What's your opinion on feminists?

A lot of people love spewing how they hate feminists and how apparently we always bitch at people. I am a feminist. I'm part of an organization, real deal. I feel like calling feminists obnoxious is the same as calling Christians or Atheists obnoxious. Some jerks are louder than others sorry if they ruin your perceptions of everybody. There's a difference between a femi-nazi and a feminist.

We are concerned with REAL issues and most of you know that. So why do some people take us as a complete joke? Some people even look at a few issues and pretend they have nothing to do with feminism (pro-choice anyone?)

I hate feminists they're so annoying 80
I'm not fond of them 30
I don't hate feminists just loud people in general 27
Don't really like or dislike them 18
There's nothing wrong with feminists 24
I'm a feminist too! 46
Other 10
*a witty commment about kitchens* 31
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Comments ( 71 )
  • I can't generalize an entire group of people, some have just and fair views, some misuse their power and act like women do nothing wrong. However I think everyone is equal, and should be treated as such.

    The only problem I have with feminist groups is that there are huge injustices happening to humans every day, men and women. I'd rather protest against human injustices altogether than just focus on women getting the rough deal (which they often do).

    Don't get me wrong though, I think feminist issues are important, especially things like the right to have an abortion.

    Well, that's my opinion.

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  • VioletTrees

    I'm a third wave feminist, and I like feminism as long as it recognises intersectionality of oppression (such as ways that women are oppressed when they're also black, disabled, trans, etc), but there are second wave radical feminist that give us a really bad name. Glorifying vaginas (and other female sex organs) isn't helpful, because it excludes transwomen. Saying that men are the enemy isn't helpful either, because men can be feminists too, and making half the population your enemy pretty much guarantees the failure of your movement. Being against any type of consensual sex is ridiculous and problematic (though it's fine not to personally enjoy whatever kind of sex you don't enjoy), because shaming people for enjoying sex because you think it's somehow inherently sexist or gross is pretty much the opposite of sexual liberation. Criticising other cultures on feminist grounds can be problematic, too, since it's often done without a good understanding of the cultures in question, and it often has an air of western superiority.

    Basically, I like sex-positive feminism, as long as it's sensitive to the needs of disabled, non-white, fat, LGBT (or otherwise queer), asexual/demisexual, and poor women of various religious beliefs or non-belief. I dislike feminism that focusses entirely (or almost entirely) on middle to upper class, able-bodied, cisgender (not trans), white women. I don't agree with feminists who ask other women to put their gender before their race, who shame bisexual women for having sex with men, who advocate political lesbianism (a non-lesbian woman deciding to only have sex with women for political reasons), who politicise eating disorders or speak for people with eating disorders (we can speak for ourselves, thank you very much), who harass or badmouth transwomen, or who demonise men as a gender. I also generally disagree with feminists who have rules about what it means to be a real feminist (you must not wear makeup, you must not conform to beauty standards, you must not diet, you must have a career, etc).

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Well spoken. You did a good job highlighting a lot of the problems I have with this new wave of the feminist movement.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    my brother is a feminist, I'm not and i'd rather people don't confuse them with man hating psychopaths because thats not what they are despite popular belief.

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  • sqwidword33

    "feminist only means supporter of womans rights and not (much of) anything else. this isn1 enough information to fairly say anything about charecter.

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    Well, I am part of a feminist association. Not a big one, but we unite with other groups.

    As we were only a couple men in the group we were not the best treated by some girls.

    I got in thanks to a biology teacher. She had this... Despise for men. Or at least I though. She told me it wasn't that, that she was strict with everyone(not).
    Well, after a year of going she really got close to us.

    Not every girl was like that. Almost all were really friendly to us.

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  • One thing I dslike about feminists is tha they want the good parts of equality but complain if they get the bad side of equality. I have never hit a woman in my life but if women want to be treated equal and a male hit a female just like they would a male for being in the males face then the female would usualy use the line "I'm a woman, you can't hit a woman". That line shows that they themselfes are sexist.

    I'm all for equality but I like to make sure the females get complete equality instead of just the parts of equality they want (the positive eqality).

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    • That's ridiculous and I'm sorry you think like this. You know that skinny little guy in your highschool growing up? You probably wouldn't hit him would you? What jerk picks on the weaker guy? FACT: women have half the upper body strength of men. You probably wouldn't hit somebody with half your strength would you?

      But hey, evolution didn't engineer us to hunt caribou and drag it back to the village. I say you keep up the whole "never hit a woman" thing.

