What is your worst fault? (be honest)

Greediness 4
Selfishness 24
Noseyness 10
Dishonesty 7
Gossiping 9
Laziness 68
Bullying 1
Jealousy 22
Insecurity 76
Lack of consideration for others 15
Manipulation 10
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Comments ( 51 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I tend to vastly underestimate myself at times and due to my insecurity, I tend to think poorly of people who are at... lower levels of life than I am (such as my friends that have made... mistakes), often times I feel that who I am, intellectually is in constant conflict with my insecurity. I constantly compare myself to others my age and that is exactly what I, intellectually, advise against my friends doing...

    I've lived a good number of years by the mentality "one sword drawn keeps another sword sheathed", meaning that I am very defensive around people that I perceive as a threat to me, or the mentalities that they have. I always expect someone to give me bullshit, thanks to the environment I grew up in, and I often take unnecessary measures to avoid having to defend myself against criticism or judgement, to the point where I completely close myself off to the prospect of friendship in regards to groups of people.

    I also distrust women. I believe I have stated in another post... when women act in an accommodating manner ("You don't look fat, you look great!") I consider it to be dishonesty, regardless of their intentions, and I apply that to the entirety of the female gender if they do not exhibit masculine qualities upon first meeting. This is another result of my personal insecurity.

    I'm not going to lie and this is going to sound cocky. Most of my friends are my friends because they sought out my friendship, not the other way around. Generally, when I socialize, it is because the other party exhibited interest in me. I've come to realize that people are not repulsed by me, it is I who am repulsed by them, all because of my insecurity.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I have to pick only one? I can't, I'm an arsehole. I'll vote selfishness as it encompasses some of the other faults but I can be a manipulative bully too as a result of my own insecurities. Great poll btw.

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    • Not hard to pick that you're an Aquarian lol.

      I'd actually say something like that to describe myself also.

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      • *~ThePurplePixie~*

        Oh, I thought it was cyber-bullying.

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        • Sooooo what you're saying is an Aquarian couldn't be a cyber bully? :S

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  • LPrttyktty2791

    I take issue with this list. Some choices are actions (like bullying and gossiping) some are character traits (like laziness and selfishness) and some are feelings which result from character traits (like insecurity or jealousy). To be honest, imho, insecurity and cockiness both result from selfishness, or at least self-preoccupation. Whether you are cocky or insecure (or both, you really can be both), you are thinking of yourself too goddamn much. Also, if everyone is so insecure, where are all the bullies? Bullies are the cause of a lot of insecurity, and a lot of insecure people are bullies, so something isn't adding up. Although these lists are nice and allow for non-judgmental introspection, I always roll my eyes at how few people will own up to having truly ugly faults, like being bullies or being dishonest, but everyone thinks their absolute worst trait is something forgivable like insecurity. Don't get me wrong, insecurity is real and not a good thing, but it is not altogether unhealthy to realize you are not "all that". It is only unhealthy when it causes you to be mean and antisocial, withdrawn, a bully, or a lying poseur who struts and manipulates. Maybe dishonesty is our number one fault? Just a thought

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    • I really enjoyed your perspective on this. You should really post most often. Like real-life, many answers on this site are made self-consciously and thus aren't wholly true. But yours seemed to be.

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      • LPrttyktty2791

        Thank you, and thank you for taking my post at face-value rather than as mean-spirited. I tend to be very to-the-point and whenever I re-read my posts, I usually cringe lol. Great idea for a poll, I just always find it fascinating how even when something is truly anonymous, people still gravitate to "safe" answers. Although the brutally honest people totally make this site worthwhile :)

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        • I don't mind anyone getting straight to the point if they actually have a point. I'm always going to listen to it rather than say "This person is getting at me. I'm damn angry about that. My point must be valid because I'm me so their point must be wrong".

          I'll be honest, I bashed this poll out without a whole lot of consideration because there didn't seem to be much interesting appearing on IIN and I wanted to keep things ticking over. And your reply really did interest me. You took the time to think about it.

          I was serious about posting more often. If you already do post more often under an assumed name, fine. But if you don't, we'd welcome your input on things. :)

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  • anti-hero

    I will let you know if I ever have a fault.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I have a hard time admitting my faults if I think it will be used against me. People misunderstand and underestimate me all the time. Sometimes it gives me strength, sometimes it makes me insecure and I fall into pity mode. Other people's perception of me, whether good or bad, affects me more than I want it to.

