What's the better pet... dogs or cats?
Cats | 321 | |
Dogs | 330 |
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Cats | 321 | |
Dogs | 330 |
Some dogs are okay, but I really can't stand a lot about them.
-Dog breath.
-Big dogs that jump on you.
-The way their fur smells.
-When they puke.
I currently own two cats (so happy with them, too), but I'm not biast in the least. I grew up with dogs. I had a dog for most of my life, and I hated cats because of the stereotypes set on them (and because I never owned one). My whole family has dogs, and friends too.
Maybe its because I treat them right, but cats I encounter are so loving and sweet. Unless they'd been abused by people, cats usually have a loving disposition.
Cats are very independent and clean.
And they're just too cute! (:
dogs are very fun to play with. but when it comes to feeling, cats are more understanding. :)
Animals are animals, pets are pets, whats the point of trying to compare them?? Its really ghey when people try to compare them i love my cat and my dog equally! You should have put "both" or "i love them equally" in your poll. FAIL.
Cats do love their owners, they just take longer to trust you compared to a dog, because a dog will do anything if there's food involved.
Cats don't bite for fun and make noise all the time, and most importantly, they don't eat shitt and then lick it onto you. They go poo in private and cover it up when done.
Dogs have to be trained to behave well. Cats do their own thing instead of constantly in your face bugging the hell out of you.
Ha, I voted for cat and the poll is now even 139 each. Wow, I love both, but cats are considered low maintenance. They can use a litter box, don't have to be walked, and can usually entertain themselves. When I have to leave the house for the day, I know my cat will be perfectly fine sleeping in her favorite basket.
dogs, cuz i live in mexico.. i love my dog his name is chico//.... we play ,run,and eat tacos together...(LOL):)
Bottom line is Dogs are Parasites no matter how you look at it....sure they won peoples hearts and most people love them but the modern dog is a lazy worthless animal.
I am an avid animal person, I will admit I do like dogs better than cats and I do understand everyone has an opinion and I disagree with you on the fact that dogs are a)parasites and b) worthless animals. My reasoning is a) that dogs do help humans in many different ways (as cats do too) b) Different breeds of dogs are used for different things
An example would be a service dog which is a type of assistance dog, specifically trained to help people who have disabilities other than visual or hearing impairment. They also can provide other services:
Autism service dog
Guide dog
Hearing dog
Medical response dog
Mobility assistance dog
Psychiatric service dog
Seizure alert dog
Seizure response dog
The Labrador Retriever , golden retriever, german shepards are three of the many examples of dog breeds that make great service dogs
Dogs also help our police in different ways. A police dog is a dog that is trained specifically to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel in their work like:
Public order enforcement dog - The traditional image of a police dog is one used to enforce public order by chasing and holding suspects, or detaining suspects by the threat of being released, either by direct apprehension or a method known as Bark and Hold
Search and rescue dog (SAR) - This dog is used to locate suspects or find missing persons or objects
Detection dog or explosive-sniffing dog - Some dogs are used to detect illicit substances such as drugs or explosives which may be carried on a person in their effects
Cadaver dogs - Some dogs are trained in detecting the odor of decomposing bodies. Dogs' noses are so sensitive that they are even capable of detecting bodies that are under running water
German shepards, beagles, Labrador retrievers, boxers, bloodhound, Rottweiler, and many other breeds are used to assist our police in different tasks.
German shepards, beagles, Labrador retrievers, boxers, bloodhound, Rottweiler, and many other breeds are used to assist our police in different tasks.
I know that Dogs in warfare have a long history starting in ancient times. From 'war dogs' trained in combat to their use as scouts, sentries and trackers, their uses have been varied and some continue to exist in modern military usage. Dogs have been used for many different purposes. Different breeds were used for different things, but always met the demands of the handlers. (some roles for dogs in war are obsolete and no longer practiced(
Examples of things dogs did in warfare:
Anti-tank warfare: During World War II, the Soviet Union trained anti-tank dogs. These dogs were taught to find food under tanks. They were then starved until a battle occurred, during which they would be released to seek food. The dogs wore a pouched canvas overcoat in which high explosives were placed. When they ducked under a tank in search of food, the explosives were actuated by means of a tilt fuse on the dog's back, which when bent or broken set off the explosives in the dog's overcoat, with the hope of destroying the tank.
