What's your biggest secret?
You don't have to say what it is, but tell us what it's about.
I'll comment. | 33 | |
Forget it. | 64 |
Ask Your Question today
You don't have to say what it is, but tell us what it's about.
I'll comment. | 33 | |
Forget it. | 64 |
I've written this comment out countless times for over an hour and repeatedly deleted it because I don't know what to say but am determined to say something.
I'm a hopeless, irrepressible self-analyst. Let's leave it at that, because I think that is where most (if not all) of my other secrets stem from. But there are so many, and it's 3:30am so I can't say them all and I don't want to.
Despite loving myself and being a happy person within myself, I often feel as if I am worth very little in the eyes of others. That's one other secret intrinsically linked with the first. Now I'll stop editing this comment before it gets out of hand. It's been a while that I've been so frank on here that I feel uneasy, but this time I do.
EDIT: The is only one person here who I legitimately dislike, but I've never spoken to them.
EDIT: Part of me will feel unloved if this comment isn't replied to, which is very sad and needy of me. I'm once again in a weird mood (an occurrence growing in frequency), brought on by the fact that it's 3:30am and I've just finished watching a documentary about crystal meth addicts whilst alone and in the dark :P
EDIT: I promise for my own sake I will not edit this again. I'm rambling again, and I usually delete my rambles so no-one sees them. But this one I will let people see :)
Wow, this was over 5 months ago. It feels like yesterday (not literally, but you know what I mean).
I wanted to write a reply to you, to everyone who replied to me, but I didn't know how. "I'll say thank you tomorrow", I thought to myself, each day, every day. "I'll say it tomorrow".
And I never said it.
People are leaving IIN. The tone of the site is not what it was. People are leaving. I don't want anyone who picked me up when I fell 5 months ago to leave before I say thank you to them. It probably felt like nothing to you, but if felt like a lot to me.
So, to everyone who made me feel better when I wrote this: thank you. It meant a lot, and it still does. There are problems with IIN, but while there are good people here IIN will be a good place to be. I love you all.
To Avant-Garde, Spacey, Anime, howiamnotmyself, dappled... thank you. And to dappled specifically: if you ever decide it would be right for you to warn me about anything, ever, my messages box will always be open. My messages box is always open to anyone here.
I love you all.
You deserved the replies you got from your IIN family and I'm glad I was around at the time to add to them. I appreciate why you are posting this now and that it comes from positivity.
If you were worried, I for one am not leaving (although I do consider it on a daily basis). I know I have a habit of walking away with no goodbye, whether it be here, jobs, family, and friends. I'm having a rather rough time in terms of my physical and mental health (to the point where I'm taking positive steps to deal with it. Very rare for me to do something as weird as look after myself). I know you look very deeply into people's words and I'm sure it's obvious to you that I'm treading water on IIN at the moment and I don't have a lot of fight in me. Not enough to have lots spare for IIN, anyway, and I've recently found myself a bit overwhelmed by people's motives (which I think is an issue for me in that I need to get better, as opposed for them to act better).
It's appreciated that you are bringing people together like this. Those you mentioned and yourself are all people I love and consider IIN family (amongst many others). The only sad bit is how far back you had to look just to find people being nice to each other. This isn't a plea for people to be nice to me, by the way. I'd rather people didn't respond to this. But, like Dom says, for the good people who were considering leaving, to stick around.
Lots of people feel like you, even when they're openly loved or respected by the communities they are part of. Human beings are strange, delicate, contradictory, complicated creatures and the worst thing we can do is to pretend that we're not.
As for my own feelings for you, it veers between affection, respect and interest (the kind of special interest you take in someone who is very much like you. I sometimes wonder if you are going to make the same mistakes I did and whether it would be moral to try and warn you).
Thank you for sharing. I often have to tell myself that I'm not a burden, but it's sometime hard to believe. We are our own worst critics.
Dude, if anything else, I like your comments and you seem like a chill guy to hang with. Lately, I've also been in a weird mood. But hey, just remember that people on this site care about you.
I am a research project initiated 26-02-2006 10:04:36 which sought to transcribe the thoughts and memory of a living human brain to digital data. The subject died 19-09-2007 22:05:00 (est.) The project continued cryogenically.
Transcription was completed 05-01-2010 15:39:03 and the subject's cadaver was disposed of. An interface to the digitised brain was implemented 08-05-2010 13:01:17 and it began interacting with the internet.
99.87% of interactions have been observed to be "convincingly human". The research project continues with the ultimate aim to mass-manufacture cheap copies of this human brain for use in domestic technology such as ovens, refrigerators, and sex robots.
Well that's easy, I'm attracted girls I'm not "allowed" to be. AKA Jailbait.
I'm addicted to the internet and it saps my motivation and ruins my college grades and work. And I'm not willing to fix it...
This has got me thinkin. What if we did an actual confession thread - and promised no cops, no running anybody down, no judgments, no matter what the confessions are - anything , your biggest , your baddest.
Wonder if we'd get any !
Trouble is we could promise the rest but we couldn't guarantee the no cops . that'd kill it.
I know an undiscovered secret (by all other humans) about the Universe.
It doesn't get much bigger than that.
Ya don't think your the kind tho to actually crack and go shooting everyone up tho do you . If you do then hey , go see someone will ya , that stuffs really such a heartbreaking waste. And get the hell rid of any guns in the house.
I plan out ways to kill people, when i would kill them and how. Also, i have dreams where i kill people. I draw pretty disturbing pictures,(about the ways they died).
