What's the best prank you ever did or seen?

The other day, there was a customer at my job with a bag of googly eyes and glue in his hand and he was putting them on the mannequins. I kind of saw him doing it at the corner of my eye, but I ignored it because I thought it was funny and clothing isn't my department(Market is). Now the store's faceless, colorless, mannequins, have tiny googly eyes on them. It's creeping out the customers and my coworkers find it kind of fun watching it.

How about you guys? Best prank you ever did, seen, or heard of?

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Comments ( 39 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i spent well over a thousand dollars wortha the companys money in supplies & my time buildin an exquisite 10 inch brass dildo complete with tig welded veins & brass balls silver soldered on

    i put it in the bottoma onea my coworkers (a true frenemy) carry on bag just before he left for the airport a year or so after 9/11 when security was crazy

    it couldnt be ignored by tsa on xray and was big enough to be a bludgeon so it had to be confiscated

    tom never would tell me what happened that day at lax

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    • Mw2-OG

      Man I once knew a manager at a local jack in the box, knew him for about 6 years. Before I just didn’t go there anymore. But I had a buddy named Mike and i requested that he always get mikes order wrong. For literally like 4 years EVERY SINGLE TIME mike went there they fucked his order. Bacon cheese? Good cheesburger, but no bacon. Oh my god. The drunk pissed nights he hated that place. Still know Mike. He still doesn’t know. And I think I’ll die with that secret.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        put it in your will that mike be informed about your lil joke on him

        ultimate last laugh

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    • Boojum

      That's hilarious and close to my idea of a perfect prank.

      The only thing that makes it a little dubious is that it involved TSA agents. Those people tend to be obnoxious, pompous, mini-Hitlers with a minimal sense of humour, and he could have found the encounter with them very stressful as well as extremely embarrassing.

      But the complexity of the preparation, the randomness, and the way the prank hit completely out of the blue are great.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        'he could have found the encounter with them very stressful as well as extremely embarrassing'

        yeah that was the whole idea

        nothin beats the impact of public humiliation and tom deserved it all believe me

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        • dude_Jones

          Perhaps a gay agent discovered it, and thanked your coworker for the friendly gesture.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            someone took it home im sure

            its not like they could put it in their confiscation display box

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            • dude_Jones

              Yep. Perfect trophy for the fireplace mantle.

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    Donald Trump convinced poor rednecks he gives a shit about them.

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    • CountessDouche


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      • Boojum

        I've seen that video before, and it makes me feel conflicted.

        On the one hand, she's a person in great distress, and it looks like she's someone who finds life in general very difficult because she's just not equipped to deal with it.

        On the other hand, her weeping and wailing about "our land" most likely means she believes America belongs to white, very conservative, fundamentalist Christians who should have the right to stomp on everyone who isn't like them. What she says about Biden indicates that she's been guzzling down the nastiest flavours of Trump Kookaid. But her ignorance and delusions are due to choices she made about who she should pay attention to over the last four years and more.

        On balance, I think she is - as her hero would have Tweeted - "SAD!"

        The people sensible Americans should be very concerned about aren't weeping and posting humiliating YouTube videos of themselves demonstrating their distress and disappointment and devotion to Trump. The ones to worry about are those who are are keeping a low social media profile but are burning with rage that things haven't gone as they hoped since election day.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          I first saw the video of her weeping captioned, "Damn. I guess Q didn't show up."

          She's a member of the QAnon cult and had been told all of the leftists were being arrested on January 6th and Trump basically appointed as king. That didn't happen and they said the 20th. It looks like she basically accepted it wasn't happening but many of them now claim it's happening in March. They just move the goalpost as needed.

          She's so distraught because she genuinely believes that the US is being conquered by Satanic lizard people who organize pedo rings and drink baby blood under pizza places.

          At any rate, I have some baby blood I should probably be drinking.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        I was actually already watching this for about an hour per day. It sustains me.

        "I can't even see our American flag anymore! Biden's talking with some kind of crazy flag!"

        I have no idea what she's talking about on either point. That inauguration was all but drowning in the American flag. It's like she was so salty she was hallucinating.

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        • CountessDouche

          Oh, you don't know about the crazy flag? Best bit imo. Sit down & have a yarn

          So, there was a few photographs of Joe Biden taken during his campaign that resurfaced & actually became a trending topic on conservative forums. People were extremely, extremely upset because in these photographs, he was speaking in front of a strange oddly colored flag. Was it a communist flag? A child molester flag? The I drink baby blood flag?


          It certainly wasn't the state flag

          Of the state he was campaigning in

          That would've made people obsessing on conservative forums look stupid

          He's a communist, baby killer. That's the most obvious answer.

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          • Boojum

            To be fair, some state flags are kinda weird.

            Arizona has a huge red star in the middle and the rays of a rising sun. That's some fucking obvious commie Jap shit right in your face.

            And why the fuck is the flag of South Carolina just a palm tree and a crescent? Is that part of some mooslem commie plot?

            Alaska is just some stars, but everyone knows Jesus hates astrology 'cause it's the work of Satan.

            Maryland's flag is super weird and super suspicious. That's gotta be about some Illuminati shit.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              california should add a golden twink to the golden bear

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            • CountessDouche

              Some states ARE kinda weird hahaha.
              I like your stance, though. I wish it existed in America. There's really a vile, awful sense of division and it's fucking terrifying

              I'm lucky enough to be in the process of moving to another country & comforted by the non existance of a Mason dixon line...civil war related speach is happening on various forums. It is, but it doesn't seem plausible

              I do believe Donald was not the problem. He was just a symptom

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Oh that's just precious.