Fighting: In ancient times, dogs, often large ancient mastiff type breeds, would be strapped with armor and spiked collars, and sent into battle to attack the enemy. This strategy was used by various civilizations, such as the Romans and the Greeks. This approach has been largely abandoned in modern day militaries due to the fact that modern weapons would allow the dogs to be destroyed almost immediately
For every life a dog saves, there are at least a dozen more lives lost because of dogs -- dogs that attack and kill infants, young children, owners, etc. Then there's the negative impact on the environment. In a recent study, it was discovered that a large dog has a greater adverse impact on the environment than a large SUV. Dogs do MUCH more harm than good.
Fuck you. You deserve to be picked up by the The City Pound, stuck in a cage and forgotten about. I'd love to see you sitting in a cage, day after day, month after month, waiting for someone you care about to come and unlock the cage door for you, and then walk away to leave you there.
Dogs have saved lives. A dog would even save YOUR life, even though you think so poorly of them. Dogs have been called "Man's best friend" for a reason, you stupid person. I pity you. You are extremely ignorant. Modern dog or not, they are ALWAYS useful. Dogs have healed the loneley, rescued people, guided the blind, helped the mute, comforted lonely seniors. You are a very stupid person.
I like cats, but dogs are like mushrooms if you shoot a duck I'm scared of toasters.
Not an option for both eh? I really can't decide which I love more when it comes to cats and dogs. They both have good qualities and bad qualities.
I've had seven cats in my life,not all together, and they were all sweet, loving pets except for one that kept hissing at me for no reason whenever I went near her. And trust me some cats can be just as nasty, aggressive and as dangerous as dogs I've had my arm bitten and nearly shredded by a cat that didn't like me.
Right now I have one dog,besides my gecko she's currently my only pet. I rarely had any problems with her learning manners or housebreaking and she's never been aggressive towards us or strangers. I also know several dogs in the neighborhood who are also well-behaved loving pets. Never once been bitten or attacked by a dog whether it be my own or someone elses'.
For now I can't really choose and yes I know dogs have the potential to be dangerous but then so are humans and I have to put up with them everyday...any animal has the potential to be dangerous really.
And feral cats have had much a negative impact on enivorments as wild dogs. And cats wil also kill just for the thrill of the hunt, well fed cats will kill a bird but they won't eat it instead they either drag it back into the house or leave it untouched..that to me qualifies for killing for sport. So dogs aren't the only animal,aside from man to do so, I kind of think any well fed, bored predators end up killing for sport...that's prob what happened to us.....I'll stop now..
my cat shows emotion like no other cat. he cries when he is sad, he smiles when he is happy and he purrs when he is happy. he kisses me on my hands and feet. and he sits on my tummy and looks at me in the eyes and meows with a smile to tell me he loves me. he is the best Cat in THE WORLD!!!!!
he follows me everywhere, he plays fetch with a cotton ball, he greets me at the door when i come home from work(like a dog would do to it's owner)
I also have two dogs i adopted recently. my female beagle shows emotion like insanely. She is crazy. she sits there and mopes around when she see's me leaving because she just wants to be by my side. my male beagle doesn't give a crap about anyone or anything. he wants to be with someone sometimes but not anyone in particular. just anyone who pats him or gives him a treat. my female sticks to my side like glue. she doesn't venture past 5 feet in front of me when walking with me. the male runs where ever his big nose takes him
cats are more adventurous and curious. dogs can be hyper, and stuff, and learn tricks, but cats can do the same.
Dogs can be so annoying! Plus you have to train them. Cats are easy. It's just: "There's you're litter box, don't scratch the couch" that's it! Plus, they're so nice to cuddle with
Anyone else think Dogs are just fury Parasites...
FYI, without humans feeding them and providing shelter Dogs would just die off.
Cats on the other hand are still smart enough to fend for themselves.
