What's up with cup sizes?

What the hell is up with cup sizes? Small, medium, large...there's no standards!!

Then some places switcheroo their mediums or smalls and call them large *sometimes*. Like when you order a milkshake, you never know what the cup size is going to be. Hmm, if I order a large shake, is it going to come in a small cup?? Or is it actually going to be large?? Or, wait, medium?? Arrrrggh!!

This is the ultimate though....there's places that have no large, yet have a small and medium. Um, what? In order to have a medium, don't you have to have a large AND small as well? I thought that was the whole concept behind the term 'medium' in this context.

It's so stupid but it annoys me. IIN?

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Comments ( 34 )
  • bananaface

    Ha, at first I thought you were talking about bra sizes. Eek!

    I get what what you mean though. A lot of the time they have cups showing you the sizes anyway. Good point about the medium thing though! Huh, that's sort of funny:D. Maybe they offer some things in large, but not other things, but want to keep all the cups the same size:S? I have no idea, to be honest.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      Breasts on the mind? ehehe

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      • DannyKanes

        Me and nana are crazy about boobs

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        • Terence_the_viking

          Me too.

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      • geek_god_101

        Everybody likes boobies. They feed us as children.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      That is why I clicked it too.

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    • DannyKanes

      So did I at first lol, great minds think alike :)

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      • Lia

        I thought this too XD

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Medium is considered standard at most places. Also shakes are generally a different size next to everything else on the menu.

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  • ZoZo_ZiZi

    took me awhile to realise it not about bra's haha :P

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  • Shackleford96

    What about Starbucks' sizes. Tall (small), Grande (medium), and Venti (large).

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    • NothingxCrazy

      In a world where tall means small... Hah.

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      • They're all just different words for large by different cultures. I dont know about tall, but grande=large (spanish) and venti=large (italian)

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        • wigsplitz

          venti means 20 in Italian and the cup is 20 ounces. That's one that actually does make sense, except since it's in Italian most people probably don't know it.

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          • touche. "You've probably never heard of 'venti', its italian." Starbucks' hipster/seattle roots.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          This is true. I didn't say anything about the grande and veti because they actually made sense. Even though they both mean large, Starbucks have made their own scale for those words.

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      • Shackleford96

        Lol. What is that reference from, I've forgotten.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          It's a reference from my head. How on earth could you have forgotten?

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          • Shackleford96

            Oh! I thought for sure that was a reference from something XD

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  • Avant-Garde

    Starbucks has the worst sizes. A Tall is a small. A Grande is a medium, though it seems to me that it would be the largest size do to the meaning of the term. Venti is a Large. Then, there's the evil Trenta which I think means 30 in Italian and it's larger than the average adult stomach of a human.

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  • Bottom line is, its usually a safe bet to go with a small if you're in America. Unless you're a fat-ass, the medium and large will always be way too much. Small is at least 12oz, medium 22oz and large 32oz. In a lot of places its like: small 22oz, medium 32oz and large is like a fucking quart.

    Like, who needs even 22oz of sugar water? I know this volume is the current US standard so I will probably piss people off by saying that, but c'mon. Soda is just gross in general. Empty calories. Soda and refined grains (white bread) are to blame for our obesity epidemic and widespread diabetes...for which taxpayers are footing the bill when it comes to things like fat-people scooters.

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    • howaminotmyself

      This is standard at the places I frequent.

      Small 8 oz
      Medium 12 oz
      Large 16 oz

      Or the restaurant has only one sized glass for beverages, usually a pint glass.

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      • Alright I know you said you live in America but it seems as though you actually live in some sort of quaint little bohemian village. Which places do you frequent? I would like to get away from the pig trough and go to some sensible places like the ones you describe. Sounds too good to be true

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        • howaminotmyself

          I do live in a place where food is very important to the culture. I try to only frequent local restaurants that support local farms. I know most the country doesn't operate that way but it is important to me so you won't find me at any chain restaurant.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    You should go to trading standards with this.

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  • malkiot

    Doesn't it usually say how many ml are in each size of cup?

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  • Justsomejerk

    Slightly disappoint this is not about boobs but I'm here so I'll add it shits me when orange juice gets its own sizing standard. I just want a large ducking orange juice.

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  • JustDave

    I agree. And as if sm, med, & lrg aren't enough, then they have to throw in shit like Tall,Grande, Venti and Trenta.

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  • Singingcutie4

    Normally If I am going to get a shake or something I just ask what the size is. They'll go get the container and show you.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I just use the number of ounces as a size indicator. Or the quantity of liquid I want in the cup itself. Less room for error.

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    • Yeah but knowing that is a luxury when you're ordering at a restaurant. The cashier isn't going to know, and its a pain in the ass to get the manager to see if he/she can figure it out, if they can.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I guess I don't go to restaurants like that, it has never been an issue. I guess I expect more from people.

        You could try hand gestures.

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        • You must not live in America. Or you just go to bourgeoisie restaurants and never eat fast food (not a bad idea). Or you are lucky. I dunno.

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          • howaminotmyself

            You're right, I don't eat fast food. But I am American, and I don't order drinks with size options other than coffee. And I'm kind of a coffee snob. I think this problem mostly effects soda, and I don't drink soda very often.

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