            I was beginning to wonder if she had seen the rebel flag of the southern Confederate States from the American Civil War flown so often that she actually thought that was the American flag and was alarmed by this strange 50-starred flag she was seeing instead with the Satanists now.

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    • Imafriendyrock

      Who cares if he does or not? As long as he implements the policies he says he will then he could be a transgender hermaphrodite for all i care

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        You mean as long as he "implemented". There's no "implements". Trump went bye bye.

        Also, strange how you say that like there's something wrong with being transgender and/or intersex. Are you transphobic?

        You're right though. Mexico paid for the wall just like he promised.

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  • Imafriendyrock

    Me and my buddy growing up use to do pranks all the time i cant name a number one but one of the best ones is there was this teacher we didnt like we spent a full day driving around drinking beer and picking up roadkill. By the end of the day we had a ton of dead animals in the bed of my truck and we placed the corpses all over the teachers driveway and yard. My friend had just killed a huge turkey and we were able to stuff it inside of her mailbox and get the lid shut. To this day I wish I would have seen the mail mans reaction when he opened it. Anyway the teacher lived down the street from my friend and we drove by there and I shit you not there had to have been 100 buzzards in her yard.b and as we drove by she was in the yard and she made eye contact with us. We waved and we could see her screaming and being very animated. She was a very short tempered lady. She knew it was us she called the police and our parents. It was really funny to me. Of course we denied it but everyone knew we did it. They didnt have any proof tho

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    • Boojum

      The "rock" bit of your username sounds appropriate.

      Not too sure about the "friendy" part, though.

      But maybe you mean your only friends are rocks?

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      • Imafriendyrock

        Its a burner account I figured id be banned by thr end of the day. But I been on my best behavior. I guess Im stuck with it.... For now

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  • Boojum

    A lot of pranks are just obnoxious people behaving like assholes and embarrassing or inflicting pain on others for no reason other than their own entertainment. Believing that sticking a shit-eating grin on your face and calling it a joke makes it okay only proves that they're socially inept and lacking in empathy.

    It's been a long time since I watched the typical YouTube prank videos, but the ones I found most amusing were where the victim of the prank totally overreacted and beat the shit out of the pranker.

    The only prankish videos I enjoy are from a guy who creates incredibly complicated devices that mess up the day for thieves who steal packages that have been left on porches by delivery drivers.

    He calls them glitter bombs, because when the thief triggers the device by taking the lid off the fake product, the device inside sprays about a cup of glitter in a circle around it about two metres across. Another part of the device starts squirting fart spray, and some of them start playing a recording of an Alexa-like voice saying the police have been called to the location.

    All the while, four cheap smart phones in the device have been uploading video and sound of what's going on around the device to the cloud. A GPS tracker allows the guy to retrieve the package from wherever the thief dumps it so it can be refurbished and put out as bait again.

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    • dude_Jones

      Nice. Laundry blueing makes for a good dye bomb. It's extra fun to use these on cops that go thru people's trash looking for evidence.

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    • Somenormie

      Are some of it you're referring to is Mark Rober?

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      • Boojum

        Yep, that's the guy.

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  • idkyourmom27

    One tiem I facked my fwiends weif dawg :3

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  • Tommythecaty

    I can’t say, it’s still ongoing.


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  • megadriver

    At school, I made screenshots of the desktop, hid all the icons and folders and set the screenshot with icons and folders as the background.

    Did it on several computers. Teachers were baffled. Ended up reinstalling windows on those PCs.

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    One of my employees was a wise guy always prancing other employees. So on April Fool’s we cooked up a scheme where they told him he made a huge mistake and when I got in I’d probably fire him. Then when I got there they told me about it in front of him and I pretended to have a heart attack. They pretended to call 911 while he knelt over me telling me he was sorry, and then I woke up and said, “April Fool!”.

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  • SethAmp6

    I called my old high school art teacher and told her "I'm sorry, mam. I hate to inform you that your son took his own life tonight." She freaked the hell out. Funny thing is, I did this on another occasion a few years later. Same teacher. Got her TWICE. It was a good one.

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  • SmokeEverything

    This was years ago, me and a buddy used to hang with this dude who was like kind of our friend but would always fuck us over (Come hang at my college, we'll smoke weed, We'd take a bus like 15 miles out there and he left the school cause his mom told him to come home, stuff like that) and it was super annoying.

    He never drank really and always talked about how he wanted to know what its like, and we were pretty wasted at the time, so we got like a bunch of those Four loko drinks and told him to chug all of them. Within like 30 minutes he was stumbling all over himself, so we loaded him into the passenger seat of his car and took it into a big snowy field and ripped it all around doing donuts until his tire blew out. It was funny as hell, he had no idea what was going on and was like cracking up as his head bounced off the window. Then we just dropped him off at his house with the flat tire at 3am and left.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Your birth.

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  • Imafriendyrock

    Yeah theyre great you should try it

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  • Somenormie

    The best one was when I went using an automated prank caller on my younger cousin and he was losing it to the point where he angrily hangs up the phone.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      now its some fuckin company tryinta sell me an extended warranty on my car

      and boy howdy they dont stop callin no matter what

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    • Imafriendyrock

      Lol those were fun. We use to have the ones where you would press the buttons to make them talk

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      • Somenormie

        What got me to do it was back then I used to watch Ownage Pranks all day and thats what got me to do it one day.

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