight off fungi, bacteria, and tumor cells. For patients with already weakened immune systems, this means an increase in the possibility of dangerous pulmonary infections, including pneumonia, which often proves fatal in AIDS patients."

    I believe people should always be informed before they begin use of a new drug: legal or illegal; although the illegal ones could land you in jail or the graveyard!

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  • PEOPLE, MARIJUANA ISNT ADDICTIVE! thats only if you get the stuff thats been screwed with by the people who made it

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    • ...Which rarely happens.
      Why would a dealer want to do that if they wanted repeat business. It doesn't make sense.

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  • CrabApple

    I don't judge people who smoke weed. But I can't vote to legalize it. How sad do you need to be that you need help from a plant to make you happy? Are you telling me that you need to be in a chemically induced high to actually be happy? In no way am i trying to be rude, but smoking a plant that can harm your lungs and your brain just doesnt seem right. Unless you want the 'chillin out' benefeits should you be on your death bed or in chronic pain, that I can understand.

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    • for most people, its more of a recreational thing. not because you need it, just cause its fun

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    • woodoggy

      Marijuana is not harmful to your brain, at all. There is no research that has proven this, unless you're referring to that flawed study where the monkeys were forced to inhale marijuana smoke. In the end, it caused brain atrophy because their brains were not getting enough oxygen because there were being forced to inhale smoke, something that wouldn't happen to an average marijuana user. Some people use alcohol or cigarettes to relax, so how is it any different when people decide to smoke grass?

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  • armyant1

    I'm against all drugs, soft or hard.

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  • funkyfriedcutie

    smoke it every day

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  • I don't understand what people have against weed. People who say things like it can kill you are uneducated and ignorant about marijuana. Its probablly the most harmless thing you can smoke. Its not as bad for you as cigerattes either. What I dont understand being legal is energy drinks. I used to drink those things all the time and now I got acid reflux. Theres all kinds of horrible chemicals in that stuff and I think its physically worse for you than alcohol and perhaps tobacco as well. Anything you put in your body is better when its natural such as plants like weed. Chemical substances are whats bad for you. This rule will even apply to the food you eat.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Ugh, I cant even have energy drinks anymore because of acid reflux. I had that undiagnosed, had ulcer, and in the process of testing found out my galbladder is failing too. After I got over being so sick I couldnt eat... went days at a time when food would just hurt my stomach to no end.

      Smoking the ganja is the only thing that brought my appetite back, and Ive been much healthier ever since. :D

      And just a small correction, hehe, *almost* anything natural is okay. For example belladonna and oleander are natural, buuuut you dont wanna put those in your body ;P

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  • Stern_rules

    Makes ppl smell like bums

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  • Aleks85

    Shit is overrated and when you kids grow up you'll see. I smoked for several years out of teenage boredom.

    But, I couldn't give a fuck less if people smoke it, do what you want.

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  • Oliwan

    Smoking weed is a lot of fun I really like using glass bongs. It's too bad that we're not good friends anymore.
    I get it, that it's all in my head. Just enjoy the buzz, but when you become weak minded there's no stopping the madness.

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  • Jjinxa

    Marijuana IS addictive. It creates more receptors in your brain. Its very damaging to the levels of chemicals in your brain and any one who thinks it improves your life is kidding them self. However i smoke it every day.

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    • EbonySheep

      Anything can be addictive in the way pot is addictive. It releases dopamine, so you're a bit happy/relaxed. Heck, by that definition exercise is addictive, and THAT dependency certainly hasn't latched on to the majority of Americans.

      I love pot. I get anxious during the school year and it helps. My typical responses to stress have been compulsive exercise and under or over eating, habits I still have problems shaking off. I wish I could afford to smoke instead.

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  • eternalsmoke31

    Marijuana has paid my rent and put groceries in my house but its bad and should not be around...This is my argument about how weed is like the government...but i smoke multiple times every other day...its better than puttin powder in you nose and WAY less expensive..you can support a weed habit with even the lowest paying jobs...which is probably all yu can get if u smoke everyday..

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  • Don't like it, but don't mind it either.
    Honestly, I've never tried it before. I have some friends who practically piss weed, and it doesn't bother me, but I definitely don't feel like I'm missing out on much.

    I'd do it if the opportunity came up, but I'm neutral until then.

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  • randypete

    it makes me very horny

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  • SandsOfTheMind

    Who wants to join the circle?
    I'm not addicted to it. I hit the grass every month though.

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  • TripMonster

    Don't see why alcohol and ciggarets are legal yet weed isn't.

    Doesn't make sense to me. But the government is known for not making sense.

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  • Jonman

    That shat makes me cough like crazy- im against smoking

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  • Smoking weed opens your mind. people who won't even try it need to straight up die.

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  • pandabear1209

    I don't smoke it because I dislike the smell and taste but I see no prob if they made it legal, drinking and cigarettes are way worse for your health. And drunk drivers are way more dangerous than a couch potato pot head lol

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  • truelyme

    And also think about how many people die in car wrecks from being drunk. Or people dieing from liver disease. Smoke the green. Its better than drinking and smoking cigs. Cause when you smoke you can actually control your actions and be able to sober up if needed.

