What's an erect uncircumsized penis look like?

Okay, so I'm 15 and I'm uncircumcised.
When my penis is erect, I don't see the entire head, just a small part of it. Apparently, when an uncircumsized penis is erect, one should be able to see the entire head. Is this normal? Will the skin and my penis grow to look like what I described in the future?

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74% Normal
Based on 8307 votes (6127 yes)
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Comments ( 204 )
  • Ubigo

    wait a minute. i am uncircumsized and have never seen my head are you telling me there is a way i can get my head to come out?

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    • qlerk

      you can, try pulling slowly everyday until all the head is out. It takes time but not very long. It might be a bit painful if you rush it. Beware though, the head will be very sensitive since it's the first time your head is 'out'

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      • normal69

        HA your all losers I'm 18 with a Circumcised penis and life is great never had a problem never will have a girlfriend that does a great job!

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        • how does this feel inside of your, underwear.I mean your penis isn't covered on it's head is it.

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          • robloxer69

            the head is very sensitive

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      • Adog2234

        Is it possible to keep the skin always pulled back and cover the head when you feel the need to do so??

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    • ddl66

      i think that is premosis, sweat,urine,combine to make very stinky cheese. haven't you heard of head cheese(just kidding),there is a solution from doc kind of like eye drops which will loosen all that grime and 'WALLA' a penis head will appear.'now ya got to be clean in there all the time or you will never have a girlfriend. no girl will put a dirty cock in their mouth. duh!

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    • Yea all you'll have to do is start pumping on it and you can see it's shiny head.

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    • normal69

      HA your all losers I'm 18 with a Circumcised penis and life is great never had a problem never will have a girlfriend that does a great job!

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  • IsignedUpToComment

    Honestly i read this entire page and i cant help but conclude i wish i was uncircumsized :( you lucky lucky people...excuse me while i go slit my parents throats...

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    • ddl66

      well more and more parents are opting out of cutting off forskin. how barbaric, there's over 8000 nerves in severed forskin they are throwing away for you.america is the worst, they don't do it in europe or asia unless some stupid religous ritual like the jews and muslems.it's a extra $600.00 for fucking up a perfectly good penis my mom used to say.

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    • pem24

      maybe track down the surgeon, and go slit him.

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      • ahnonever

        How will circumcising the surgeons head help you as the victim? Direct your violence in the direction of compensation for you and your parents, who were also victims.

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      • ddl66

        i'll double that!

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        • Cheet0

          Yeah, I tend to third the motion. I was cut as a newborn too...

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    • ahnonever

      It is not your parents fault they were led to believe it was healthcare instead of punishment byu penis reduction surgery. Somebody needs to cough up some compensation, but your parents likely thought it was healthcare and that deception if victimization of you and your parents. Band with your parents to find out how this continues and what reparations exist for you and your parents.

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    • I really don't know why parents do this to thier kids.I feels better not been circumsized because it feels great to be choking on your,chicken neck or depends on your penis size.I know that there are some turkey necks out there too.

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      • ahnonever

        Parents actually believe it is healthcare. They get the burden of consenting to this brutal torture of a screaming infant, and have no idea the child is being cut down to size by these people pretending to be caregivers. If healthcare is cutting of the smooth muscle, nerves and covering of a childs genitals, stunting its growth and future, than I say have that baby at home and don't let it out of your sight unless you know the deal. No childs genitals should be maimed at birth to suit any body. IT IS WICKED CRUEL AND WHERE THE HELL IS PITA and every other big mouth human rights activist WHILE THIS HAPPENS,
        WORRYING ABOUT MONKEYS AND DOGS GETTING HURT or a woman in africa with eight kids and no man needing a bowl of oatmeal, or WHILE AMERICAN INFANTS ARE GETTING A TRAUMA SNIP to ensure they never enjoy normal sex ?!!!!!!

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        • Cheet0

          U mean PETA?

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    • MR>E

      im uncircumsized why do you feel that way im curious

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    • normal69

      HA your all losers I'm 18 with a Circumcised penis and life is great never had a problem never will have a girlfriend that does a great job!

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      • ahnonever

        You would not be here defending penis reduction and reading about uncircumcised penis if your life was so great.
        Are you are in denial?.

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  • ginge47

    i need someone to tell me if this is normal - i can pull the foreskin over the head of my penis when erect, quite easily but thats it - it wont go any further as it is really tight. will this be a problem in sex?

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    • ahnonever

      Yes that is normal. It will loosen as you use it and the more you use it the better it will become.
      USe it or lose it but don't let a vindictive over zealous knife and wallet weilding fetishist idiot trim it down for you !!!

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    • Pwnage45

      No there will be no pain just pleasure

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  • Elements1

    i had the same problem uncircumcised im 16 now and i could not pull my foreskin back to show full head and i went to the doctors and he said yes there is a problem and i needed a small operation to put it right, now 2 years after my operation, all is fine and i can pull my foreskin all the way back so just go to your doctor he will decide if you need it, it is a very small operation,
    hope that helped :)

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    • michaelsekon

      But won't the doctor put u to sleep??during tht operation?

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  • Mynameisbonb

    Does it feel better for a girl uncircumsized or circumsized

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    • 041775

      All the girls I have been with prefered cut til they had sex with me. Now they prefer uncut. When you have foreskin that retracts you have double the motion inside the vagina making it more pleasurable. Unfortunately, most women are closed minded about it since they follow glamour fads.

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      • scradycat42

        I have a 10" Uncircumcised penis and my girlfriends moans so loud we have had the police called when I slid all 10'of my hard penis into her wet pussy.
        Uncircumcised penis have more sensitivity and make sex better and longer.

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        • your girlfriend sure must love your 10 inches going inside of her wet pussy.