Have you ever seen a dog? Do you know millions of them are used for HUNTING? Of course they can fend for themselves...more so than cats because dogs can move in packs.
Dogs are also more friendly by nature and are more fun to play with.
I agree with you. Dogs aren't nearly as smart as some people say they are. They do really dumb things. Like if you throw them out beside the road, they will just sit there and wait and wait for their owner to return, but a cat won't do that. A cat will fend for themselves or go with someone who tries to help them. But I've heard of dogs that refuse to go with anyone else trying to help them. If they were all that smart, they would know that someone who threw them out by the road didn't want them.
You don't know what the F**K you're talking about! We live in the country and have 2 cats that we adopted that were thrown out by the side of the road. If a cat isn't wild and it has lived with people before, it WILL come up to someone trying to help it, especially if you give it food.
Perhaps cats have better survival instincts but they're assholes! A dog is a great companion and will love you to its death. A cat just comes to you for food while a dog genuinely loves you.
Not only would stupid dogs die off without people to feed them, they are so dumb that when an owner gets tired of the pieces of sh*t and dumps them beside the highway, they will just stay in that one spot, waiting for the owner to return. They are too friggin' stupid to figure out that if the owner had wanted them, he/she wouldn't have dumped their filthy, barking, parasitic asses. A cat won't do that. A cat will go to a nearby house and try to entice someone else to feed it and if all else fails, it will fend for itself and survive by killing and eating small animals.
Dogs hands down, I own both and loved both but dogs are far more fun and loving. Cats or ok but they are just too selfish. When i get home from work after a bad day my dog is so ecstatic too see me, it makes my day. I remember when i slipped of a stair and twisted my ankle, my dog was the only one who came to my assistance and alerted everyone. We take our dog to the beach, the park, family parties while our cat is at home.
I love most of what you wrote, but not all of it.
Your cat is at home while you go to the beach, the park, and family parties BECAUSE YOU LEAVE YOUR CAT AT HOME. When your dog was a puppy, you socialized him, trained him to walk on a leash, and took him places with you, right? Well, I did the same thing with my cat. She comes almost everywhere with me. She loves car rides. I've trained her to walk on a leash, etc. You didn't give your cat the time of day and attention that you gave your dog. Your cat is at home because you leave it there.
yeah i have 2 cats i have to admit they can be selfish, such as when you come down to make yourself anything like cereal (milk!) they think your making it for them, lovely. they are very loving though
Cats all the way through. I don't have anything against dogs, but they're so noisy, smelly and hyper. They see things as a pack and you being the leader of the pack. I prefer cats because they're smart, curious, gentle (most of the time) and just lovely animals. They see things as a pride (like lions). I live with my mom and 2 cats. One is a tom and one is a she-cat. The tom feels like he's the male of the pride by being the only tom. He feels he has the reponsiblity of protecting the pride and marking a daily border patrol.
Cats are sweet but lets face it, dogs will never let you down. And their always in a good mood lol.
I PREFER DOG :) coz Dogs are like a human, they understand our Feeling
I dont like coz, They always Avoid us LOL They only need Food,.... but i like kitten, they are Cool,
I just KNEW that IIN would be full of cat people. On any other poll I've seen, dogs win by a landslide. IIN is sort of a mix of the antisocial, the hipster, and the intellectual/faux-intellectual. So, I'm not at all surprised. I've loved all my cats and dogs, but I voted for dogs because dogs have a way of making you forget about your problems with their exuberant love. I think dogs are great for mental health, not that cats aren't, but dogs are usually so fun-loving you can't help but smile and laugh around them.
My cat is very loving and attentive for a cat, but in a less gushing way. But my cat is cool because she comes and lies on you when you call her, which is rare behaviour that I think she learned from our dogs. She also likes to sleep with her nose on your nose! And a lot of cats don't like getting up close and personal. Our old cat was a very protective guy, who'd "guard" us kids when we'd play.
I think cats and dogs are equally amazing, but if you want a pet to really cheer you up and occupy your time and satisfy you emotionally, I would choose a dog. Dogs need you, and it's nice to be needed. Cats are usually more independent, so they probably make better pets for independent people who don't want any fuss.
