What's the absolute weirdest dream you've ever had.

Something to do with superpowers 30
Something about murder 58
Something animated 15
Something that you already experienced in real life, but with tweaks 60
Other (Add a comment) 91
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Comments ( 77 )
  • Faceless

    One time I dreampt of me dreaming.

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    • KokoroComplex

      I had a few dreams like that, too. I also had dreams where I woke up into another dream, then I woke up from that dream into another dream- like Inception.

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      • Word2Pass


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        • dragonfly810

          I had dream soon dude released inside these boy-jaws, weird huh?

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  • enzyme1

    I dreamt that humanity had become so retarded that there were instructions in bathrooms on how to use the toilet . not even a high tech toilet either, with coloured indicators on the toilets showing where to sit and not to defecate before pulling your pants down and sitting down.

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    • nerdypartyboy

      I LOLed so hard when i read this XD.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Well I had an unusual dream a few nights ago...

    I was on an adventure with the Doctor, although this time I don't remember the TARDIS being there.

    The unusual part was that it wasn't Ten or Eleven... but Four.... my first Doctor, scarf and all. Well except for the hair... his hair looked more like it is today, very white. But he still had his famous voice.

    So that was it... hanging out with the Fourth Doctor. Oh and he may have mentioned Sarah Jane Smith, but I don't remember exactly.
    Pretty awesome blast from the past, eh?


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    • imagirldealwithit123

      Yay!!! The doctor!!!!!!!!

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  • wheresmytardis

    I died and Jesus told me I wasn't ready and would wake up at 9:15. When I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 9:15. It's funny because I'm still an atheist.

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    • SoccerStud88

      I dreamt that a group of people were penetrating my dream to implant an idea in my subconscious.

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      • cokopoof

        Inception O.O

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    I dremt that i was on a waterslide that stretches across the enitire earth and i was whizzing by all these different cities and oceans and forests.


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  • Juicedrink

    My friend was on rapunzels tower whitch was currently an air port. There was some weird baby throwing tradition that we did every year. My friend would throw babies out of the tower and I had to catch them. It was very strange...

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  • SaVnA02

    I had one dream i was taking out the trash and some guy comes out and shoots himself in the head and i could hear him telling me how much his head hurts, by far the weirdest and scariest

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    • KokoroComplex

      Sorry, but I can't help but to laugh at that one- I'm imagining that happening XD

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  • poof!gone122

    I had a dream that i was having a dream that i was in this hospital as a patient with a bunch of weird monsters and i had one green one with his eyes on top of stalks as a best friend. well, we'd be talking and i'd say something wrong and the entire hospital would go crazy and chase me around the hospital with everyone, including me, on motor hospital beds. then i would wake up from both dreams.... I've had this dream multiple times, so...

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  • Gleamwolf24

    I dreamed that i was in a mysterious mansion with a hill in the backyard. Taylor Lautner was running up the hill to me, and Kristen Stewart was dressed in a little red riding hood costume, and was chasing me. There was a giant (we are talking like 4 stories here) purple doughnut on the main street, and there was dump trucks crawling all over it. Then I was sucked up in a teleport beam to a mall (i visit this mall many times in my dreams, i know it so well now that i could draw up a map.. creepy no?), and on the 4th floor of the mall was my math class. I shape-shifted into a giant leopard like creature, and i raced through shops until i got to class on time. then, for some reason, i was living in a room in the mall (apparently it was also renting out houses) and my boyfriend was there living with me as well. the especially weird part was, that by the end of the dream, i realized that eh was actually not alive.. as in, he was, but he wasnt... actually, i have no way to describe this dream. It went on for much longer, but i feel that this is quite enough for you to get that i have very strange dreams. XD

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  • Phonyboy-lompoc-ca

    Ok, so i got pretty high oneday befor going to bed... I had a dream the whole night, or i think it was a dream, of nothing but fealings all over my body. An not a sibgke feeling was the same. I could just feal this ever changing pulse on every inch of my body. It would move everywhere, then it changed into sounds, they were just like the feelings. It was amazing, then they mixed an everything became one.

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    • livefastdieold

      haha thats a nice hidea to think about. although i cannot fall asleep after smoking, i just want to play games, workout, research or have sex haha.

