What kind of pet should i get?
dog | 131 | |
cat | 120 | |
bird | 9 | |
hamster | 15 | |
fish | 14 | |
horse | 28 | |
snake | 18 | |
lizzard | 14 | |
rabbit | 13 | |
rat | 14 |
Ask Your Question today
dog | 131 | |
cat | 120 | |
bird | 9 | |
hamster | 15 | |
fish | 14 | |
horse | 28 | |
snake | 18 | |
lizzard | 14 | |
rabbit | 13 | |
rat | 14 |
You should always get the pet that you are best for, rather than the pet that is best for you.
Since you appear to be new at this, I would suggest a fish. Start off small, don't go out and get a dog unless you're stable. Dog's depend on their owners.
Cats and Dogs are too much work. Birds are perfect cause they don't require as much work and they are freaking cool.
Reptiles are pretty cool too but I heard they carry a lot of bacteria (don't know this for a fact but that's just what I've heard. Feel free to correct or confirm this)
First of all think about hygiene. Can you cope with picking up your pet's droppings/shit? Could you cope with the pet's feeding and grooming needs? If all you want is a cuddle I suggest buying a teddy bear.
I caught a wild fence swift lizard before & it bit me so those aren't a good pet okay to look at in all, but you can't pet them cause they bite. Get a rabbit.
depends on your personality.. i say you get a cat! specifically a ragdoll. they have such personality and will follow you everywhere and loves to cuddle! and they neverr get sick
i LOVE dogs!! i grew up with boxer & lap dogs. Unless u dnt want whole lot of responsibly get a cat or a fish...lol. cat can be little annoy cause they meow too much..! Dogs & Cats are really fun to be around do things with :) It depends wat kind of a pet u are comfortable with & think u can handle the responsibly of it.
A dog demands more work, but they are the most noble. A dog would give it's life for its family. I have a Mastiff...he's the most gentle, adoring creature.
Get a cat. They're independant and a lot less work than a dog. But most of them will still let you cuddle them.