I looove my cats, and cats in general, but I've always wanted to try having a dog.
i have 4 malipoo's lily,silly emo, and c.j. 2 pug's allie,tanny 3 poodle's lolly, max,nate, and some farm animal's
I didn't vote cause I have 2 kitten but I've never had a dog. However awhile ago my boyfriend upset me. As I was crying softly in bed, my kitten Vera who happened to be the one who was most likely to ignore people came up to me and licked my face. She then sat next to me and pawed my hair until I fell asleep.
I love cats far more (because they fit my personality more)
I still find dogs very enjoyable, I just have like the independence of cats better. And they are so sophisticated (usually).
I like them both the same but I'm a huge cat fan. Id get a dog and a cat. I'm NOT a fan of the barf and the poop. Haha
I've always wanted to get a puppy and a kitten simultaneously, and bring them home for the first time at EXACTLY the same time, so that no scent from the other is in the house yet, so that noone can get territorial or alpha and take over. They'd be the best of friends. Would be the perfect age for them to be introduced to eachother and would be great fun to observe. One day I will do that.
Terriers (like the lakeland terrier) are or where used to are used to hunt mammals. Terriers locate the den or set of the target animal and then bolt, capture, or kill the animal. A working terrier may go underground to kill or drive out game.
Many people who may live on a farm (or out in the country), may have a farm dog. As the name implies dogs help around the farm. The breed of dog varies for the type of work that needs to be done. Sometimes they may be purebred dogs or mixed breeds. An example of a dog that you may find on farms is the Border collie because they assist in herding livestock or to protect the livestock & farm.
Owners of dogs often enter them in competitions[53] such as breed conformation shows or sports, including racing and sledding.
In conformation shows, also referred to as breed shows, a judge familiar with the specific dog breed evaluates individual purebred dogs for conformity with their established breed type as described in the breed standard
I think one of the most common uses of dogs is the use of a companion pet. Which is what all three of my dogs are and they are very good pets and they fill up to their breed descriptions.
Although I may not like cats as much as dogs, I do think they are not parasites and do have a purpose (and are not worthless). I believe they are also valuable companion pets and have many uses like their ability to hunt vermin and household pests. I also think that it may be custom in places like Asia eat dogs, I kinda think it is disgusting.
I do agree with Blackshadow 123 because they both are great for many reasons
both are great.
i can't decide.
i am a cat person...but i love beagles!!!!
and i think it is disgusting as fk that women or girls have sex with their dogs. i want to vomit from thinking of that occurring
dogs and cats are meant as pets not sex toys.
they are both wonderful for many reasons(Just not SEX) as black shadow has already stated
I chose dogs because I love dogs they are cute and they are not as serious as cats! I love dogs because they give you love( NOT THAT KLIND OF LOVE OF SAYING U I LOVE U OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT)!!! I referr to that kind of love that they give you hugs and kissed( TONGUE KISSES BUT NOOT IN MOOUTH BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO LIPS)!!! I have 2 dogiies named Negrita and Cookie and they are both Chihuahuas I LOVE THEM!!! Cookie is the cute one and Negrita is the wild 1!!!
What about all those dogs that turn on their owners or other family members for no reason? And please, don't come back with all that "the way a dog is raised" garbage. Dogs that have been raised from puppies and never, ever mistreated have been known to kill family members for no reason whatsoever. One case happened in Florida last December when one of the 2 family Weimarainer (sp?) dogs that had been raised from a puppy suddenly ripped the throat out of the family's 2-year-old son. The kid wasn't touching the dog, just walking past, and the father was just a few feet away. The attack was totally unprovoked.
I'm sure cats have bad days, too, but when a cat has a bad day, all it does is scratch, it doesn't kill. Dogs are dangerous animals and should NOT be kept as pets.
Until they have a bad day and attack and kill their owner.
Dogs do NOT love, they do what is necessary to survive. Don't believe me? Have a neighbor start feeding that "wonderful, loyal, loving" dog of yours steak instead of the dog food you feed him and see how fast he decides he loves the neighbor more than he loves you!