What major opinions have you changed?

What opinions have you changed your mind on as you've gotten older?

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Comments ( 40 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    At this point in my life I've come to believe that some people are just beyond redemption. It's a huge waste of time and effort trying to help toxic friends and family who won't help themselves. If all they're going to do is take take and take, what's the point?

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    • Definitely

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  • adobeslats

    The idea that men and women are literally equal. I don’t think many people genuinely believe this, but I’ve seen some try to push the whole “women can do the same things as men” to extremes, such as sport performance and sex drive, when there are of course biological differences affecting those.

    Also I think there are far less “real” trans people now. I still belief there are real ones, but Fetishes exist, trenders exist, confused / delusional people exist. And I’m on the fence of the idea that if you’re a man attracted to a trans woman you’re straight (and same for every other gender / orientation combo). I thought that’s what the word pansexual was made for.

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    • HoooBoy

      Fetishes, trends and confused people all are people that are working through their sexuality, which is completely valid. I agree that there can be differences in sex, but many of the things we consider "manly" or "feminine" are only that way because of historical precedent. Do women want to work on oil rigs? Some do, but when your peers all make fun of you for being a lady (no matter if you're better at your job than they are) you're less likely to tolerate that job. Did you know that computer programming used to be almost explicitly a women's job? If a man is attracted to a transgender woman they are straight because trans women are women.Unless that man likes men too, then they're bi/pansexual- those terms can be safely used interchangeably.
      Source: am bisexual with transgender friends

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  • GaelicPotato

    Stacy is more attractive than Stacy's mom.

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    • I went back and watched the music video. I would have to ID that one before I commented if she was hotter 😂

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      • GaelicPotato

        Don't worry about it haha

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    • Tinybird

      I love that song

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  • darefu

    I would bet by this point in the USA there are a lot that are beginning to think, maybe Trump wasn't so bad or at least that Biden and Harris weren't the best choice.

    Review of history will show the Dems basically forced Biden on the people. They were so afraid of Sanders, that they paid or bribed others to drop out and hid Biden in the basement to conceal how bad he really was.

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    • HoooBoy

      I can tell you for sure that almost no one on the left likes Biden either. My dad, who's a big trump supporter, tried to rub it in my face that "I got what I chose". No, I chose the (slight) lesser of two evils. I'd love to see president Bernie. Both trump and Biden can suck a fat one.

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      • darefu

        Hate to burst your bubble but, Biden has lined his administration with the far left people (the same people that Harris and Sanders would have put in place), that was part of the deal of him becoming the democratic nominee.

        They knew Sanders, Harris, and the rest couldn't win the moderates, and thus would lose in the general election. They had to have someone who they could sell as a moderate and the moderates would support, otherwise, a lot of them were going to stay home and not vote. The fence sitters would have gone to Trump before they would support an open socialist. Bernie would have destroyed the stock market and capitalism in general, corrupt Nancy couldn't have that. That is her and her husband's bread and butter. Not just her but a lot of politicians including big name republicans and never Trumpers that turned to support Biden.

        Harris is a terrible choice but, she was a black token to get the blacks to come back to the Dems. Trump pulled an unusual percentage of black for a republican. That's also why Harris and the Dems jumped in so big in support of the George Floyd riots.

        It was all just a political show and corruption at its best, and a lot of people bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Follow the money it's all about money not the people.

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  • Holzman_67

    I’ve generally become more positive, I used to be a very negative, self destructive person. I’m all about self development now.

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  • YE

    Madonna is a witch.

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  • malaparte

    Was raised a southern baptist, became an atheist.

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    • HoooBoy

      Born a Catholic, tried for SO MANY years to believe, then gave up after some of his "mysterious ways" gave my baby sister cancer and left me homeless. A Good diety would never let such horrific things happen to people en masse like this. Concentration camps, bot flies, bone cancer, Alzheimer's. These are not the work of a (benevolent) deity, this is random chaos at work and nothing more.

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  • Yaidin

    I used to be extremely racist but now I'm only subcontiously racist

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I remember I used to hate boxing and MMA, thinking that they were only for violent moronic thugs. I used to think karate and kung fu were more refined and elegant. I thought boxing/MMA were just mindlessly clobbering your opponent, but karate/kung fu were more intelligent and tactical. Then I began looking into martial arts and discovered that I couldn't have been more wrong. Boxing/MMA are actually two of the most effective martial arts in the world, where as kung fu is extremely ineffective. Karate is decent depending on the style, but even with that I thought it was more like kung fu than it really is. I never considered boxing could be very intelligent and tactical, but it is. And I thought the more elaborate a martial art looked, the more effective it must be, which is more often than not completely wrong.

    I had all these notions entirely because of Hollywood. In the movies, it's the bad guys, the muscle-bound blockheads, that just try to punch the hero into submission. But then the clever hero utilises some elaborate kung fu move to counter them, and soon takes out all six enemies surrounding him. But that's all just a Hollywood myth. I also thought it didn't matter how big or strong you were once you knew all these fancy moves, that only unskilled brutes relied on their strength in a fight, and so an expert female kung fu master would easily be able to take out an unskilled male combatant. But that's not true either unfortunately.

    So learning all this completely shattered my view on fighting. It was disappointing learning that all those legends of mystical kung fu masters in the Tibetan mountains that could kill a man with a single move were all false though, it was like learning that Santa Claus isn't real. But I soon got over it.

