What's the best way to get rid of a dead pet?
Bury it | 70 | |
Cremate it | 23 | |
Throw it in the garbage | 10 | |
Just keep it at home | 3 | |
Give it away | 7 | |
Other | 2 |
Ask Your Question today
Bury it | 70 | |
Cremate it | 23 | |
Throw it in the garbage | 10 | |
Just keep it at home | 3 | |
Give it away | 7 | |
Other | 2 |
Give it away. Cos nothing says "I love you" more than a decomposing animal carcass.
I'd say bury it if you have land around you, cremate it if you live in the city.
Except for fish. I hate to say it, but it really is best to just flush those.
except when your fish is like 16 inches+ long dont try to flush thoses HAHA! I had a fish that was over 24 inches long when it died, I burried one... one died during a snow storm... I packed it in a ziplock and threw it away... probably not the best idea. To not sound so creepy... when I was little I used to not let my parents burry my birds/rabbits/hamsters that passed, we froze them in a freezer just for them and every week I would go out and "visit" them. When I turned 10 or 11 I burried all of them together in a large hole all in their own little boxes. (the grass grows really well there HAHAHAHA). Now I have no problem letting go of them. I think It depends on where you are in life. As a little kid I couldn't deal with death so my parents made it easier on me by letting me revist them when I needed to. But now I am all for giving them a proper burrial. If I was renting or lived in an apartment (not my own yard) I would cremate them (if they were cats/dogs/rabbits.) birds, fish, or whatever else I would probably throw away.
It really depends on the type of animal. Anything small like small rodents, fish and birds could be flushed down the toilet (obviously pending the permission of the little ones)
Larger animals, bury them I would say.
But as I said earlier if you have kids who loved the decreased animal, it's best to consult with them first.
One family pet died in the New Forest while we were on holiday. She's buried there in a more beautiful spot than any of humans will ever be allowed. When I get towards the end of my life and I make the trips back to put my stone collection back where they all came from, I'll visit her too and say goodbye. Tie up loose ends.
I recently lost my cat and I had him cremated, then buried the ashes. I marked the spot with a stone. My other cat now sleeps on that spot.
I've always buried pets, just make sure you dig a deep enough hole.