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    • Pwnage45

      Let me guess ur a girl

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    • ahnonever

      Circumcised slams and pounds it in and out awkwardly (from lack of sexual practice and being mutilated) frantically whereas with a foreskin, it glides comfortably and is much easier on the girl, and it is obvious the male is pleasured as opposed to working himself to death trying to get satisfaction, since even cut, he still has the urge, but not the necessary parts for successful coitus as the vagina is made specifically for the intact penis and not a trimmed down version. Most baby boys are made perfect. No need to reduce their penis size diameter or length.
      Somebody told somebody something wrong about this if they think circumcised is advantageous. A girl does not want to have sex for hours after she climaxes because a male has no pleasure receptors left from when he was assaulted at birth!!! And a disfigured penis is not glamourous!!! Who have you people been listening to.

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      • peterrabbyt2

        Oh bullshit, an uncircumcised penis is the ugliest kind of cock there is. So gross it stinks. No class at all.

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    • qazwsx123


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    • sugarbooger

      Circumcised. No offense guys, but a circumcised penis seems to get harder and stay harder because the skin is tight. It's also sometimes a little easier on the mind, because foreskin is more susceptible to STDs, transmitted yeast infections and the like. . . There's actually an effort to provide circumcision in Africa for the AIDs shit. . . the more foreskin you have, more chance of you getting an infection or virus. But overall really, it's an individual woman thing as far as which feels better.

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      • chewy

        You need a better brain,so an uncircumzided penis is more vulnerable to STDS just because its uncircumzided? it can catch STDS either way bitch please

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        • Its_Called_Love

          What she means is that if men don't clean himself properly, STD and other nasties can be tranfered. An uncircumsised penis is harder to clean completely under the skin and studies have proven that does actually spread more STDs. If you don't believe it, look it up. They even teach that in SexEd nowadays...

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          • Beanman

            What about all the folds of skin in the inner labia, vagina, and her CLITORAL HOOD? The clitoral hood is the clit's foreskin!

            Do they just become "naturally clean"
            but a guy's foreskin, which is much less folds of skin, that is "naturally dirty"?

            Get real.

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        • scradycat42

          no they are not. STDS have nothing to do with being circumcised or not. That has to do with the female you are having unprotected sex with.

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          • lukeuser

            It's true. Circumcision reduces transferral of STDs. Ask Bill Clinton.

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      • BoredGuy

        LOL what a load on bullshit.

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        • chewy

          You are telling me the bitch couldnt get dumber

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          • chewy you back as chewy! How are you?

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      • Its_Called_Love

        Wow, I feel a need to apolgize for guys bitching you out when you're right. Its standard info, and isn't even meant to be insulting...

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    • Beanman

      I am uncut and each of my former gf's said that there was no way they could tell just from the feeling in their pussy.

      hey, you can believe whatever you want to believe, just remember you may also 100% wrong too.

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  • landshark0101

    I'll save the day on this one--
    I'm 19 now, soon to be 20. When i was around 15 years old, porn was definitely becoming a part of my life, and I noticed my penis definitely looked different. I felt like if I pulled my head's foreskin back the skin would rip, but that was NOT the case. Sense hit me like a truck (a confused truck), but I put one and one together and figured out on my own that the skin was sort of bonded because I had never bothered with my penis before in my life. It wasn't until I was in the full swing of puberty that i started looking at myself. Well long story short, the skin won't rip. Take it from me. It'll sting a little bit but it's something you all need to do ASAP. This is mostly something that happens when a parent is neglectful or shy about all things sexual with their kid, and if you ever have an uncircumsized boy make sure that even if it's sorta awkward you tell him to move the foreskin back on a pretty regular basis to avoid this. Anyway back on track - it took me about 5 "episodes" to get my skin all fully disconnected, and it felt great once i finally did. The skin sort of popped off, and there was no blood, there was no tearing, it just stung a bit. My case was sort of bad because I wound up developing a second problem, in that i have a very small piece of tissue under the head of my penis that's binding the bottomside of my foreskin to the nerve bundle under the head. I'm getting it fixed soon, they just need to cut it off, it's not a big deal. Sex isn't so bad, but you might be a bit embarassed with a one night stand because kids with this problem typically have phimosis as a result - when it's harder to any degree to fully retract the foreskin when the penis is erect. I've been dealing with it and its not noticable if you use a condom, but the fix is simple, and the typical doctor prescribed medication is to masterbate 5 times a week (not kidding). For the sake of saying it, getting a blowjob is a little less awesome if the girl isn't bold enough to give you that extra tug. I hope this puts some people at ease. Also i'm against circumcision, don't do it. It's like having stinky armpits and saying "well, f*** it, we'll cut em off." if you can imagine that somehow... So there ya go

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    • -Smallz-

      LoL masturbate 5 times a week, that would be cutting back in my case... my foreskin had fully came off my head(of the penis) when i was about 11 years old, i never thought it was an important part of pubity.

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      • same here. my foreskin was pulled back years before i hit and ive been a proud wanker since i was 11 (i think i was a little ahead of everyone else)

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      • Earmuffs

        LOL Totally... shoot when I was 8 I would jerk it like sometimes as much as 8 times a day sometimes from when I got home from school till almost dinner time. I was fortunate to have a mom who told me how to do it a and showed me I had to gently work it back. (Double fortunately) She did it at an age I can't remember so I don't have some weird memory of my mom touching my wang. She told me the story, I was like three and she told me I had to pull back on the skin. So I'm sitting behind this chair in the living room pulling back my foreskin and I get it stuck behind the head, I freak the hell out and my mom shows me how to pull it back down. She gives me the mantra push it, pull it, push it, pull it, so that I can master this (SUPER COMPLEX, Joke) task. So I manage to figure this out when my super conservative catholic grandmother is over. I run out push it pull it tugging on my wang to the mortification of a prude. Still makes me laugh and all smilly.