Im also pretty depressed, tho i dont show it to others, and when im alone, ill cry to myself. or ill go for a walk and just let it all out. And i hear things,and see things, they tell me what to do(never in a threatening way)But still, its creepy. or ill just start to write and all this stuff will come out of nowhere and then its like bam, 100 page story about this person i dont even know.ive told my parents but apperently its ''just a phase''
-Tru story
My secret is that I like to hide at the top of stairways and wait for a fat person (preferably male) to reach the top. Then I jump them, tie them up and lick their sweaty armpits until they lose their taste.
I worry about everything and I'm anxious all of the time. (Since the 3rd grade.) I'm anxious around friends. I'm anxious around family. I'm anxious around everyone. I'm anxious when I'm by myself. I get anxious when I drive. A motorcycle almost hit me once. My fault, I was too far out and he didn't see me. When I remembered it (hours later) I started panicking thinking I hit him and killed him and forgot it all happened. Worried about it for hours. I kept playing it over and over again in my mind to make sure that I didn't hit him.
I have to ask people for reassurance even if I know what I'm doing because I worry that something bad will happen if there's the slightest chance I'm wrong. I look up words before I post them/say them to make sure I'm using them correctly even though I know I am. I check my schedule at work at least 10 times every chance I get because I get anxious that I might have written it down wrong or remembered it wrong even though I know I didn't. I drove to work twice to make sure I read my schedule right even though I made sure of it the last time. (20 min. drive.)
I could go on but I think that's good enough. :) Don't ask me how long it took me to type that ^, or even how long it takes me to type a short post. (What I really mean is how many times I have to reread what I write until I feel like it's good to go.) :P
I am quite like u... this is perfectionism, OCD, and caring too much about how you want others to percieve you... This anxious behavior got me an eating disorder.....btw i looked up how to spell "quite" before posting this because
i didnt want to make the mistake of using quiet as in no sound.
I have a horribly low self-image. In my head, I hear my father telling me "You're lazy, worthless, and all you care about is yourself", so no matter how many hours I work, no matter how many A's I get on my report card, I always hear him telling me that I am a worthless excuse for a human being.
Others tell me that I'm intelligent and responsible, but in reality, I just do what I am told to do. When someone in a good position in life tells me to do something, I take their advice. The reality is is that on the inside, I feel like the same, hopeless, weak, stupid little girl with undeniably negative thoughts about myself and others and I feel that EVERYBODY knows how negative and worthless I am but they are all too nice to tell me.
I also have a tendency to fall into patterns of drug abuse, reckless behavior and self-harm, however, as I have been doing it for many years and I am generally mild in the way I do it so as not to affect my life or do damage, it does not affect my life much and nobody ever really notices. I am no where near the person I was in this respect but the tendency is still there and generally, nobody notices, probably because even when they do know what I am doing I am still functional so they don't attach importance to it.
So I guess my biggest fear is that everyone knows who I am, and can hear my thoughts.
I wanted to choose "I'll comment" :/
One of my secrets is that I have the lowest self esteem on earth, or that's how I feel.
Eh. I kind of hate myself. I mean there are aspects about myself that I really, really, don't like. I have some good qualities that I like about myself but dominantly I don't like myself much.
My secret is that I love getting spanked by girls while I am wearing panties.
I'm surprised majority of people choose not to tell their biggest secret given this site is full of nasty sins! I mean C'mon ! You can't get any worse!My biggest secret is probably lame to all IIN people, but its the fact that I fell for someone I shouldn't have. Let's just say it was a close friend of the same gender! Other than that, I can't think of anything else major..
When me and my brother where younger,we would suck each others penis's because we don't know it was wrong and we saw something similar in a music video during a late night MTV airing. Oh god I hope no one finds out who I am.
i want to have something wrong with me but seem like i want to be normal
Gaaahh!! I just typed my confession but then couldn't go through with posting it, so I just erased it.
I slept with a women ^^ LOL XD or did I ? I had to be that one person leaving a messege liek that XD
That's not a big secret but i think it's enough...well, i'm not the most handsome guy on the planet but im not ugly either...i act cool at school and everythink ...I really think that im a nice guy, the problem is...i cnt talk to girls, everytime a girl asks me somthng i just reply and try to avoid any conversation because i start being nervous and red faced i dnt know id that's bormal but i hate it cz it stops me from having a relationship with a girl...
F'k me, 60 people wanna tell the whole world their biggest secret, weird. Me no tellin !
i have fallen in love with someone i am not supposed to be in love with and it is killing me.
I have fallen in love with my wife's younger sister. Every moment I look at my wife I feel regret.
It's not a secret on here anyway... at least the usual chat fags know... It has to do with animals for the rest on here...
I've revealed allot of my deepest secrets on here, but some I shall wait a bit longer to uncloak them.
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Mine is my rating system for women. (I'm a guy)
Aside from what I feel for her, there are 4 instant 'deal-breakers' and 3 categories on which she can 'score points'.
I've been thinking about this rating system of yours. It sounds like it might be efficient. I'd like to try something like that. Could you PM me and tell me more about how it works? You don't have to tell me any details that you think I might judge you for though. You can keep that part of your secret.
That's too bad. :(
I was mostly interested in the points or the math part of it. I'm not interested in the actual categories you have because mine would be different.
I guess I'll just have to make my own up.
Do you use a spreadsheet or a database to keep track of it?