What is your view of atheists?

Comment your religion/belief too.

I hate them; BURN IN HELL INFIDELS!! 9
I dislike them because I'm prejudiced. 1
Neutral/ I don't treat anyone differently based on their religious beliefs. 39
Atheists are better and should rule 20
Other (comment) 8
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Comments ( 62 )
  • Yobrepaid

    Believe what you want to believe, and if it makes you feel better and gives you a sense of purpose in life to adhere to religious beliefs, then good for you, but just leave me out of it. No amount of or method of proselytizing is going to win me over to your side.

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    • EnglishLad


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      • EccentricWeird


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  • VetusRebellioIudaicum

    Atheists are individuals who don't profess belief in any deity, so what?

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  • Dustyair

    I think a better question would be: Why are religious people so obsessed with forcing non believers into believing in their myths?

    Also, I don't want to live under the boot heal of a theocracy.

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    • Pumpurrnickel

      I think a better question would be: Why are atheists so obsessed with forcing believers into having no faith?

      Also, I don't want to live under the boot heel of hypocrisy.

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      • Dustyair

        Last week I had a man approach me with a stack of religious material as has happened to me many times throughout my life. But I've never had an atheist do the same to promote non belief.

        Religious people are insecure in their beliefs, it's one reason they want others around them to believe the same.

        Conservative "christians" are the ones who promote hypocrisy, they do not live by the teachings of Christ at all, but rather make it up as they go to suit their greed.

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        • Pumpurrnickel

          Well I'm sorry you had to go through that so many times. But that one Christian doesn't represent the billions of others. I, for example, have never forced anyone to believe anything. I have never had that happen to me either, and no one knows me as a Christian. The rest of your comment are your opinions. The point of my comment was to show how hypocritical yours was, and how easily it can be the other way around.

          You complain about some Christians forcing their beliefs on others, yet you do the same thing, calling beliefs myths. You seem no better to me than those few who force their beliefs on others. Why can't you just admit you don't know what's out there? I will proudly say that I have no idea. I just have beliefs.

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          • Dustyair

            I studied the bible in catholic school, I have a very good understanding of how hypocritical conservative christian are. Our country in fact is being run by them now.

            There is no hypocrisy in my asking for evidence of your god and why we should obey your doctrine. Nor claiming your god is a myth created by men, which it is.

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            • Pumpurrnickel

              I never said there was hypocrisy in asking for evidence. Clearly you don't listen to reason so there's no point in arguing further. Your last sentence proves the hypocrite you are.

              "Christians are shoving religion down my throat!"

              "God is a myth, FACT!"

              No point complaining when you're the atheist version of them.

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            • Hateful1

              Catholics are not Christians.

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      • wigz

        If it didn't involve actual laws, it would be ok. But here in my state we have people like Kim Davis who refuses marriage licenses based on her beliefs.

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  • CreamPuffs

    What's my view on atheists? I want one as a boyfriend. That should make it pretty clear.

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  • RandomNumbers

    I'm mórmon, and i feel bad for them because they dont want to join the joy of out Lord.

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  • EnglishLad

    Is it OK to believe in God/Allah/Guru/Buddha/the hundred other gods that hindus believe in? Yes!

    Is it OK to not believe in any gods at all? Yes!

    Is it OK to kill people en masse because they believe something different to what you believe? HELL NO!

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  • EnglishLad

    I'm an atheist. To me, whether I like a person or not isn't based on whether or not they're religious. It's based on whether or not they're a cunt.

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  • LuxM4G

    Trust me guys, there is no God. Religious people are delusional bigots. Evolutionism will be proven as scientific research continues to evolve and grow exponentially in diverse related areas. Can't anyone see the big picture in the point of the existence of multi cultural religious society? Even alien entities must have religious sects among the unfathomable expansive universe that exists, there are 100 thousand million stars in the milky way galaxy alone, imagine the number for the rest of the known and unknown universe.

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    • MissileExpert

      You don't have to imagine. Thats 10^11 stars per galaxy X 10^11 galaxies in the observable universe = 10^22 total stars in the observable universe.

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    • Hateful1

      I can't trust anyone who calls me a bigot without knowing me.

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  • suckonthis9

    What is a person who doesn't believe in something that doesn't exist?

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    • bogbrush

      Love this reply. Couldn't have said it better my self. People think atheists have no morals or beliefs but this is untrue. I heard a television presenter talking about a charity appeal - he said even atheists gave money - what the fuck!

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    • Miraak


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      • Kevinevan

        Ignorant actually. You cannot prove something doesn't exist.

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        • Miraak

          I don't have a right hand. As such my right hand doesn't exist.
          As such your theory is incorrect.

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          • Kevinevan

            I have your right hand.

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            • Miraak

              Yeah it wasn't cut off, I've never had a right hand. I was born without one so you can't have it.
              Additionally, I can also prove that Adam wasn't the first living creature to exist as the earliest known human lived millions of years after the Earth was created (and after dinosaurs walked the Earth).
              Another thing I can prove doesn't exist is Hitler because although he did exist he doesn't current exist.
              Finally I can prove that your theory doesn't exist and bid you good night.

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        • McBean

          You can prove that it is faking its own non-existence, if it even exists to begin with

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  • ERSP

    Me being an agnostic and finding all religions dumb, I can't stand being around atheists because of have ignorant they are. Honestly I prefer hanging around my religious friends more even though I don't share interest in their fairy tale books. lol

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    • MissileExpert

      I am also Agnostic. It bothers me that Aetheists think lack of proof constitutes legitimate disproof. For example, the minimum time complexity of certain algorithms in computer science can be neither proved nor disproved. The inability to know something is logically valid.

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      • Hateful1

        Thank you. I was going to write something similar but now I don't have to.