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  • TheGuyWhoLikesYourMom

    Okay I was in a helicopter then suddenly the grim reaper apeared and said I was going to die then I woke up in the hospital from being knocked Out after getting hit by a car.

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  • CanadaIsANinja821

    I had a dream that Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog was eaten by a bodyless hand while giant trees marched outside a red version of my blue house. The scene suddenly disappeared and I saw myself getting chased by Courage through different places in the world (the pyramids, tokyo, new york).It ended with an image of Earth disappearing in a cloud of smoke and when the smoke cleared away, the Earth had been eplaced with an orange butterfly.

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    • TheGuyWhoLikesYourMom


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      • CanadaIsANinja821

        My mind works in random ways.

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    • alicemoloney

      I had a dream muriel was my mom and she fell into the pond behind my house. I ended up moving in with the Pickles for Rugrats...I was angelicas new sister...
      Courage the cowardly dog gaVE me many weird dreams

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  • sherbetlemon

    My dreams are generally a series of random events that make no sense, but always involving people I know. Although I once had a recurring dream that I was at school and we were waiting for an impending attack from Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters :s

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  • letsgetiton623

    Everyone in my city (about 15,000 people) were trapped in walmart and everynight when we slept someone would go around and stab you in the bottom of your left foot and kill you. One night I was sleeping on the conveyor belt at a cash register and i felt him grab my foot and as I was trying to get away I was dangling off the side of the conveyor belt and right before he could stab my foot I woke up from the dream and I was hanging off the side of my bed.

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  • Dr.Phil

    Okay, this dream was so weird, it doesn't even make sense anymore when i think about it now, but it all made sense when i was dreaming.
    Me and some other random guy were standing in front of the chief of an indian tribe, and we somehow had to prove ourselves worthy or something. In order to do that, my friend was given a spear.
    With that spear, he pulled some awesome moves in front of the chief. The chief was convinced, so it was my turn now. This was the part where it all got really weird.
    I was given two really big toothpicks. Then i jumped over a nearby wall into some sort of a garden. The garden was packed with plants and there were lots of cats in it.
    Then it was my job to kill the cats with the big toothpicks, and i remember that it was really awful to stab them to death. I didn't want to do it (i love cats, by the way!), but somehow i had to.
    For every cat i killed, two new ones showed up. I don't exactly remember for how long this went on, but i eventually woke up.
    It took me a while after that to get the cats out of my head, it was really disturbing...

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    • imagirldealwithit123

      D: no!!! Nut Dr.Phil!!! _screech_

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  • in my dream its night and i go down to the river, the river i know so well, its moonlight and everything looks different. i'm sitting on the bank looking at the black water and swirling currents when i hear a little hissing sound, i look down and its a large snake coiled in a mound in the moonlight its eyes are bright yellow. its hissing at me i think, so i get right down near its head and listen. " i am king snake you must dive dive in" it says. dive in a river at night ? even dreaming i am alarmed to dive in a river, never. so i say to the snake why should i? and the snake says" to be free" free from what i ask. ""from the shadows" says the snake and i turn around and i see shadowy figures creeping from tree to tree toward me. i dive in the river as something clutches my ankle. then i wake up

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  • My dreams are more like abstract experiences, with feelings and thoughts, like I'm in a different reality.

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  • kizazzle

    I died.

    Essentially, I was shot in the cheek in my dream and I fell over onto my right side. I felt myself bleed--the blood was hot. There was no pain, though. I could feel the gravel on my cheek before everything went black.

    When I woke up, it took me a few minutes to realize where I was and, strangely, who I was.

    I actually wondered, "Is this heaven?"

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    • Queeny

      Past life perhaps?

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  • dappled

    I was in a maze with purple clouds for the ceiling and the floor and I had to inject living columns (like huge coral) with the essence of Michael Jackson to keep them alive. People on the edge of the maze were raking over ground full of human skulls. And a postman on a bike with a harpoon was riding through the maze intent on stopping me keeping the coral alive.

    Either that, or the time Sienna Miller was swimming nude in my pond and her body had no good bits; like a giant smooth Barbie.

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    • cinos

      love it lol

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  • SOADslave

    I cant remember alot of my dreams, But I swear there interesting.