      One way women and men are equal is in the head. We're equal in terms of intelligence yet it took till the 80s for women to finally break into the higher corporations. Some of the current issues modern feminists deal with are pro-choice, anti domestic violence, and third world advancement.

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      • So you are saying men shouldn't hit women because they don't have the same equal strength? Well then they aren't equal are they.
        You can't say women are equal in intelligence without proof, the smartest people in the world have been men.

        I am in no way saying that a woman can't be as smart or smarter than a man becase obviously they can be but they are yet to be a smartest person in the world that is female.

        So you want equality but don't want to be treated 100% equal?

        Either you are equal or you aren't.

        How can you say females are as smart as males when the smartest in the world have been males? How is that equal for the males to be seen as equal to females that have not proved to be as smart as them?

        I have noticed that people like you tend to want to be seen as equal without proving your equality.

        How are the males that have achieved so much being treated "Equaly" if they are being compared to females that have not done as much? That isn't equality.

        I am not saying females can never be as smart as the smartest males but what I am saying is that there hasn't been one yet so you can't say that the smartest female is just as smart as the smartest male.

        If male intelligence is the same as female intelligence and males have stronger bodies doesn't that mean that males are better than females due to them being just as smart but with stronger bodies?

        The whole point in equality is tricky and if you look at it clearly then you will reaise that equality is something that will never happen. Being treated equally and being equal are two different things and if you are being treated equal to someone that is btter than you then how is that at all equal?

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        • sparrowfeed

          I think men can be the smartest, most talented and sweetest people in the world, and women reap the benefits of most of what happens anyway because the male populous will always and forever be indebted to that great, Divine vagina.

          A man thinks:
          'I'm such a great chef! I'm so proud of my work.'

          And his girlfriend:
          'I'm lucky I found this really great guy who can cook for me.'

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          • sparrowfeed

            Man: 'My sex skills are amazing! I'm so proud of them. I'm one of the greatest lovers in the world.'

            Woman: 'I just found a guy who can give me 12 orgasms in a row.'

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        • BeirutsFinest

          I completely agree with you. Equality comes with certain factors.

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        • Have you ever looked at the smartest men in history? The women they were competing with didn't attend schools because schools were men only. So yeah, stiff competition. And why should we care about the female engineers that helped create the first computer? I mean there's a reason why they weren't included in the newspaper article, having vaginas is a great reason to ignore female intelligence. Scientific proof has shown that women actually are slightly better than men when it comes to math. But you know what you said the intelligence is equal so I'll stop on the topic of intelligence.

          Brawn got people far in time of hunter gatherers but nowadays in business it's not even considered, which is shocking considering what a heavy weight Bill Gates is. Admittedly male sports will probably stay more interesting to watch.

          I'm sorry that I have half the strength you do, really I must be a failure of a human. You know what else, I have asthma and if I can't prove my worth through physical strength and endurance... well maybe I shouldn't even go to school, I'm such a disappointment.

          But do you know what's really fair when it comes to violence against women? Have you ever looked at the statistics on violence? (Why'd I ask? I already know the answer is "No") Do you know who the victims normally are? Have you thought that a majority of women that have been beaten have been beaten by men, not other women. That's really fair. And of course the most famous crime against women, rape. Who can forget that? The best part of equality is that I never go anywhere alone at night while you pretty much don't have to worry about things like that.

          Look at me, a girl that wants to have a sense of safety. What a wacky thing to want.

          To other people reading this, I'm not trying to come off as a wacko feminist but I swear this guys is testing me or trolling me.

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          • Actualy you should do your research more properly, males are better at math and females are better at such things as language but I would like to see this "scentific proof" you have so post a link and I will be happy to read it.
            Females "helped" make the first computer and although I feel it's wrong they got left out of the praise of it being made they still didn't make most of it.
            We aren't in the past, females get education now and still have not made it past the smartest males, just because it was like that in the past does not mean it's like that now.
            Brawn isn't needed? Nice house you have isn't it? Nuff said.
            When did I ever say you were a failure because you don't have the strength a man does? Oh yeah I remember, I didn't.

            You seem to think that I think less of women, I don't. You keep thinking I'm bashing females when I'm not. Have I said you are a dissapointment? No I haven't so stop implying that I have said anything close to such things and actualy keep on track of the things I have been saying instead of the points you wished I said so you would have some sort of point and can say "You're sexist".

            So you are implying that I think something is fair when I don't?
            When did I ever say it's fair that males attack females? When did I ever say it's fair for anyone to attack another unless they had it coming? Once again, I didn't.