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    • Spoiledmilk

      You sound slightly more atheist calling peoples religions fairytales, agnostics don't fully believe or disbelieve in a God so how can they say religions are all false?

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  • GreenPelican

    I think they're a little overconfident. I mean how do you know for sure there's no God? Agnostics make more sense to me because they don't claim to know shit

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    • Neither do atheists. We simply don't believe in god(s), we don't claim to know for sure that they don't exist. Agnostics, on the other side, are 50/50.

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      • Owl_Girl

        Actually, agnosticism is technically just the belief that the answer cannot be found in any definitive way. You can still choose to believe from faith or a probabilistic theological stance and be an agnostic theist or don't believe for any reason and be an agnostic atheist. You don't need to hold a 50% or indefinite odds position.

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        • MissileExpert

          Excellent response. I am Agnostic but also spiritually aware. Corollaries to statistical dispersion, which is a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, disproves many assumptions in the bible in an abstract way. Nevertheless, it seems that the processes of the universe have resultant phenomena that humans interpret as spiritual. People having the highest sense of fulfillment and completeness with life, seem to love and work in a way that follows the ethics and flow of cosmological creation.

          Thank you for being the first person at IIN, to understand my point of view.

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    • pendletonGibbs

      How do you know for sure we aren't giant caterpillars living in a glob of blue tree sap? Let's make a religion out of an infinite number of random thoughts that can't be disproven.

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  • Teacher_17

    Alive or dead they will know the truth one day.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    I don't care what you believe and don't believe. I care when you're arrogant enough to think your beliefs (or lack of beliefs) are fact.

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    • VladIsMine

      You tell him honey.

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      • rayb12

        I thought you were better than this.

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    • Kevinevan

      We have a winner!!

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    • Spoiledmilk

      That's the point of a belief. You think it's fact. Why do you care as long as they don't disrespect you in the name of their beliefs?

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  • creepercast888

    It's really your decision to burn in hell or not. I am in no position to shove my beliefs down your throats.
    I can only urge you to believe in God, you reserve the right to walk away.

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  • DefinetlyNotJim

    If there is a god he doesn't care about us.

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  • Hateful1

    We are all looking for the answers, our colossal cosmic cause. This search should be personal and pursued by all at one time or another. discussion of various views is important for this. But to tell someone they are stupid or ignorant because of their personal beliefs is wrong. If you don't like it keep it to yourself, and move on.

    Atheists are entitled to their opinion. I just don't care about that opinion. I'm Wiccan by the way, since you did ask.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Religions are all the same. Founded on fables and mythology with no basis in reality. All religion is based on fear. Fear of coming to an end. Fear of our loved ones coming to an end. People want to believe in an idyllic afterlife where we retain our personalities and live in peace for eternity with our loved ones. Now I'd like that. But that shit's not the truth. But if it gives people comfort to believe that, I have no problem with that. But I do despise fundamentalists in any form.

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  • franki786

    I myself am an atheist, and look at religion as a cancer. Yes, it is okay for you to have and take pride in it, but when you use it as an excuse for misogyny, racism, homophobia and bigotry, that's when it bothers me. Religious extremists such as the KKK and many members of the "Republican" party do these exact things, and it disgusts me. Here's a quote to describe exactly how I feel about religion:

    "My Dear, Religion is like a penis. It's a perfectly fine thing for one to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in my face we have a problem."

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  • Spoiledmilk

    I'm a catholic and I've always gone to catholic schools. I don't treat anybody different, no matter their beliefs. I do try to encourage conversion but I'm not pushy and overbearing about it, only bringing it up at reasonable times. With all religions, and atheism, I think it's okay to put forth your best effort to convert others as long as it's in a respectful way. I share my opinion with all this extra information because I see a lot of people getting upset at folks trying to convert them and others. That most likely just means they don't want you to burn in hell, and you should be more understanding of their feelings and not assume it's about world domination or simply annoying you for kicks and giggles. Although I don't know why atheist would want to convert anybody, they don't believe in an afterlife so it wouldn't matter what another persons beliefs are.. I guess they just think everybody needs to think likeminded. And while some people from actual religions may be inspired by that same idea don't assume that's why we all try to convert people. I like the idea of everybody being unique and have a deep understanding that people just won't all believe the same things. The only reason I would try to convert somebody is because I truly believe it's for their sake. Again, I add extra information to add more context and also because I know there will be people who see this who have misunderstandings and ill feelings toward somebody trying to convert them.

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  • Owl_Girl

    I'm Catholic and I'm neutral.

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  • WiNkWOnK

    You believe in atheists, pft, everyone knows they're a myth.

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    • Annaegg

      um, I'm an atheist.. think they are real

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      • WiNkWOnK

        called a joke, you should try it sometime

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        • Annaegg

          Oh, sorry, my bad, that was dumb of me.

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  • JimmyBlack

    I prefer people who don't brag, preach or announce they are holy or not. The ones I have to either ask or something comes up and it's brought up in passing. Nothing more annoying than those who wear religion on their sleeve or those who constantly bash God or religion. Nothing worse than the idiots who put bumper stickers on their cars.

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    • Spoiledmilk

      Don't get upset with people for being proud of their own beliefs, as long as they don't disrespect you for yours. Personally I'm proud of my own beliefs and it's offputting to see somebody getting upset if I simply want to show my pride in it. It's like getting mad at somebody for putting a political sign in their yard or saying they are a fan of a certain song or show. It's a sharing of opinions, don't be offended for no good reason. I can only say that sometimes it isn't the time or place to brag about your opinions, but other than that it's not a big deal.

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  • Tigernormal

    I believe in the tooth fairy.

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  • CozmoWank

    I don't believe in them.

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