What pets do you prefer to have?
dogs | 198 | |
cats | 172 | |
fish | 20 | |
hamster | 9 | |
something wild (tiger, bear, etc) | 59 |
Ask Your Question today
dogs | 198 | |
cats | 172 | |
fish | 20 | |
hamster | 9 | |
something wild (tiger, bear, etc) | 59 |
I love cats
Dogs are cool. only when they follow me everywhere and just chill and kick back like my dogs do. then they are cool. and i love my dogs too.
But my cat has been there forever for me and with me. he lets me cry on him. when i am sick in bed throwing up and bed sick all day he stays with me on the bed the entire time lays at my feet until i get better.
my female dog is chill. she just wants to sit next to me all the time. my male dog is chill sometimes. he is more active and more playful than his mate. but he also will jump up on the bench to sit next to me for a few minutes like time out i gta chill out for a few. lol i love em both dogs and cats
i wanna Maltese puppy reeallly bad!!! :(
hehe i think theyre adorbale!!!!
do not like cats because of childhood experiences. i want a ferret though and ive had birds and fish. always wanted a hamster :(
Dogs have started to seriously annoy me. I'd like to try a cat...or a bird.
I own a catsnake-ferret-dragon. My sister keeps calling it a ferret though.
I like dogs.
My girlfriend and I have however considered getting sugar gliders (They are marsupials that are like flying squirrels.)
I would love to get a meerkat, but they're not domestic type pets. I've read a few articles about people who have them, but it always sounds like the meerkat is not as happy as they would be in his/her natural habitat. also, from what i understand, they're more of a pack type animal that need to be with friends & family of their own kind. but damn, they sure are cute!!!
I do have cats, 5 of them. all of them are sweet and adorable. each has it's own personality and is like a little person in a fur suit.
I really used to dislike cats. the ones I had met seemed arrogant, aloof, and to good to be petted. I thought, why wouldn't you get a dog? they're so much more fun, and personable. then a few yards ago I met my husband. he had the the most amazing cat I had ever seen. she would fetch small toys, reply with a 'meow' any time you asked her a question, and she'd crawl up on your lap,to sit and get pets. she was awesome! I still like dogs, but there are some pretty cool cats out there.
i want a ferret really bad but i have a leopard gecko, a cat, and a dog already :(
CATS&MONKEYS:) All the way. They're easy to snuggle(cats)big downer is that they're kinda snobby. BUT, monkeys..monkeys are so damn cool..this might be animal cruelty but i want to own a monkey and put him in a diaper.. LMAO so cute <3
I have a cat and a dog. my cat's name is autumn and my dogs name is moon pie.
I love cats. I have 2. I kind of really want rabbits, but it's not such a good idea because my cats will hunt them.
I luv Fishies, I used to own fishies but they died :( I hope to have another Fishy but this time it won't die fast
i love tigers, their my favorite animals, but the breed i like is golden tabby tigers! ^_^
I have three guinea pigs and a cat. And that is more than any busy woman needs :)
i'd say cats i have a bunch of those of those at my house rabbits and hamsters
None. I am not a farmer and I do not want livestock just to impress my friends who are dumb enought o be impressed or to talk to because I do not have real people to talk to. Get a life