What percentage of your time is spent socializing???

this would include business or pleasure......I could go more in depth but I'm choosing to respect peoples privacy...I think that it is unfair to pick peoples brains for specifics on this site...and I won't do it...also I apologize if I unknowingly did it in the past....for me it is 10% or less, and it is probably 90% pleasure (at least it is for me...since i tend to dominate conversations...lol!!)and I'm so into my own thoughts that I know that they may not be listening and I don't even care lol!!! Unless they tell me to be quiet and then I get quietly pissed off heh heh heh heh, usually one on one I have the persons undivided attention about 80 to 90% of the time....

20% or less 46
40% or less 16
60% or less 7
80% or less 5
80% or more 4
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Comments ( 9 )
  • disthing

    Average Weekday:
    24 hours - 8 hours sleep = 16
    16 hours - 30 minute bathroom time (inc. shower) = 15
    15 hours - 4 hours internet (not inc. social networking) = 11 hours
    11 hours - 3 hours miscellaneous (eg. travel time) = 8 hours

    Approximately 8 hours socialising, both business and pleasure.

    so 33.33% or 1/3 of my time is spent socialising :D

    How is that for in depth?

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  • MissClaire

    wow - majority 20% or less - ummmmmmmm people, please get off your computer and build some social skills

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    • Binary_Star

      Hmm good advice.

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      • MissClaire


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  • howaminotmyself

    I go through phases. Sometimes I am very social and sometimes I am a hermit. But I can almost always carry on a conversation.

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    • Yeah..when I go out...and just study...I don't talk much...but if I'm drinking beer I'll walk right up to a girl, get close, flash her a big smile, and look her dead in the eye, and get a very positive response and a big smile back...until I look down and notice that she has 2 latte's on the counter next to her, and then the guy she is with walks out with her...

      As I have gotten older I have broken through the shyness barrier, sometimes I'll smile when I'm not completely feeling it, but I feel good enough to fake it..lol...but the last woman I did that to, could tell I was faking it...lol...then later the same night or maybe another night I was lit and completely feeling it and I got a very positive response but she was with someone...

      Also sometimes i drink and get totally burned out, so so tired...the other night I went to go see my housemates band on impulse, and on the BART train I knew that I had made a big big mistake because I felt sooo tired, then I went to the cafe, filled up with water, listened to some old Black Sabbath and took the BART back to my apartment, with not a single thought of seeing my friends band...he told me the next morning that they had a good gig, but that the promoter tried to rip their band off, even though they had the largest crowd of any band there. Tough times financially for many....

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  • buntaboss25k


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  • dappled


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  • Dozis

    The ti me these fucking assholes allo me TO get before they start sandbagging me again band raising the usual rubber wall between me band the outside world.

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