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    • curiouscase

      DO you need to pull back when erect or non erect? Thanks

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    • Well I'm a 15 year old male with foreskin my penis is 7inch long and 6inch wide and when I'm erect my head didn't completly show and I pull my foreskin back

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  • works22

    alright guys... saver here. iam uncircumcised and i never had the problem to pull down my foreskin when i did NOT have an erection. However, when i got a "boner" it seemed nearly impossibly to fit my tip through that little hole. a week ago i was having unprotected sex with a girl of my dreams. she wasn't a virgin so she was not as tight but my foreskin kept getting pulled down further and further and it hurt like S***!! i stopped and i told her that i want to use a condom and we didn't have any so i postponed it a week. i was very worried because i though the same thing was going to happen but this is what i tried. 1. go in the shower pull down your tip and clean it very good. 2. take out that new hustler edition magazine and get a full erection. 3. take out some lotion, which i know you probably have under your desk. 4. when you're masturbation put on TONS of lotion. 5. start pulling down the foreskin so your tip is more and more out. The lotion made it PAIN FREE for me to get my skin down 100% with a full erection. just keep doing this and the skin will soon stretch itself to a point where it wont hurt and you wont need lotion. also... if you are about to have sex like me and it still hurts, go to the bathroom right before sex and put a little bit of lotion on your penis and rub it into your skin. this will prevent any pain when the foreskin is getting pushed back while having sex. --- english is my second language sorry for any grammatical errors.

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    • billy_babydoll

      Im a virgin and i might have sex with a guy that isnt cut wat should i do incase?

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  • Ineedhelp2011

    I tried to pull the skin back when i noticed that the back end of my foreskin is connected the head of my penis. I have to clue what todo and I am very confused. My girlfriend and i have been wanting to have sex for awhile now but im afraid that she will be grossed out by the foreskin, i also over heard a convo including these to girls in my class, this is what they said: I saw the penis and it had like this extra skin on it, it was so nasty!.... So now im worried that thats what my girlfriend is going to say if i cant get all of the head of my penis to show. I can about half of head but thats it.

    I would really apprecaite it if someone could help me..

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    • zenji

      American, or jewish, or both, are likely to be circumcised. Silly prissy young women will be stupid about uncircumcised penises. It is their problem, and not yours. I would probably explain it to your girl, and maybe you could show her pictures of uncircumcised penises on line, just to be clear. If she's worth your time, and loves you, she'll love your penis too.

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    • camillianman

      I had that problem when i was younger.The doctor pulled it back for me.it hurt and was sore for a while.but once it healed i have been fine since.It hurts way way less than getting circuimsized, i'm sure.Whatever you do dont get circumsized you will regret it.it can tear back having sex also.It can be painfull,but women go throughg a similar thing when there skin is torn there first time.Theres alot of pleasure in the foreskin trust me.thats where your clit is.if u dont beleive me pull the underside of your forskin and roll it between your fingers.good luck with everything

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    • I had that problem too, I noticed that it had not just a bit of skin there, but it was like all over it, like holding the head, I couldn't masturbate fully, well, because it as like raping the skin =P then when growing up, I saw that there was less, and less skin holding to the head, then one day, I just went to pee, and don't know why, opened my head, I was like: WTF OMG CRAP! ... ... ... it feels so good! ... DON'T SAY ANYBODY TOILET!.

      The since that I got when I finally opened my dick/head was scary and really nice, I finally felt air down there XD. ... ... ... Oh puberty, I was 10 back then hahahXDahaha, now thanks to that, I MASTURBATE! and looking for a 'lady' to fuck, pim pam pum and that is how babies are made!

      Cheers - ME

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    • BrittyAnn

      listen, most girls really don't care i've met about two girls that were that way and frankly i think they're immature in every way possible, i'm sure the girl you have sex with isn't going to ask about it or be grossed out or anything like that, in fact when you are uncircumsized your penis is allowed to grow more due to the skin, circumsized penis's have issues growing because it has no room to grow. hence the reason many grow a little crooked, also due to other issues, but you get the point

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    • Keo

      To be honest...some girls like uncircumsized and some don't....definitely go to the doctor and let them help you correctly pull back the skin so you don't hurt anything. Then, when you feel confident, show it to her.

      To me, uncircumsized looks disgusting...no offense! To people that do, more power to ya. :)

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  • eforge

    kk i just recently pulled my foreskin back and noticed the head was sensitive as fuck,so everyday i would pull it back and rub the head and put water on it and shit. Ive been doing this for about a month now and the sensitivity of the head is gone. I can literally rub the head of my dick on a piece of wood and it woudlnt hurt, it just takes time. Pull it back everyday and touch the head of it the sensitivity will be gone in less than a month.
    uncircumsizzed dicks r the besttt;)

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  • wax

    I pulled my skin all the way back and now I have like little extra pieces of skin of where the skin broke...is that normal?...

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  • nissan286

    hi im wondering if anyone can help or be formiliar with this sort of thing cause the head of my c**k is really sensitive and i cant really touch it cause its sensitive and also if i masturbate the c*m seems to dry and its difficult to get of another addition to it being sensitive. if anyone can help it will be great thanks.

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  • mrmcgiggles

    just wondering... is the foreskin meant to be able to be pulled back when erect? Because when I try, it feels like it's going to rip, and I really don't want that. I just want to clear this up. Thanks

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  • angelo121

    ok im 16 and when im erect i dont see the full head, it could just mean that you have more foreskin than others, dont get so worked up over it lol, and if it hurts to pull it back just take it one step at a time, and it shouldnt hurt after awhile and be alot easier

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  • bringonthetrumpets

    you are compleatly normal mine was like this when i was younger what you have to remember is its still growing and its never been pulled back for like 15 years so its bound to be a bit tight just give it time and keep practicing the streching after a while it will just be like normal

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  • BudMan

    It's pretty relieving to know i'm not the only one with this problem. Im 20 years old and am still a virgin, and i didnt think it was a big deal that my foreskin covered the head of my penis until i talked to my female friend who's been around the block... Well a lot. She said she'd never seen a penis with the foreskin not pulled back, and I was kind of embarrased, thinking that my condition was not normal. I've tried pulling my foreskin back before, but it stung and hurt so much I had pains walking or even putting it back in my pants! Do you guys or girls think that the first girl i sleep with will be turned off by a hidden head, or should i keep pulling the foreskin back until it's not as sensitive. I'd really appreciate the imput thanks :)

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    • zenji

      All non evil men have nice penises, no matter what. Just separate the medical from the sexual. Ask a doctor or get good medical advice when or if you need/want it, regarding mechanical, pragmatic, penis matters. Any woman who is truly into you will be into your penis. It really does work that way when it's right. Your worry is endearing, and I'm sure your penis too.

