What's a good way to burn a bunch of paper in your apartment?

Can you buy a bbq pit and put it next to the window or will the wind blow the smoke into the room? I have a stack of paper about half the height of the room, I don't want to go to a paper shredder.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • DarkLordGoosifer

    You're gonna burn down your apartment or give yourself carbon monoxide poisoning trying that

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    • bigbudchonger

      Heyy, at least he'll get a Darwin award

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  • darefu

    Warn your neighbors, so they have time to get what they want out of their apartments.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I cant think of anything that's gonna work better than a paper shredder sorry

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  • libertybell

    I have the same problem.I am sick of shredding things. I wish I had a fireplace.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Starting a fire in your apartment is a good way to get arrested. Either borrow a paper shredder or hand rip them yourself.

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  • taebby22

    Don't ever use a bbq grill in your apartment, that's a major fire hazard. If you don't want to use a shredder, then try soaking the papers in the bathtub, maybe? I read that somewhere so I suggest you can look that up too.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    bring your trunkloada paper and a casea beer to my place and well toss it on a brushpile with some used motor oil and touch it off with diesel and a parachute flare

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