What language do you like the most? why?
English | 149 | |
French | 64 | |
Portuguese | 5 | |
Chinese | 20 | |
Filipino | 8 | |
Japanese | 90 | |
Spanish | 38 | |
Italian | 27 |
Ask Your Question today
English | 149 | |
French | 64 | |
Portuguese | 5 | |
Chinese | 20 | |
Filipino | 8 | |
Japanese | 90 | |
Spanish | 38 | |
Italian | 27 |
Arrr... I likes me a pirate language, ye shall likes it as well or walk the plank.
I'm Norwegian, but I can't help but love my neighbouring country's language.
Maybe it's because I understand it.
Normal: "Have a nice day"
Ebonics: "Word out biiii-atch"
Normal: "Excuse me kind sir, would you happen to have some spare change? I seem to have forgotten my wallet in my other coat"
Ebonics: "Yodawg, lemme hold sum ends fore i bust a cap in yo ayass"
Ebonics is such a beautiful language.
Japanese because it sounds and looks so complicated. I could never speak/read/write it. Props to the Japanese people!
2nd place is English. For obvious reasons.
I like English the most, not because it's my native tongue, but because it's the 2nd language of so many people around the world. It means I can communicate with almost anyone almost anywhere! What other language has that same universality?
I love talking to people in far away countries, and that would be much more difficult if it weren't for the English language :)
I love Russian but it's not on the list. From the list I'd pick French just because I have a talent for it and I love how it flows. I want to learn Spanish but for some reason I have trouble grasping it, which is odd because I have a knack for languages. Spanish just escapes me!!
You need more choices... like...
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
Although if I had to pick a language I'd want to know...
I'd have to go with the following:
Japanese - because I lived in Japan for a year
Hebrew - because that'd be cool
Arabic - that could be useful
Chinese - So I know what bad things they're saying in Firefly
Sindarin - cos hey why not?
I like French (and the French people). They've been my next-door neighbours for, like, forever.
Spanish and Italian languages are funny. When they speak a dozen of sentences in a TV show, you can still translate all that into one word of Finnish. :D
Chinese is the hardest language I speak...and I always love a challenge!
Tbh I actually can speak the Japanese language formally and informally, I've taken courses and it always seemed very interesting to me along with learning about the culture of Japan. I watch alot of anime too, but I didn't learn the language from watching them because I learned it's not the right way to do it :D
I love to watch Anime & Japanese films & Japanese TV dramas in original Japanese language with English subtitles!
Not those terrible English-dubbed cuz the voices never match the person!
actually Japanese has the same 5 exact vowels as Spanish so was easy to learn after 3 yrs of spanish. Chinese was super difficult with all those different Tones (5 for Mandarin- 10 tones for Cantonese) for each word! Say the wrong tone , totally different meaning.
French. Although very picky with pronunciations, it's a lovely language to listen to
I picked French out of the options, but Russian would have to be my all-time favourite!
English is my first language but I've been laerning European spanish for 5 years and it's a much nicer language and I feel more confident when speaking in Spanish than I do in English. Plus I'm dyslexic so Spanish, being a much more logical and phonetic language, is easier for me to learn.
John Cleese was quite correct when he said that listening to Americans trying to speak English was akin to having your ears grated with a cheese grater.
I like English, Spanish, Zulu and Greek. Dutch, Flemish and German ...because l understand them.
Japanese! I love Japanese culture and just find the pronounciation and the way the language is spoken beautiful! Also, some Japanese words and phrases are really fun to say! It's an enjoyable language to learn and I can easily memorize it! o(^-^)o
English; {Canadian}; along with Dutch are my languages of choice, not the horrible rotten mangled American version of the English language.
I've always liked Latin because it sounds beautiful. Too bad no one speaks it. :/
I couldn't decide between French and japanese, but I Eventually decided French :D I just can't help it, it's damn Sexy for a dude to speak it but I would rather speak Japanese myself
french because one i am french and two because it just seems interesting .
but i voted for English<3 because WE ALL KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOUR SAYING .