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    • Joebean95

      Thats exactly how i feel, im not sure whether my girlfriend would want to see my head or whether she wouldnt, it difficult to say because like your friend, my girlfriend has had sex before and done alot of things at that! but i undertand your problem, which we could both find the answer pal =)

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    • lilm930

      na she wont kr

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  • greathelp

    I can pull the skin right down past the head when my penis isnt erect but when its erect its coverd and when i pull it back its sore, should i pull it back unerect then become erect while it is like this?

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  • eenymeenymineymo

    hey all, ok i am the girlfriend.....my partners penis is covered by foreskin all the time.....sometimes during intercourse it might pull back a little further than usally...i personally dont think that effect our sex lives at all.....the size and shape and depth and speed changes the feeling personally.....:)

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  • crazyman

    im just wandering.Does not being circumsized affect the size of your penis?

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    • timhope

      Most uncut guys are bigger down there...

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  • Gonzo

    Yes, generally people who aren't circumsized have slightly larger penises.

    Anyways, its something you have to do little by little. I think I pulled the foreskin down at like, 10 years old because I was curious what the hell was under there. After I did it, I did have some discharge for a couple days (nothing bathing and cleaning didn't take care of though), but other than that, no problems whatsoever. You really don't have to worry about it ripping as its meant to stretch, and you should stimulate the foreskin, because that's the signal for it to stretch cause sexy-time may be near.

    And yeah, some people have more foreskin than others, but they should still be able to pull it down to see the entire head.

    Uncut men also last longer during intercourse because while they get more pleasure from it, they can feel an orgasm coming much better than cut men, allowing them to "readjust". Uncut men also have an easier time reaching the G-Spot, and less chance of the sex being painful for woman, and the men in some cases.

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  • jameswithypone

    My the head of my penis is senstitive... when i try to touch it, its painful. is it normal? When or how will it be a little not more sensitive ????

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  • Gshade

    Well Well Well, My girlfriend was um.. sitting on my penis once.. and when she got off the skin was over the head completely, I was confused by this.. but now when not erect the skin is still over.. I dont know what the hell.. but yeh..

    help please :)..

    p.s its annoying me when I walk rubs on my boxers...

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  • Geordie

    Well I am a 41 year old who has NEVER seen the head of his penis before, I am average size, but the hole at the glans of my penis is small, really small. Now its never stopped me having a very succesful sex life indeed (Father of 4) and my wife is extremely happy with our sex life (as am I) but now I am wondering what is wrong with me ?
    There is no way possible that the head of my penis will fit through that small hole .....
    Hmmmm doctor's here I come me thinks :)

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  • Moi

    CD, Have a look see here:


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    • CD-RW

      Thanks Moi.
      That article really helped.

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    • greathelp

      This was brilliant thanks

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  • marvel4444

    So i am 19 and I am just now realizing how sensitive the head is! Can anyone tell me that this is normal, because I have never really bothered to pull the skin back at all, and after having a blowjob, the head did not like that at all. Please tell me that this is normal to some degree, and I just need to begin to stretch the skin and then the head will cease to feel sensitive?

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  • Fosty99

    I got the same problem.
    It feels really tight but I reckon thats because of the way I masturbate.

    I've been doing it for a good 9 years but I've only done it the "traditional way" a few times.

    What I do is just grab the foreskin and shake it up n' down, feels good man, but of course doesn't help stretch the skin.

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  • Ambivalent

    Just put some lubricant on your cock and gently pull the skin back when you are masturbating or in the bath. It's a good idea to do it in order to keep the thing clean anyway.

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  • HelpMyPenis

    GUYS PLEASE HELP!! IM 13 YEARS OF AGE and i like porn! i masturbate alot to it and i only do it cuz recently ive taken a strong urge to because i get erected when i see women so i went on porn and it was so pleasurful. i am able to ejaculate and stuff but i am uncircumcised basicly to jerk i just grabbed the skin and penis and moved my hand up and down and it felt great but ive noticed a small peice of skinn conecting my base of head to my inside of foreskin. i thought it was abnormal and so i stretched it and i seen it stretching and getting thinner and longer. i thought it was gunna break so i stopped. i slid my skin down and i seen the whole head! i was wondering if this was good or bad. after reading all these comments ive learned that its good but i cant do this when my penis is erect. also when i pull it down to see the head, all the skin throught my penis bunches up and looks stupid. please help me to find out about this piece of skin and if i should rip it or keep it or what. PLEASE RESPOND! thnaks

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  • 69... where did I hear that-.... oh... uh... yes, Why did you mention that!? Fucking ahole! I need to go masturbate now!

    Thanx for nothing! (joking)

    Cheers - Me

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  • timhope

    There is nothing wrong if you are uncut, as long as you wash yourself in the shower. The way they circumsise babys is seriously barbaric. The foreskin is meant to be there no matter what anyone tells you.

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  • alaa

    does cleaning under the foreskin prevent the pain ??!

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  • crazyman

    and mine doesnt bend upwards.Is that a problem?

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    • Gonzo

      Doesn't bend upward? Like, you don't get an erection?

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  • Thankstoyou

    I was just wondering the skin on the head of the penis is attached to the head of my penis. It is only on the
    left side the right side is fine. I no this is kinda weird, but should I go to the doctor to get it checked out

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    • Weirdoo43

      I have the same problem , i have a little piece from my skin attached to the tip of my penis any thing i should do or do i just rip it??????? Please help

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  • lc1988

    Alright boys, here's a girl's opinion.
    There isn't any difference between being cut and not as far as pleasure goes...just depends on how it's worked. My boyfriend for over a year is uncircumcised and I love it. His head is fully visible when erect and I had no idea some of you had never seen your head because of the skin. I would definitely recommend peeling that back because it would just be weird to see a penis with no head. I'm not being mean...I hope you see that. He washes it before we have sex with soap and water and pulls back the skin to wash everything. This is important because A. it smells nice and since he expects head everytime..it's important. and B. I know I won't get a bacterial infection. hooray!
    My boyfriend has considered getting circumcised because after one of his friends did, his penis was larger. Apparently the skin attached to the base of the head holds it back a bit however he's already rather large and I don't know if I can take it any bigger.
    @Ineedhelp2011: Don't worry about the girls in class. I assume it's high school. The skin isn't gross. It's cute because it's like the penis's own carrying case. They just don't understand. Does she know you're not cut? and I would suggest keep trying to work down to the head and if you really wanna have sex just put a condom on and do it. Hope this helps a little!

