What's a good price range for a performance guitar

I'm looking for a good guitar that has quality sound and would be good for performance and gigging

200-500 1
500-1000 10
Over 1000 5
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Comments ( 3 )
  • anti-hero

    First off, can you already play?

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  • KingTermite

    You'd likely need to go north of the 500 pound range (I guess that's about $700 in the states) to get one that won't need a lot of tweaking to make it nice. I have, however, run across some Ibanez "starter" type guitars that were very nice after an intonation adjustment, but pretty much all of them will need that anyway. Go to a store with a large variety and see what you like. There's a pretty big difference, IMO, in how Fender products play compared to Gibson. I find Gibson's easier to play, but still prefer Fender for sound. I have a nice American made Strat with a maple neck that is my absolute favorite.

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    you can get them on craigslist used for 100 something or a garage sale if your lucky

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