    This one Dream I had Freaked me out to the max.
    I was playing games and browsing stuff on my laptop right next to my bed, But it was all Foggy like a dream should be, anyway out of no were I Get like a virus and my laptop shutsdown and I can't get it to work, I'm trying everything and absolutely Freaking out, When I managed to wake up I jumped out of bed and immediately Powered on my computer, I'm shaking thinking its not going to work. after the longest minute in my life I was able to log on no problems. The sense of relief was incredible.

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  • I remember dreaming of fucking a donkey......I gotta stop watching that Mexican porno before bedtime

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  • It's good to see people having some crazy dreams cause that means i'm not alone, lol

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  • i have a dream every few nights of endless falling which really isn't pleasant causing me to wake up from it just before i hit the floor

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    • yoimosan

      i never really get endless falling it's just always at the end of a dream i randomly fall off a building.

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    • Qwerty-qwerty

      Totally agree!!! I hate those dreams

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    • KokoroComplex

      I never had falling or flying dreams.

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      • imagirldealwithit123

        i have! holy freakin shit here it is: i was a human flying around and there was a guy following me with the grim reaper behind him!...it was scary

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  • bananaface

    My mam got bitten by a bat and then slowly turned into a bat and started chasing meD:!!

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  • Tisgranum

    Most dreams I remember are all weird. I wake up with strong feelings and sometimes thinking I am on to something, I should write this down, then I go through it in my waking head and it's so stupid and makes no sense at all.

    There's this type of dream where I wake up over and over before I actually wake up. I hate those, they're usually nightmares. I wake up in my dream and then realize I am still dreaming to wake up again over and over until I wake up for real and it takes a while before I know I am truly awake. I remember rushing to turn the light on and for it to take me like 10 minutes before shaking it off.

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  • sleepingbeauty

    In my dream I woke up covered in blood and both my legs had been cut off, what was horrible is that I thought i was awake because i had 'just woken up'. Fortunately the shock then awoke me for real. It still haunts me sometimes....

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    • TheGuyWhoLikesYourMom

      Did u see the grim reaper?

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      • sleepingbeauty

        Nope...would you believe I was laying in one of those canvas camping beds in a marble courtyard with a huge circular fountain in the centre. There were other 'faceless' people around, but no grim reaper, weird or what? lol

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  • DhGlory

    I've been intravenously kept alive with body numbing drugs by a person I don't know as he removes limbs and 'other' appendages. I'm fully conscious but I can't move to stop him as this unknown person preserves my body parts as wall mounted trophies. I think there's a film where this happens to a guy although I may be merging two films somehow, either way I think I'm watching too many movies :)

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  • howaminotmyself

    I was living on Mars and all my friends were there. I went to a party at my old house and all the couples were paired with the wrong partners and had different names. I was very confused as no one else seemed to notice. But I was still me. My friend knew I was distraught and she grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me a little. Then she said, "everything is going to be okay, this is the way it is supposed to be." At that moment another friend jumped on his bike and I watched him ride into a spiral tunnel and dissapear into the ground. And then I woke up.

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  • nanawhite

    My dreams are even too weird to be classified in a poll !

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  • cokopoof

    I recently had a dream where there was some sort of annual red light in the sky stretching around the earth. It was magnetic and synchronized with the magnets underground or something like that, so it couldn't be crossed in between or a loud buzzing would happen. So me and two others were trying to get to the other side of it via underground beneath the magnets in earth. A truck entered where we were supposed to and a train passed over the tunnel messing us up. I jumped up really high to get over the red light's magnetic force instead. After I jumped I floated for a while down slowly, like I was gliding but it was really uncomfortable. I finally found a safe place to land and made it to the other side. . . and than I woke up.

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  • RoseIsabella

    When I was in college I dreamed that I had a penis. I whipped it out and thought damn I've got a nice one then I walked into the campus radio station to show it off.

    I do wanna add I did actually work at the campus radio station in real life.

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  • MaryPoppins04

    woah alot of comments :o anyways....I had a dream that i went to a elmo factory full of elmos and a whale bit my foot and i laughed and i ran over to my grandma and she was dancing with a unicorn then i became a midgit and i was eating cheese and then somone chased me around a table [another midgit did] and then i died and my casket was made of cocoa and heaven was all donkey hair wierd right.....