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    • Helpme1234

      Is my skin supposed to be attached to it and later rips of?

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      • lc1988

        whoa I don't know of any ripping :S

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      • Avant-Garde

        Its not suppose to rip...

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      • Virulencexx

        It will never rip off. you have to have it surgically cut.

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  • galeni

    you should start pulling that "skin" down little by little; not when having an erection!!, but when takin shower or so. the full head should be visible. this you must do on your own or go to a doctor. on your own is good enough. you need a strong pull, but do not hurt your self. of course it hurts a little and you might get a little swollen, but will be just fine. if affraid of it, tell your dad about it, maybe he can help or take you to the doctor.

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    • Lamborghini

      Well i pull it down once in a while when it is not erect and it dont hurt because its not erect. But my question is why do it when its not erect? If you do it when its not erect and leave as is and then it starts to erect, it'll hurt so i have to pull it back up. Shouldnt you do it when its erect little by little so it can get used to it? Because how well it get used to it when it dont hurt when it isnt erect?

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    • CD-RW

      The thing is...there isn't enough skin to pull down. Even when it isn't erect. If I were to pull it down even more, the skin would rip, and it's not even halfway down to the edge of the head.

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      • igottabigdickxxxryanxxx

        I'm scared for you

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  • Mr.Pink

    youre all fuckin weird man..... where all this worrysome shit about having a foreskin came from is beyond me... almost everyone i know is not circumcised.. such a weird thing to be worried about..

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  • notfair

    aye aye aye well let me tell my story. well as people have said when i realised my penis looked different to others from porn etc i began to experiment. and wow that was THE worst thing i could ever have done. as a child i had a really tight foreskin and it wouldnt retract when i reached 15 ish i eventually pulled back my foreskin and it seemed attatched to my head!! anyways the skin then ripped and hurt loads,
    then i realised that my glans were not visible so i pulled back on that aswell. and guess what! the skin ripped again allllll around my glans leaving white dots now :( im 18 and this affects not only my sex life (becasue im a virgin) but also my whole apporach on women, ive only ever kissed a girl because everytime a girl have gone to do more than a kiss ive had to stop them and make up some bullshit that im not ready! on top of this my penis is a sensitive bastard and therefore im not the biggest fan of it being touched ive done many things to reduce the sensitivity such as letting water hit it in the shower and its actually excruciating. And this ten makes it very difficult to clean my penis, it smells a bit and always seems to get wet :( i really need help doctors have done shit all for me and i cannot go ahead and persue the girl i love because im scared of what she will think i i wouldnt be able to have sex with her and please her.

    can someone PLEASE reply to help with any of the things i suffer from i also think the white dots are pearly penile pauples or something like that

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    • rottie1318

      Alright so my boyfriend has an uncircumsized penis and there are scars on it from the same thing you are going through... when we started dating he was really nervous about being sexual. He had never had a girl touch it before but he had had plenty of girlfriends so i was confused... we were in my room one night and i finally talked him into telling me what was going on... when he finally showed me i didnt care i loved it because it ewas different! We have been together for over a year now and i still love it! I love the battle scars! And we have the best sex! I think u just neeed to find the right girl and if she doesnt like it she doesnt deserve it and she is giving up the best sex of her life.

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    • lovinlife*

      The pearly penile papules are absolutely normal so not to worry. They will not go away on their own but might be less noticeable as you age. If you really want them gone though, laser treatment is an option but since the procedure is cosmetic, insurance probably won't pay for it. Do not let a doctor give you any topical meds, they don't work. You said you pulled back on your glans but idk how cuz that is your head. By sensitive you mean painful? Because sensitivity is supposed to be a good thing ; ). If this was a while ago that you pulled back on your foreskin and it still hurts there is a problem 4 sure. If the skin is intact, give it time, if it's open, see a doctor asap because you do not want it getting infected. Don't feel embarrassed, it's best you get it taken care of. You are brave for posting it because some other guy reading this probably has the same question. Besides, you only get help if you ask for it. And this girl...if she was truly into you, she would be understanding about it. You and me are the same age and I know I would be if the guy I was with was in the same boat as you...but that may also be because I'm a nurse and these things don't bother me because I know about it. But don't worry about pleasing her, not all girls are all about the sex, its the way you treat her. Unless you think it would be too painful to have any sex, then like I said, get it taken care of. I hope I helped you and good luck!

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      • Notfair2

        I cannot believe I found this website again my first account was notfair but I forgot the password! Anyway what I mean by the glands part, it seemed like the inside of my foreskin was attached to the glands which is apparently normal at a younger much younger age so I just ripped it and have suffered the consequences ever since! Tbh I'm starting to accept the fact it's different I've screwed up far to many relationships over it so yeh, the sensitivity thing is still an issue but I think I'm going to man up and try desensitising it everyday and hope for the best!!!!!!!!

        But seriously thanks for all the advice use to be extremely confused and now a year down the line reading this has actually helped a heck of a lot!

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    • wax

      I have little white dot too notFair

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  • AfroMan

    Whenever you piss or jack off, pull the foreskin back as far as it will go without hurting.

    Pretty soon you'll be able to retract the foreskin as to where the head is exposed.

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    • Helpme1234

      So the thing attached to the head rips of?

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  • Koda

    Your foreskin is supposed to retract automatically when you get an erection. Sounds like you have a phimosis or something.

