What percentage of your country do you think are intelligent?
I'm in the US. I'd say in actual reality maybe 20% at most.
I'm talking critical thinking, common sense and knowledge above the average person.
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I'm in the US. I'd say in actual reality maybe 20% at most.
I'm talking critical thinking, common sense and knowledge above the average person.
COVID had a very negative impact on this opinion. I'll leave it at that.
Id say atleast 50% of the population is intelligent. Twitter and the media is not the real world. Half the citizens in the USA have a household income of over 100k a year. Most people in the USA are pretty capable of making intelligent decisions but the smart ones arent loud with their opinions. The idiots scream their opinions and get media attention but they're definitely the minority. As a truck driver I get to see wide variety of people all over and most people are not stupid in the USA.
If you're talking about all 3 traits combined it's likely pretty low. Common sense is pretty rare and I'm guilty of it being one of my lower traits.
My guess is that it's around 15% or so.
I'm not comfortable trying to figure this one out, because I'm not in the mood to do the math that is necessary.
Inteligence isnt thankfully needed in a working society. It's just people doing their jobs, so it's all balances out. If a job is needed enough then the benefits will draw candidates to it.
Any genius can work a factory job. It's just that any basic person can do it too. If all the country provides is factory jobs you dont need inteligent people to thrive.
Not sure, but most people I interact with seem to have an okay intelligence, neither very smart of very stupid. There are some idiots in between (like people who do stupid stuff like someone tried to light a campfire directly on the lawn) but I dont think its more than maybe 10%
depends on the age of the generation, the older generations are more intelligent, and the younger generations are less smart
Smart enough to do their jobs and work in the economy. Theres a job for everyone.
Your question requires a more defined definition of intelligence.
Your meaning is almost a contradiction of terms.
"critical thinking, common sense and knowledge above the average"
Critical thinking and knowledge may go together, however, common sense is not a normal trait of those with high IQ or considered to be highly intelligent.
When coupled together, I would be surprised if the percentage that have your required traits exceeded 10 percent.
Common sense people think they're intelligent and intelligent people think they have common sense. Depending on the circumstances they can appear to be correct, but normally the traits are separate and taught or learned in different ways. Very few people grow up and pick up both.
It wasn't a contradiction. I literally asked in regards to: common sense, critical thinking and knowledge above the average person aka all three together which DOES exist. So then your response is 10%, sounds fair.
You are correct on my answer being 10% or less if you really meant:
What percentage of your country do you think are intelligent and have common sense?
Because my point is those two traits have little to do with each other. Intelligence is normally measured by IQ. Having common sense is not normally a qualifier or disqualifier for intelligence.
Universities are full of what most would say intelligent people, however, common sense is not on high display at many or any that I know of.
Maybe that should be a course of study, but who would teach it? Someone without a degree? That would be unacceptable, if you don't have a degree you can't possibly know something they don't.
That piece of paper certifies their intelligence.