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  • 1marcelfilms

    The best movie ever, wasnt me, i was watching, it was in 2026 an huge piramid boat wouldnt help someone drowning on a boat he buikds a boat, meats an dolphin, then an ad like on tv, then he got bitten and dropped his hand, somehow the fishes lanch him in the air and he finds an friendy yeti...... Stupid mom waked me up

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  • BigLebowski

    I was walking for about 10 seconds and then I was eaten by a tree.

    Then, years later I had a dream where I was falling through the inside of the tree and I ended up in some sort of secret agent headquarters.

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    • BigLebowski

      Either that or the dream I had with opening and ending credits. If I remember correctly, it starred me, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Liv Tyler and Tim Robbins. The dream had something to do with terrorists and the Grand Canyon.

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  • Dreamboat

    Like this one time at band camp...

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  • KokoroComplex

    This was probably influenced by the movie "Pay it Forward". This was, I think a week ago. I was either the kid or the mom from the movie and we lived in this trailer-ish home. It wasn't really a trailer home, but it looked like it- just without the wheels. And I was being chased by Bon Jovi, who played the abusive ex in he movie. Then suddenly, I was at my old house and these guys were trying to break in the house. I could see them from upstairs, which, in waking life, was my parents room. I don't know whyy, but I tapped the window and ducked down. I waited 2 or so minutes then checked if they were still looking. I looked and they were staring right at me O_O. I ducked down again, and tried calling the cops, but I didn't know what to say and I could hear them laughing. It honestly scared the shit out of me, but when I remembered the dream the next day, I was like, "what the fuck...?"

    I also had a dream last night. I was on YouTube watching Kokoro Kiseki by Len and Rin Kagamine, and people were discussing that Len and Rin were siblings that loved each other. Then I commented, something about the song how Len actually made Rin, so they're not blood related, but she's really a clone of him. I also said some other things, but I don't remember. The main thing was, my comment was really philosophical and "wise"- like it sounded like some professor wrote it. I can't remember exactly what I wrote -__-u. Then I realized I was dreaming about YouTube. I really need to take a break of the internet -__-u

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  • KokoroComplex

    This was probably influenced by the movie "Pay it Forward". I was either the kid or the mom from the movie and we lived in this trailer-ish home. It wasn't really a trailer home, but it looked like it- just without the wheels. And I was being chased by Bon Jovi, who played the abusive ex in he movie. Then suddenly, I was at my old house and these guys were trying to break in the house. I could see them from upstairs, which, in waking life, was my parents room. I don't know whyy, but I tapped the window and ducked down. I waited 2 or so minutes then checked if they were still looking. I looked and they were staring right at me O_O. I ducked down again, and tried calling the cops, but I didn't know what to say and I could hear them laughing. It honestly scared the shit out of me, but when I remembered the dream the next day, I was like, "what the fuck...?"

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    I've had quite a few interesting Doctor Who dreams.

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  • StarryEyed

    I had a dream when I was about 12 I think and I was getting married to my brother (EW WTF) and I was late and was searching around my room for accessories to wear, like something old, new, borrowed, blue and he was also 12 although he's 3 years older than me and was just standing there waiting while I was running around my room trying to get ready, and being very unorganised.

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  • KokoroComplex

    Have you ever had those sex dreams where you don't feel anything?

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  • KokoroComplex

    I always get the weird ones. One time during my freshman year in high school, I dreamed that my math class was taking a test, but it was a match test to become a ninja (I was watching Naruto) and my science teacher at the time was the head proctor ninja ¬_¬. I also had a dream my friend turned into this psychopath and I had to kill her- I was at the on the top floor looking over the railing and dropped a knife on her head... My friends get weird dreams about me, too. I get out of body dreams and I sometimes dream about people I never seen or that I'm someone else.

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  • Nannersftw

    Once I was dreaming and then I woke up TWICE.
    And then there was another one involving chocolate soccer balls and my dad turning into a clown at a bar

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    • KokoroComplex

      I had a dream like that, too. I would dream, then I would wake up into another dream, then I would wake up from that dream into another dream.