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  • lyricscott

    I had a sleep over when I was 8 and my friend and I took a bath together and his mom was there. my penis is uncircumsized his was , and he asked why does his penis look different from mine and she told him why and blah blah blah so later than night we were sleeping and I feel my blanket come off and then my pants so I squinted to see what was going on and it's my friend taking of my pants and underwear so I'd didn't make a scene I pretended to be sleeping and he started playing with my penis at the time I've never even knew about sex or anything and never tried to pull he skim back or anything but he managed to pull the skin back then he took off his pants and tried to compare he was over too of me pushing are penises together I started to get a boner but of course my penis was only like and inch at the time but I knew I was getting a boner so he had his penis tip touching my penis tip then my skin went back over my head and he pulled it to go over his head and then I started peeing not cumming, peeing and he quickly got off of me I pretended to wake up and I see him butt naked and I'm naked and he's like being all awkward I'm like I know what you were doing and I didn't care for what happened then we started playing truth or dare and it was dares like I dare you to touch my penis and we ended up giving each other blow jobs and anal stuff and we been together since now were an awesome gay couple no one can split us apart

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  • DenverWagner


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  • daseree10

    i am 20 year old an not circumcise...i've noticed that during our intercorse with my girlfriend,she is enjoying,and i got all the pleassure i'm finding for,,,,,yeahh i love for not being not cir

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  • i dont get it. as long as i can remember ive been able to pull back my foreskin and show my head as much as it goes with no pain / discomfort?

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  • steve8123

    i cant pull my foreskin back the full way it only come a little bit out and i can come and every thing and when i pull back it hurts i need help

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  • portuguese18

    ok i am uncircumsized so what do you mean the skin pops off and i am 18 and i jerk all the time and the skin hasnet popped off please tell me what to do

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  • MikeC

    I'm uncircumcised. As a pre-pubescent child my parents were concerned my foreskin didn't roll back to fully expose my glans. Our Dr recommended I gently roll back my foreskin over time gradually streching it to roll all the way back. It now does so I can keep it thorougly clean with no smegma.

    If your foreskin doesn't roll back fully, flacid or erect, I suggest you gently stretch it as was recommended to me so it does.

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  • whatsan

    Intercourse with your partner will eventually pull down and loosen the foreskin as time goes by. While it's not erect, pull skin down and let it be. Get erect then will help loosen skin. It works

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  • Doubt

    General curoisty...normal

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  • SeasonalMist

    okay when i was about 15, my penis was the same way, my head wouldn't come out of the foreskin while erect. since i stretched it back little by little it does, but now it comes out on its own. as for sex i noticed i can tell when im about to orgasm and repace myself to go longer.

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  • nuke10

    How does everyone's girlfriend feel about this?
    I am just wondering.

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    • tishk531

      I have only had sex with circumcised guys. I dont think it really matters if you keep it clean. But if i were to encounter an uncircumcised guy that didnt wash himself properly, i would never do it again. Also, blow jobs are way easier. On a good note, uncircumcised lasts longer during sex.

      Though i would say that if it is possible to pull back the foreskin, the penis looks a lot better.

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    • gottaloveit

      okay, i'm a young 40, i tell you, best sex I ever had is with my uncircumsized bf. everything about it, that's all i'm saying, i feel so bad that i had my son circumsized, i didnt know otherwise...

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  • 1506817

    so can you get 4skin removed? it you have it

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    • That's what a circumcision is

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  • 69chris69

    Also I am un circumcised

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    So wait... Like, half the uncircumcised guys who commented on this have never washed under there cus they didn't think the foreskin came down? O.o

    Patents should teach that shit to their kids...

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  • lilkeke596

    it always looks like there isnt enough skin for the head to come out
    i always thought this and one day, my girl got off of my dick and it was pulled all the way back

    ever since then i have pulled it back in the shower to get used to it

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  • Bisjac

    Umm. I'm uncircumsized, and I have always been able to see my head. I guess I'm just lucky then. I also have a pretty big penis though, so it probably fixed itself automatically =/

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  • justsayin

    I have a similar problem. The only time my head is visible, is when I watch only a very particular kind of porn, which involves a clown. The rest of the time, I can't get it to come out of my foreskin. I am 37 years old. Do you think this is normal, that I can only do it in that situation? Should I try to practice more often with my skin? It just feels unnatural to me.

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  • bigdicpic

    Don't worry about what some of them are saying. I've never been circumsized and they are right, it did hurt a little, but the foreskin is just like any other part of your skin. If you take your time and just put two fingers in the end of it and pull it gently a little at a time, it will stretch. You can see what mine looks like if you look at my photo stream. I can, if I want to, pull it out far enough to get three fingers inside it. When I'm hard, the skin naturally slides up the shaft to expost the entire head. There is one big advantage of this and that is during sex, the skin acts like a lubricant and there is no friction and that is a big plus.

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  • bigdicpic

    I'm uncircumsized and over the years and have strecthed the foreskin so now, I can pull it completely up the penis to expose the entire head. I also can pull it down and insert two fingers all the way inside it and still pull it completelly up. I like the skin and am glad that I have never been cut. In sex, the sliding up and down the penis with the foreskin doesn't caust any friction therefore is not irritating to the woman. The feeling of intercourse is still there.

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  • TheAwesomeGuy

    I remember when it was uncomfortable to pull back my foreskin but the more you do it, the less it stings, especially if you dunk it in water. As for when I get erections, it has never gone back all the way on its own, I always have to pull it all the way back but then it stays there.
    Interestingly, circumsizing penises, I believe, is believed to increase fertility by making the penis resemble an erect penis.

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  • Geodude578

    And also i could just sit up but it wouldnt stand up so just all calm down and let us live with uncircumcised. After the all we get bigger then the rest

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  • molestedchild

    Dude, listen I am 53 and uncircumsized (regret that fact greatly)when I was your age I had to clean the cheese out from under to keep from having bladder infections. the worst thing to happen is to get an erection keep me from chasing girls like i wanted thats why I chase so hard now. But anyway the only thing that solved my problem(and I dont mean you do it)was a girl named Tina who rode me so hard that it split the skin attached to the eye of the head.Thus giving me a homemade circumsism. Now that skin flys up and down this baby. And I've been told that sex with me is better than with someone who is because there's ease in penetration. That they like the way it moves. So Dude keep it lubed. Or go and have that little piece of skin clipped or get circumsized.At any rate you'll be happier with out that piece of skin it just pulls to tight and if you dont eventually skin it back it will be to tight to try later in life. Good Luck!