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  • ValleyofVung

    Definitely jealousy. Or maybe it's insecurity that makes me jealous? I guess if we really get down to it, it's my laziness that gets me no where which makes me insecure followed by jealousy. (:

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  • Wendell

    You need to add cockiness or overconfidence to the list. That's what I would check

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  • House

    Overcritical. only because i do it to myself, but twice as worst.

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  • TerryVie

    hum. I choose selfishness.

    I tend to be a "good" person and considerate of others when it's reasonable. But ultimately i've been "used"(not in the good way) or "tricked" quite often, and i have seen that standing back in favor of other people will have you standing there eternally.

    So ultimately, the world taught me to think egocentric. I come first, and foremost. Everything else, secondary. If i feel like it, i may deem something else more important for a time(e.g. a friends birthday, it's THEIR day), but in the end, i'm pretty selfish.
    Take what you can, give nothing back. *shrug* Works for me, but i guess technically it's my most dominant flaw.

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  • zackattack

    A form of insecurity and jealousy. I look way to much at those who are more successful at me, and beat myself up for not being as good as them.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Definatly laziness. That's why I'm always on he computer.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Cockiness would be my choice as well. I tend to approach most situations like it is no big deal, no matter what it is. I am extremely confident in my abilities to handle ANY situation, and I can see this being my downfall someday!

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  • I am mega nosey! I like to snoop. I like to know people's stories. I like to know why people are the way they are. I don't think I can stop because I've been this way since I was a child. I can hide it though, if I'm concerned it will make people feel uncomfortable. I'm lucky because it just so happens that most people LOVE to talk about themselves, you just have the ask the right questions.

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  • I'm to cool.

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    • dirtybirdy


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  • dirtybirdy

    My seismic fault :(

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  • HammersKiN

    Like 3/4 of those lmao.

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  • Yumazing

    Greediness. I used to shoplift items my friends had at the store or steal it from them. I learned how to control myself though.

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  • drumandpickchick

    Laziness which can also transform itself into selfishness. Sometimes I'm lazy and get behind in big and little life opportunities and then whine about missing out on 'it'. Then I sit and sulk in self pity and only think of myself....I'm working on it. it feels good to break myself free of that nasty cycle.

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  • Brawnyboy

    My propensity towards violence. I resort to violence or acts of brute force in most situations riding roughshod over anybody that gets in my way. It's not something I'm proud but I'm actively working to pursue other means of acheiving my goals.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    I have a few.


    I'm so selfish, I can't even hang on to a relationship. lol I'd love to change this, but don't know how.

    Insecurity is a huge issue with me even though i'm assured I shouldn't be.

    Probably has something to do with the way my older brother treated me as a kid.
    That stuff can really ruin your self esteem.

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  • keeping_up_with_da_kids

    Lack of consideration for others, and a little manipulation.

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  • heidimo


    It was a close tie between selfishness and insecurity for me though. I think that perhaps my selfishness may be a result of my insecurity... though I guess it's debatable. I try not to be neither selfish nor insecure but I suppose everyone has their flaws. I've been without emotionally, financially, and physically for a large majority of my life... I guess that's what makes me selfish today?

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  • AssBurgers

    Insecurity, easily.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Those who have gotten closest to me tell me I'm selfish, but I don't see it. I just think no one cares about me as much as I do. I have very selective attention when it comes to pointless crap. Without even thinking about it, my mind blocks out what people say if there is no point to it... kind of like when a sober person cannot comprehend the insignificant ramblings of a stumbling drunk.Too often I am more interested in my thoughts than what's going on around me, unless what is going on around me somehow pertains to my thoughts.I don't think that's a bad thing though... it's just me.

    Personally, I think my worst trait is my gullibility. People I know can make me believe anything simply because I think anything is possible.This means I can be easily manipulated by people I trust, which leads to - guess what - insecurity.

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  • disthing

    Laziness, but it seems to be more a consequence of my insecurity and anxiety rather than my actually preferring to do very little. So laziness and insecurity.

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  • Saycheese

    Definetly insecurity and laziness.

    To tell you the truth I'm rather insecure about being in a relationship. I'm rather picky with guys and I do feel bad but there is no way I'm going to date a guy that I can't see me being with. So then I guess you can call me selfish but at the same time I just don't want to hurt the guy anymore if I really don't like them that much, just as a friend. Plus when I do start liking a guy I get rather nervous around him, it takes me a while to feel comfortable around him even if I was the one who approached him. I've just been around too many assholes.

    I'm a rather cautious person too. So when a guy I don't know comes up to me to talk to me I do freak out. I don't show it but my stomach flips. I'm a rather impulsive person and can over react to certain situations but I do my best to not show it.