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  • LaLaLaa

    I've had dreams that im being possessed by a ghost and you try to move or speak and you cant. They're fucking horrible.I also always used to have dreams my teeth were falling out, i think thats cuz i chipped both my teeth around that time. And i had a dream the other night that beyonce had died and i woke up crying! That wasnt nice. :( But apart from them i do have quite good dreams, they are like stories and most often they define how im feeling in reality.

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  • trollkiller

    i dreamed i was samus and i was fighting some other super suited guy and then i got blasted with a rocket. I fell down and he walked up, stepped on me, and but his rocket right up in my face and whispered "you're about to wake up" I saw a flash of light and immediately woke up!

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  • disthing

    My dreams are usually much weirder than anybody else's I know. So much so that I can't tell people without them giving me a weird... screwed up "what the hell?" face.

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  • yoimosan

    Well this is pretty nasty but me and my best friend walked into this garage and he payed this guy to have anal sex with him. i was just sitting in the room next door so it was really awkward to hear him having sex, especially with a man. then the cops showed up so we ran into this path in a forrest while having this super awkward conversation about how he never told me he was bi.
    so anyway we found our way to a wal-mart even though we live in britain and looked around for some bike parts.
    oh and i forgot to add he was suddenly styling a set of gay looking earings and he was hitting on me and kinda turned me on...

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  • littlekitty42310

    I had a scary dream the other night. The dream itself wasn't necessarily scary, but i remember seeing this person i'd met before, and i immediatley started shaking uncontrollably and it wouldn't stop for the rest of the dream.

    Then last night i had a dream i was in the same place and a person was telling me about the boy i like's kids. i was like "Wtf, he has kids?" So i started running. And i kept running until i got home. (200 miles)

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  • mango262

    I dreamt that I go a boy's house, whom I had met just a few months back.. And I was invited for a community lunch at his house, where surprisingly only youngster were.. And I was the first one to come, so he shows me his house.. and takes me to his bedroom, and suddenly, he starts feeling me and then we make out ! :p

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  • stone_love

    Umm "OTHER" and I seriously doubt I'd be able to explain some of my weirdest dreams in words, lol.

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  • penguin1

    I was at my house and my cousin was telling me that on that night after sunset, if someone managed to get through the maze in the cornfield, they'd get to make one wish.

    In reality, our house was surrounded by fields on three sides, so the dream was very realistic.

    Anyhow, I made it to the end of the maze and a loud voice said that I was granted 1 wish. Then I woke up. I had the same dream about a year later.

    I've had so many weird dreams though. Recently, I had one where my cat's soul switched bodies with another cat. O.o

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  • Queeny

    All of my dreams are pretty fucked up. For example, me in a hug empty parking lot in the middle of the night, dim lighting. Only thing there is a pick up truck. Out of the shadows these men dressed in black, some with warped "clownish" looking faces, others have no face at all. Slowly creep towards me surrounding me, they want to hurt me and I know this so I climb in to the truck and lock the doors. They jump all over the truck banging all over the doors, windows, trying to get in. The truck is shaking violently and the banging is loud and scary. I'm yelling and crying hysterically.....Those are the kinds of dreams I have, weird, disturbing, and fucked up. I really need therapy.

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    • TheGuyWhoLikesYourMom

      I had a fucked up one once,its the one I put up for my dream there's more to it than that but it's so disturbing I don't want to put it up........ Mabe I'll put it up later...or not.

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      • Queeny

        Do it! Dont be embarrassed, the one that I used as an example is by FAR not even close to how fucked up my dreams get. I'm tellin you my dreams are other worldly!

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  • wigsplitz

    I had a dream that I was in my local WalMart, at the sporting goods section, and that a person I knew was going to see me there (but I didn't see them). This is significant because I was planning on wearing a pair of pants that belonged to this particular person, to WalMart, to get my fishing license at the sporting goods section that very next day.

    The realness of the dream convinced me to NOT wear the pants.

    Sooo....I went to WalMart Saturday as planned, got my fishing license, and then on Monday, I got a text from the very person I dreamed about seeing me saying they saw me at WalMart, in the sporting goods section.

    It was sooo weird. It wasn't like deja vu or anything because I didn't even know that the person had seen me untill they texted me on the following Monday. I'm still stunned by this. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before or since.

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