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  • 12kc34

    If you are ever going to experiment with drugs, stick with weed. This is pretty much the least dangerous recreational drug. It actually does not affect you as much as drinking alcohol, but is way more expensive. Do not smoke out of aluminum because I have heard that this can lead to brain defects. Try not to smoke until you are not in danger of getting busted. Smoking without the freedom to enjoy it is worse than not smoking at all.

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  • ryanthony

    I'm totally for it all the way.

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  • sexyxo

    Something losers do.

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  • 343Boy

    The think marijuana smoke CAN give you lung cancer, like any kind of smoke can, but tabaco is a lot more dangerous for your health, plus nicotine is far more addicting than THC, so it's usuaully a lot less harmful than cigarettes, plus the high it gives you is better. You shouldn't think smoking marijuana makes you cool though, but I certainly have little objection to it.

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  • feelingofselfworthlessness

    A few of my friends and family are stoners, and aside IQ loss (which we SUSPECT is cause by weed, it's my brother btw) I've heard no problems about it.

    But it's nothing special

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  • magbones

    I don't have a moral issue against marijuana, but I would never try it. I don't want to get addicted, and it could screw up my getting a job.

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    • marijuanas not addictive in any way, unless the dealer has screwed with it. thats why legalization is such a good idea, there would be laws on how to make the stuff.

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  • Falafel87

    Never tried it as of yet, but I wouldn't say no if I was offered some.

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  • wakawaah

    I smoke it every once in a while so i stay higher than a kite

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  • Duane

    First of all, you're smoking a filterless cigarette, so all of the tars and resins are going straight to your lungs, same as with cigarettes. Ever smoked weed through a pipe? When you clean the pipe, what does it look like? Over tiome, that's what your lungs look like, too. I'm not putting you down for smoking marijuana. I did for many years, but now I don't.

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    • You can eat it or vaporize it, if you don't want to literally "smoke" it.

      Besides, smoking cigarettes and smoking weed is TOTALLY different.

      Smoking weed doesn't give you lung cancer like smoking cigarettes does. The worst part of smoking weed is the inhalation of... smoke = carbon monoxide. And if you are really worried about carbon monoxide getting in your lungs, you shouldn't live in any urban center (ie. a city) because, with the way humans live, we produce tonnes of it with our cars & factories. There's no way you can avoid inhaling it everyday unless you; move to the country, don't use engines that require gasoline, never have a wood fireplace, BBQ, or campfire, or you can wear a gas mask for the rest of your life. Our bodies can get rid of the resin that marijuana produces (the stuff you find in your pipe), but we can't do the same with all of the shit that comes from a burning cigarette, filter or no filter.

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  • penguin1

    I don't know what's wrong with most people. 91% think this is ok and openly admit to using it every day?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!!!!!!!!!! Any drug... ANY ILLEGAL DRUG CAN KILL YOU! That means at any time your smoking this shit, you could drop dead! Literally! MARIJUANA IS ILLEGAL FOR A REASON!!!! It's not just so people can feel the thrill of breaking the law. IT'S TO PROTECT YOUR ASSES! It's like driving without a seatbelt; someone, sooner or later is going to get killed. And thanks but no thanks, that's a road I'm going to steer clear of.

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    • deepthought33

      Good for you. Steer clear if that is what you want to do.
      But comparing weed to wearing a seatbelt is pretty dramatic. Yea, there is smoke going into your lungs and there is a physiological dependence associated with it, but it is still a pretty natural substance and there are actually a lot of health benefits to the plant and it's seeds.
      I'm actually more worried that if marijuana were legalized a bunch of companies would pick it up and fill it full of poisons just like they have tobacco.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        I know this is old as shit but youre an old regular, if youre still around. You mean psychological, right? Because cannabis isnt psysiologically addictive.

        The biggest thing wrong with this persons post is that it can kill you, especially thinking it can kill you at any given time. XD No death has ever been successfully linked to cannabis use. The government doesnt even claim that bollucks anymore.

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    • woodoggy

      I'll believe you if you can prove that marijuana alone was solely responsible for a person's death.

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    • SassyFrassyLassie_old

      Suit yourself, but you are SO misinformed - everything you stated is a fabrication of the truth, whether you believe it or not.

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  • I don't like it, I hate the smell and it's proven it makes you slowly. Plenty of kids at my school do it and they act like complete dumbass when they're high, yet if you say it's stupid they act like baboons and scream and yell and get all pissy. If it gets legalize then I'm moving out of the U.S. You dumbass think you're all cool smoking and you think there's no affects when it's proven it makes your brain slower and any way it's still smoke going into your lungs and turning them black. So stfu about weed, it's lame and stupid, and note that the only people who think it's cool are a bunch of dumbasses, even if they're smart or get good grades in school you're obviously an idiot when it comes to common sense. :D But if people want to do it that's up to them not me, so do it if you want to.

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    • woodoggy

      Of course people act different when they're high. It's a drug. But once it wears off, they're completely the same person again.

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  • It's for naive children.

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    • That must mean it's right up your alley then.

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