    I'm really more confident that I make it sound because I don't have that bad of a self-esteem, I do care about myself quite a bit. I believe in fairness, if a person isn't being fair I let them know unless we are really good friends or if they are family most of the time. I can be rather stubborn and impatient too.

    I'm also rather unorganized. I've most certainly gotten better over the years but my room is rather messy. It doesn't help having a very small room though and a lot of junk. ha. I'm also rather forgetful so I do forget to throw scraps away at times. Not only that but I have fatigue and can lose energy rather quickly. So I do have to have my daily naps unless I'm out and about. I can get rather angry if I don't get my sleep.

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  • Manipulation.
    Lack of concideration for others.
    I wouldn't say "insecure" but I sometimes get irritated that I can't motivate myself to be more.

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  • dom180

    Insecurity is something I have a lot of, but I don't think I view it as a fault. Sometimes I'm not entirely honest, but I don't think that is always a fault either so long as I don't lie about important things. I'm very shy and introverted, both around friends and strangers, but I don' think that's a fault either, it's just the way I am :)

    I'm very confident of my own abilities. A lot of people have a tendency to think they're not good enough, and I do experience that a lot too, but I often go too far the other way and think I'm better at things than perhaps I really am. When I realise I'm not as good as I thought I was, it feels pretty terrible. That's definitely a fault.

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  • Andyen

    to be honest.. Manipulation ... its crazy but if i were to pick anything it would be that. If i'm scared to do something or would find it easyer if someone lese did it for me. i'd manipulat then to do it. I dont think i mean to do it but in most cases it ends up happening.

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  • Damn, I'm lazy.. but then, I'm also incosiderate to others. Nah, I'm definitely lazier than anything else.

    i don't think it's bad, though.

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  • belbel000

    I hate being so lazy :/

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  • You need to add gluttony to that list. I eat everything to a point of finantinal problems towards others due to my appitite. Im not fat either. From the list I would say selfishness.

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    • Your user name is *bugsforbreakfast* and you feel that *gluttony* is your worst fault?

      Eww. lol Those must be expensive bugs!

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  • jocyjocy20

    mine is jealousy.. i always feel like someone is purposely making me jealous to make me insecure bc they're insecure. insecure as well then lol

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  • Lynxikat

    Like... the majority of those. Most of them. The only ones I don't have any issue with is dishonesty, bullying and manipulation (I don't have the charisma to manipulate anybody).

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    Jealousy, insecurity, and nosiness.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Insecurity. About myself, my appearance, how people are perceiving me, whether or not I'm being offensive...

    It's funny isn't it? It's the most natural thing ever to just be calm, go with the flow, be yourself... but it's the thing most people struggle with.

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  • BlueAlice

    ... being immature/childish; narcissistic and having no confidence are my top three pet peeves about myself.

    As for number one? It's too late for my brain to be arsed to work it out, but I suspect there might be a tenuous link between all three.

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  • Anime7

    Definitely insecurity, although most of what you listed could be put under that category.

    However, aside from that one I'll have to go with lack of consideration for others. I'm very distant towards people due to me being an observer. Like a majority of people I like to observe humans and see how they act in social situations. This in turn makes me lack sympathy for others. Empathy is a very easy emotion for me to feel towards another because I've observed enough situations to know how it effects a person and how to deal with it. Sympathy is a different story entirely because, as I mentioned, I'm distant towards people, thus I don't really offer sympathy to others.

    On top of all that, I speak freely and don't filter what I say. I don't believe that what I say is offensive, but I've had people tell me that I don't take how others might feel about my comment into consideration. Personally, I believe that the people who have told me this were overly-sensitive, and my friends would agree.

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  • bananaface

    I could probably lump most things I hate about myself under insecurity. I like who I am, but I dislike not knowing what others think of me, which I guess could be labeled as being nosy, maybe. It's a specific type of curiosity though, because I usually don't care what people think of me.

    I feel it's only when I reveal something about myself or let people know more about who I am, I feel vulnerable, and I hate it. Strangely, I'm starting to think that the more I know someone, the harder it is for me to be open about certain parts of myself (but that only applies to a few things). An example is that I have way more conversations with users here than I used to, but there are certain secrets about myself I used to reveal, but wouldn't now.

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      We all like you!

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    • Maybe getting to know people here better means that you care more what they think of you, and you don't want to risk that.

      I added insecurity to the list of options for you.

      P.S. People like you.

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      • bananaface

        Thanks, it's nice of you to say that:). And that explanation sounds completely accurate.

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        • Weirdly, I've gone completely the opposite way. I'm more open than ever. I'm not sure I'd recommend it to everyone, though. You do need a thick skin at times with this route.

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