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  • timhope

    Wouldn't common sense of taught you that? Did your parents teach you how to wank or did you figure that out for yourself?

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  • moose89

    every man's foreskin is a different length, just like every woman's labia is a different length. There's nothing wrong with it, just pull back the foreskin and you'll see it.

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  • malicious_code

    just laminate the penis

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  • Antitheist

    How do you uncut guys know it feels better than being cut? During sex? You don't know. You aren't cut. My boy was told he needed to masturbate to ease the skin back. He's 10.

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  • freebee

    Get a life you must all be yanks your all fucked up and obsessed with fucking cut or uncut foreskin or no foreskin if it don't look how you think it should look see a fucking doctor. Fools.
    Maybe try a which Doctor

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  • 7114garrett

    Google 'geoduck' and look at images.

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  • ILoveWankingOffAndSpunkingUp

    You will only see your Cock-Head if you pull your Foreskin back. It doesn't auto roll back if you get a hard on. Jesus, your 15. You should know more about your Body!

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  • Destroido


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  • wifescunt

    my wife only sucks it with skin over head dont like it pulled back

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  • Murun

    You have to learn to pull the head back to clean inside. It can be uncomfortable when young but the foreskin stretches with use.

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  • tsausage

    I'm uncut and when its hard the skin is totally stretched out you cant tell the difference of coarse the head shows

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  • Geminian


    There ya go, scooter. Next time you try it by yourself. www.google.com I believe in you!

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  • Wuggums47

    From the sounds of it you still have phimosis, which is a bit uncommon for someone your age. If you really want to see what an erect circumcised penis looks like, go to bing.com select images, and type in "Uncut cock". Everything you'll be seeing will be porn, so the penises will be bigger than normal, but other than that, it should answer your question.

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  • Demundo

    The first time you have sex, it will be very painful because the foreskin gets pulled back. Until then it is not worth pulling the head out.

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  • Paris2005

    I would need your mom, sister or girlfriend watching, maybe showing a little panty to get me going. I'd pop a couple Adderalls and just lie back. It would start to rise up and swell. And just keep swelling and growing. Finally, it would be fully erect with huge veins sticking out the side. I'd ask your mom to finger her pussy then put her fingers in my mouth. The taste of her cunt would drive me wild, and you could watch the head swell big and round until it was almost purple. The Adderall would keep me from cumming, so anybody could touch it or stroke it. It would stay like that for a couple hours, no matter how much I fucked. A massively hard cock for any lady who wants it. Love to have your mom be the first to ride it. Wow.

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  • Paris2005

    Honestly, I barely understand most of these comments from terrified young guys. They seem to fear their cocks. I'm in my 40's, uncut and never had a problem. When aroused, my cock grows thick and long, with the head swelling until it's almost a purple color. No complaints from any females, except when it comes to anal. For obvious reasons.

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  • Paris2005

    Cutting away the foreskin of a man's penis is barbaric and amounts to genital mutilation. It has been banned in Western Europe for many years. My cock is healthy and remarkably thick and long...without the benefit of some bizarre religious ritual. My parents were progressive enough not to even consider this horrid practice. In the future, it will go the way of other twisted rituals in the name of some imaginary god.

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  • ACAddict

    ok, well i read half of these like 200+ comments, and i just dont know what to say, im un, and i have had sex, she seemed to enjoy it, im 17 i never done any of what ANY of you had to say, and some of it just sounds bad, poping sounds, that just makes my dick damn near go inside me so that CANT be a good thing like i have had sex like i said, and it was protected, and she seemed to enjoy it, but then again, i was just her one night stand, (she gave me a blowjob like a week or so later then tossed me aside like a pile of used tissues and we all know how quick they get tossed) and well i dunno what to say really, like sure i dont "look" like any guys in any porn videos i have watched but i feel thats what makes me "different" oh, and i didnt have sex ed in school, and my mom or dad never had "the talk" with me

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  • elenaki

    Wow. This is crazy. I didn't think guys were as concerned with their genitals' appearence as girls are. Huh. Well, I for one don't care what your dick looks like as long as you know how to use it.

    Btw, why the hell am I even here? I think it's time for me to say goodnight internet..

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  • kylecation

    Pink fire hydrant.

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  • loveteenfeet

    i have an uncircmsized penis too and when i am erect from masturbating i only see a bit of head. i could try and pull it back but it hurts a lot and the head is so sensitive i wont do it.

    the only time my head pops out is when ive has sex and really gone for it. i pull out and its there, its painful and i have to try and pop it back in.

    so now when i pull out i grab my penis and pull the skin forward, so when im out the skin is back over the head.

    i think circumsized penises look ugly. id never get mine cut even if its hygenic.

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  • davetom54

    my foreskin is about half way up. but nice and tight against the head of my cock. I love my cock and would never get circumcized no matter what.

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  • snafu

    lets just say god is all powerfull, what gives these jews the right to say he mismanaged the male penis, he made the world and the universe is 7 days. but can't desgn a cock

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  • snafu

    Why do parents circumsise there kids its barbaric,
    jews thought that up wankers

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  • AussieGirly

    I've never seen a circumcised penis, I guess it depends what country you live in. Here in Australia it's rare to see a circumcised man.

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  • qwer123

    Hey guys im 16 a virgin and i can see most of my head when its erect and at times most of my head juts out and is behind my skin is this normal ?
    also im scared if my sin breaks...

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  • Gross.

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  • _edinboro

    Some uncircumcised people don't have retractable foreskins. It just happens.

