What's the biggest problem facing the world today?

Which of these is the biggest problem facing the world today?

anti Antifa talking points 1
transphobia 2
homophobia 4
fascism 3
proto Hitlerism 1
anti blm 0
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Comments ( 33 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Libtard poll

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Shopping carts with that one wobbly fucked up wheel.

    Oh, and another thing...
    ...long underwear. It always seems like long underwear bottoms were made for a freakish species of humanoids with long torsos & stubby legs. Like if you pull the crotch of them up to meet your own crotch the waistband is around your armpits & the ankle openings are around your knees. I've written to my locale newspaper to complain about this on several occasions.

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    • LloydAsher

      Those are for colder places. Where your legs need another layer. Comfortable as heck but they are not for wearing as discount booty shorts.

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  • Clunk42

    2/3 of those aren't even problems.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    lacka availability of the kinda beer i like

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  • KholatKhult

    Too many fancy limited edition coins go into circulation and they expect us to use them as currency instead of hoarding them away like a dragon
    How am I supposed to use this coin ? It has a special picture on it I have to keep it

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  • dirtybirdy

    Hot dogs often come in packs of 10 when there are only 8 buns...wtf

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Lol is this a troll post??

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    • Grunewald

      My thought too.

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  • taebby22

    All of them. Because most societal problems are about dehumanization, and that is the biggest problem of all. Whether it's racial inequality or a mass shooting, it's caused by dehumanization. People aren't treating others are fellow humans.

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  • litelander8

    Inequality between classes too. It’s insane how a crime to rich people doesn’t matter. But a crime as poor/ working class, ruins their whole life.

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  • up_my_ass_boiz

    definitely that bitch ABBY, who's ruined my one true chance at love by stealing Kevin from me, fuck u abby i hope u get lice the night before prom!

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  • LloydAsher

    I was going to say starvation or human trafficking/slavery but hey that's just my issues.

    All of those other issues are quite petty considering.

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  • darefu

    Hatred and money the root of all evils!

    That covers about 90% of all the comments here. If it's not about money, (somebody has it and somebody doesn't, a want of what the other person has), then it's a hatred that's taught by, (parents, religion, schools, media-yes media tilt things to make people react, part of media and life-social pressures,)

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Child abuse. The whole world would improve if that didnt exist.
    Also, Climate change and hunger.

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    greed and pride is the root of it all

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  • raisinbran

    In the US, obsession with genitals. Been a problem since the early 2000s.

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    • Tinybird

      Especially when the word female is reduced to "vulva-owner" or "people with vaginas".
      And dick jokes are stupid and unfunny.

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    • KholatKhult


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  • Somenormie

    Corruption is a major thing in every country as it defines the lack of fairness, the justice and the accountability in society. This can also be how the politicians create a negative impact on human rights as well as the abuse of power this can also be a violation of human rights.

    As corruption rises over a long time may I add it has become very widespread and complex most of the time examples of these can include weak governance, the lack of transparency and the lack of law enforcement.

    Overall corruption is the biggest thing people have faced.

    But I'm sure theres other things way worse than corruption, you CANNOT get rid of corruption even if you were to protest out there somewhere in the world there's always going to be corruption.

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    • LloydAsher

      Might as well say people are selfish and prone in mistakes.

      I suppose the op was looking for more fixable issues. But as a realist, fixable issues is more in line with fixing a financial budget rather than changing the sociological perspectives of other groups of people.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Mental health, world population, climate change, soil health, human trafficking, etc.

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  • Holzman_67

    Not enough donuts

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  • litelander8

    Human trafficking.

    And, world peace.

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  • Wow3986

    All of these. The fact that you think that one problem can be bigger than the other just shows that you are callous and don't care about some of these issues which makes you part of the problem. You probably hate Jewish people.

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  • shaiGA


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  • Hubbard

    Climate change

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  • LloydAsher

    I guess gun violence crosses a line somewhere and not just violence in general.

    I understand why gun violence is so heinous, but on the practical side it's almost impossible to stem that tide through singularly the gun access route.

    Guns as a concept isnt exactly the most complicated shit to manufacture, even the more complicated automatics can be made with some stamped metal and some basic metal fab skills.

    I say let people have them because you really have no way to guarentee that the bad guys wont have access.

    But guns havent gotten more dangerous relatively speaking. Just that more fucked up people have gotten it into their heads they could kill innocents. But the damage potential would be the same for your car and basic explosives.

    People are dangerous, dont be afraid just be aware.

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    • Grunewald

      I think you're right - the problem is definitely people, not guns.

      However, the act of mass shooting as a manifestation of distress or anger is what is causing the damage, and that behaviour needs to be stopped for the greater good. And it's happen more than it ever used to and doesn't show signs of abating. The question is: unless restrictions on guns are imposed, how can it be stopped?

      From Reddit posts I have read, disturbed folk consider shooting as an 'option' - a way to express anger or depression or despair - in ways I didn't use to hear of it being considered, and 'shooting as an outlet' is becoming a part of culture in a way it wasn't before. So in effect it's a sort of novel crisis. As such, it requires some kind of intervention.

      It doesn't surprise me that mass shootings are less prevalent outside of America - except in countries that consume US media. I think it's kind of like how certain forms of self-harm are culturally-bound, and people can have culture-specific delusions, a specific kind of behaviour can become an 'option' in a specific culture if it's repeated enough. Some people call multiple mass shootings 'copycat murder' but that term doesn't cover all of the thoughts that come into people's heads before the act, or perhaps that don't even lead to the act. People think about committing mass shooting because it's already a 'thing'.

      My opinion is that intervention is required so that shooting is removed as an option to a greater number of people. I am thinking of school shootings in particular. Of course, not everyone is going to be stopped in this way, but if one or two school shootings can be averted because the troubled person just didn't have a gun to hand at the critical moment when they went off the deep end, then that's a lot of lives saved.

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      • LloydAsher

        The problem with red flag gun laws is that while it can be used to strip someone of a potentially dangerous Avenue it doesnt strip them entirely of the ability to do harm.

        On the other hand it could be used to serve injustice and motivated bias to strip completely lawful citizens their right to firearm ownership through a trial-less law. At which point you need to do an arduous process to reclaim YOUR ability to own firearms. Even if you were always in a stable frame of mind.

        How can we factor an X variable into someone being hyper violent? You cant, people dont like non solutions but most problems dont have the "perfect" solution otherwise the solution would already be implemented.

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  • Tinybird

    Bullying. But of course that's not on there.

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    • Somenormie

      Bullying is still a minor issue that still happens but it happens

      same with corruption, racism and such although those are a much more severe issue. Bullying can never go away no matter how much enforcement schools/institutions/workplaces give.

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