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    • Boxing is particularly great for someone whos not too committed to training hard in a certain martial art. If you arent a good athlete or dont have time to practice alot anyone can get a punching bag and practice on it every other day. If you are overweight or something the amount of time just spent stretching to throw your first highkick you could have just been putting that time in practicing your punches. For the same amount of training you get the most self defense skills out of boxing in my opinion. Even a 300 pound guy can throw a punch. Not everyone can do roundhouse kicks.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Good point.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I grew up in a Pentecostal area and genuinely believed in it until my early teenage years. I was actually super involved with the church and a lot of the adults saw me as potentially becoming a preacher.

    At somepoint in my early teen years, I had a sudden change of heart. It's hard to pin point exactly what caused the change but I started to question aspects of the religion. I then switch to a more...distasteful approach to religion. At that point I was a devote athiest. One of the ones that went around on social media and proudly claimed that I was right and you were wrong. (Part of this was me being bullied for *not* being Christian. I let it go to my head.)

    After I graduated highschool, I finally settled with a more neutral viewpoint towards religion. I just don't want it forced onto me any longer.

    Religions such as Wicca, Hinduism, and Judaism have attracted a lot of my interests. (In some ways Bushism fits here, but it is not a religion in the traditionalsense.)

    Seriously though, fuck Pentecostalism. If you look into that sect of Christianity.

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    • I also grew up quite religious and became an atheist. Now in my early 30s I feel myself going back to being more religious little by little.

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    • HoooBoy

      I'm an atheist but I too have softened my view on some religion. It all depends on how people act- good religious people are kind, patient, accepting, and altruistic. Like any atheist or satanist should be as well. Bad religious people judge others, wish ill will upon people that are not part of their sect, hoard money, and act holier-than-thou.

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  • Clunk42

    The most recent large change of belief that I realized is that the theory of evolution in general makes little sense. You may just dismiss this as stupidity, but this website actually makes a considerable amount of sense:


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    • Evolution is a religion. Ive talked to people that went to school for it and they can not use common sense or answer simple questions about it or explain it in depth. They will basically cite a script. They dont even really understand it.

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      • Clunk42

        And people with religions attempt to make evolution work with their religion, such as the Christian "theistic evolution" or the more general "intelligent design". In reality, they both contradict the Bible, in that death did not exist in Paradise, so nothing could have evolved.

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        • I need to read that article because I am inbetween being a "theist evolutionist" (I believe theres no way evolving happened by chance it had to be intelligence) and a christian. One thing that has been making me turn more towards Christianity as of late is the archeology side of things. How the bible has been right on many historical events. We know theres been a huge flood. We know sodom and gamora has sulfur balls and burnt pottery all over (if you havent looked into that its interesting)It was accurate on Mesopotamia, and egypt. How'd they have such accurate records from distant civilizations thousands of years prior?

          It leads me to two conclusions. Either the bible is a good history book that incorporated fantasy with reality or the other option that the bible is true. Its something you cant prove but as silly as it sounds to atheists I feel I can see satan in the world everywhere as I get older. Especially with how things are now. And thats starting to turn me more towards Christianity.

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  • kelili

    I like how you articulate this issue.

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  • yaboi_icy125

    Smoke some pot

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  • HoooBoy

    If I gave you a lineup of my transgender and non-transgender friends, you'd fail at guessing which is which. How would it be disasterous? The only disaster I see is people forcing open someone's bathroom door to check their genitals when the actual purpose of a bathroom is to pee or poop. Do you segregate your bathroom at home? Why not? More and more men are wearing skirts and dresses in my city. How does it effect me, a cisgender woman? I get jealous of their fashion sense and have to ask a stranger where he got such a cute skirt. It literally doesn't hurt anything to change someone's gender. If you're worried about perverts in the bathroom, check Republican politicians. I have a list of ones that are sex pests, if you'd like.

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    • Im sorry but I dont believe you that in person we wouldnt be able to tell which is which. Its very obvious. Id say .01% you really cant tell but every single one I've seen you can. Whether its the voice, the hands, the hips, its always noticable.

      And the reason people care is because transgenders dont just "want to be left alone" as they claim. They want to force everyone else to pretend with them and support their delusion, which isnt very well received seeing that they're now obsessed with teaching other people's children their ideology.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I don’t technically hold opinions. I’ve always been able to reconcile any actions or thoughts that contradict without issue.

    I put forth opinions so that people will find things to, and then think I’m more like them than I actually am. A strong opinion shows that there’s something to know about me, or to work with. I don’t feel anything about much unless it either hinders or helps me at the time.

    That’s the best I can come up with to explain it.

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  • olderdude-xx

    When I was a teenager I was taught to be a racist by my parents, and also leaned politically to the left.

    In the Navy I recognized that what I was seeing in the performance of other races and ethnic groups did not match what I was taught. I eliminated the racism (which took a few years).

    I also realized by my mid 20's that many of the left policies did not work... and then investigated what was considered the right politics... and I leaned right. There came a point about a decade later where I realized that many of the right ideologies did not really work either. I then transitioned to be a moderate, where on some issues I lean conservative, and others I lean more liberal.

    What is currently portrayed in the media as solidly left and solidly right we considered extremism decades ago. I still consider it extremism.

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    • What in the right now was considered extremism decades ago? The right has moved to the left. Many of them support ending the drug war and support gay marriage now. The right is no where near as far right as under bush.

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  • BleedingPain

    You cant change peoples opinions, but you can influence their actions

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  • Tinybird

    Can't think of any. I'm a pretty consistent person with core beliefs.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I used to be strong left wing when I was a teenager whereas nowadays I'm right wing

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    • HoooBoy

      Curious as to what parts changed for you?

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      • bigbudchonger

        More the cultural side of things. I'm a centrist as far as economics are concerned. So technically I'm a centrist, but the left nowadays, at least the face of it, is so toxic.

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    • Same

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  • Spot on

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