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  • thebomber

    mine comes "out" fine like yall say just do i slowly, also all peni have skin it just that for some reason its a trend to cut the skin off, however alone time ago (and probably still does) block out disease and other unwanted bacteria but no since we wear clothes it is not as nessasary, its ergant to say that we are different then people with out the skin, its just yall are more pron to "the world" if u know what i mean. It doesnt make us less of a man, our parents chose to tell the doctor not 2 cut the extra skin off

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  • YngPoly

    Your parents should be taken outside and beaten on principle. How difficult is it to say "little billy you need to pull the skin back when you pee."

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  • sugarbooger

    No, it won't. But you should be able to pull down your foreskin to reveal more of it if you fancy a look. Also, if you're having sex with that uncircumcised thing, you should make sure you pull your foreskin back before putting on a condom or even insertion. Makes things a lot easier and more feeling for you.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    Like a wrinkly, flesh coloured baby corn.

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  • 69chris69

    When I start to peel I see red so i stopped should I keep going?

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  • 69chris69

    Are you supposed to peel the skin all the way back because I tried it but not all the way because I started to see red what do I do?

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  • Lheim

    Well, it sure can happen that a foreskin can be too tight for the head of the penis to be exposed. It can be uncomfortable during sex!

    I really don't remember what it's called. But stretching exercises - pulling on the foreskin repeatedly, can help in some cases. In other cases, surgery might be necessary.

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  • thekingofkings

    omg..I'm 18 years old and haven't seen the head of my penis..the foreskin is tightly 'attached' to the head I guess..however after reading these comments I tried to pull down the foreskin..it does come down but very little..I forced more and more when I'm not erect and I could see what appears to be the opening of the head of penis.(Small slit like structure where the pee and cum comes out) If I try to pull further than that, it hurts..cause its too tight. What should I do now? Continue pulling? Or should I consult a doctor? Does the foreskin contain blood vessels like important vein or arteries? Pls do help..don't know what to do.. :(

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    • likewithest


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  • Joebean95

    Right, im not circumsized and when im erect i cant see the head, but i know its there because ive pulled the skin back before, but when i pull the skin back and try to wank there is this little piece of skin which refrains my penis from extending in size, and it hurts like hell when i get and even bigger erection, so how do i sort this out?

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    • likewithest

      This is perfectly normal for A LOT of guys that are uncircumsized. You just go to a doctor and the doctor will fix it for you. I had that problem and ended up fixing it myself. It hurt a couple of days but then it turned out perfect. but you should go to a doctor.

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  • xrei88

    Peeling back is easy. I took care of mine back when I was 12. Gradually pushed it down so when I get an erection, I can barely tell it's uncircumcised. Otherwise, there is the possibility of a very painful pull-back when you have sex. Good luck.

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  • stayup713

    I'm 24, and did not realize I was supposed to peel back the foreskin and clean it. I know this sounds unbelievable, and is in fact irresponsible and sick, but how do you know unless someone tells you? My parents never showed me how to wash myself as a kid. I tried to peel it back a couple days ago, and could not even see the entire head. Blowjobs are like a punishment to me, and obviously I haven't tried to have sex. The farthest I have ever seen my foreskin back is after I ejaculate, and even then I don't see the whole head, and half of the part I can see appears to be red. Any advice on what to do? Can I clean it when it is erect, or does it have to be flaccid. I am still sore from a failed attempt to peel it back 2 days ago.

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    • steve8123

      just slowley try to pull back every day

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  • PaintMeGreen

    That's odd. I can see my head when erect. I'm uncut. :l

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  • Deezy_F_Baby

    Please Answer...How Do You Pull The Foreskin? Do You Peel It Back Or Slide It Down?

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    • Joebean95

      Slide it down dude =)

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  • portalmasterx7

    I am in my later 20s and I have outstanding memory of me as a kid and I was around 5 that I noticed my penis looked differant and thought nothing of it and the older I got I saw that hey, my penis didn't retract into its for skin because I guess I grew up with it and it adjusted or something

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  • joeboy123

    ok guys wen i pull my foreskin back it has a thin bit of skin that goes from the top/japseye and goes down the back off my penis is this normal?

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  • j890

    im 20 n uncircumcised. my penis is large so i have trouble gettin the skin all the way down. im still a virgin but i think it makes jerkin feel better

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  • Geodude578

    Well what i do is like dont think of anything at first then when your not even semi errected pull it back slowly then when you get hard leave it like that

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  • crazymofo326

    Just bite your foreskin off

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  • Paradoxical_existence

    It's supposed to retract all the way when your errect. ( mine does anyway)

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    • ILoveWankingOffAndSpunkingUp

      No. It's not. It will only do that if you pull it back. It doesn't auto do it. Your either lying or deformed!

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  • ipeeintheshower

    im uncircumcised and that happens to me too. its perfectly normal

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    • 69chris69

      Are you referring to my question? If so thanks

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    • Joebean95

      But is it? i think i should go to the doctors and get it removed, because i have a girlfriend and we said we should do stuff soon, but its because of my problem that i dont want her to play with me =/

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      • peeboi37

        circumcision is an outdated procedure that is no longer automatically performed as it once was.

        personally i like the look better and the foreskin is prone to pinching.

        but it is seen as mutilation by many, and to do it as an adult is ridiculous and VERY painful.

        anyone who doesnt like uncut dicks should say so before you get into a relationship with them and become all emotionally invested. its such a petty complaint

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  • Jimbininni

    Maybe u should get it circumcised an option

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  • Rose83

    Ok you need to clean under the foreskin anyway so like was said it needs to be pulled back. If you don't like the way it is you could always schedule a circumcision and they'll numb everything before they do it. Either way, keep yourself clean!

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  • jc82592

    gee i dont know!

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  • Aleks85

    Lol at guys who have foreskin. Uncut penises look gross. It's like a penis head with a turtleneck skin sweater. I'm grateful to not have that excess skin.

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    • Murun

      They're nature's product.

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  • solo

    U ra queer

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  • circumcision FTW!!!!!!

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  • EmoGirlzRule666

    YAY! Finally, a jewish person. I thought I was the only Jew here. And for all the neo nazi kids who are on here, I hope u rot in hell and get ur balls cut off!

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    • Nonofyourbusiness

      Screw you

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