            Here is something that's also not fair for men.
            Females get the choice to choose to keep a child or abort the child without the males choice and yet males cannot make that decision. If females want to keep the baby they get to keep it, if they want to abort it so that their life doesn't change they abort it. Do men get to have that choice? No. Men don't get to choose to keep their child if their partner decides to abort it and if they don't want the child or they aren't ready to be a father the female still gets to choose and then the male will have to live their life paying money to a child they didn't want. Females get to choose if they want their child or not while men don't get that offer. Is that fairly equal?

            I'm not testing you or trolling you, I just have a stronger opinion on equality.

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            • http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/09/000913083409.htm

              It's really hilarious that you love going on about how there's no proof when it's clear that you're not looking for any.

              You start getting defensive now? You seem to have forgotten that earlier I said violence toward women was a bad thing and you immediately gave me a "equality doesn't exist unless men hit women" How do you expect me to react? Then you back away going "No no no, I wasn't dissing women"

              As for the careers thing. Just wait. It's an known fact that women slightly outnumber men in colleges. (Not the case 10 years ago) Climbing up the corporate ladder doesn't take a day. I could chant about business or you could do your own research. You at least know there's a difference between a job and a career.

              Abortion. In case you haven't taken sex ed yet let me say once the man impregnates a woman his job is done. It's unfair alone for a man to think his woman should just deal with pregnancy for 9 months and be happy about it. Which is why most fathers tend to be thankful to their wives. Because they know it's not an easy task. It's a case of the man asking to much from his woman. 85% abortions are on unmarried woman anyway.

              A child is also a responsibility. Once it's out of the oven and crying you take care of it. But there are jerks that give the "But I didn't want a baby" and leave their families if you were thinking about them.

              You don't have a stronger opinion. You're just very stubborn.

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            • joybird

              I understand your argument about children. It's just the same when you said the men may not be ready to be fathers, the women may not be ready to be mothers and so choose abortion. However, most men can be sperm donors but if they married the women they sleep with they would have certain rights. But, few men would like to give birth to a bowling ball and then be a slave to it 24/7 for a lot of years, and some women feel the same.

              I hope you can see that the sexual revolution is all in the mind, we can't have it all ways - male or female. But, I'd say if anyone isn't ready to be a parent they should be preventing it.

              I've never heard that most crimes against children are by women. Maybe that's because it's the women who spend most time with the crying brats who won't shut up, so they lost their temper and smack them, I don't know. However, I was always told that in the case of sexual abuse on children, 80% of the time it's the NATURAL father! Too strange for me!!!

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          • joybird

            I hate the way the posts get re-arranged as I was commenting on ItDuz. However, I don't think he's wise enough yet for a considered argument or debate. You made some very good points regarding education primarily for boys and it's always been one of the reasons I'm glad I was born in this age and not 100 years ago!

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            • She made good points about the education? That was in the past and I agree that wasn't fair but my point was that they can't use that excuse now because they get the same education as males and have done for a while now, or am I mistaken and don't have a good argument there?
              So because females in the past didn't get education that effects how smart females are in this time?
              Yeah she really has a good argument there. It seems to me that you aren't mature enough to understand arguments and debates.

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          • ALso the majority of crimes committed against children are committed by females.

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        • FocoUS

          "doesn't that mean that males are better than females due to them being just as smart but with stronger bodies?"

          Is this a boys are better than girls comment? Are 5 years old?

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      • Forgive me if I have made any spelling mistakes or if two words are put together, my keyboard is breaking.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      If I hit someone, they have every right to hit me back, that's something I've never understood. For me personally, if someone is much smaller than me I do soften blows, but I wouldn't necessarily expect that in return.

      That being said, if I hit someone there's a damn good reason for doing so. ;P I avoid fighting unless I honestly would have to.

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    • sparrowfeed

      Ya, but there's a certain logic to that. Women are physically weaker.. and hurting something that is physically weaker is ignoble and undignified.

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  • Dr.CuddleFish

    wanna hear a joke? men's rights.

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    • Mrman10

      Typical woman joke! Taking a joke about women and turning it around. How witty!

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  • Zededd

    "an atheist, a christian and a feminist walk into a bar..."
    better stop that joke before i get slapped by a goth, god and a lot of irate women...
    well, i think women are equal to men and have choices over themselves... most the issues that are being taken on by feminists are the 'yeah, no DUH' thnigs that are being held against for the sake of not changing or out-of-date views.
    i hold doors open for women... and men.
    i am probably a little nicer to women because i'm a total flirt... but i don't mean harm. it's merely an organic auto-imprinted response because i like women.
    i refuse to think of women (or anyone else) as less than myself.
    we all bleed the same colour, we all hurt and laugh... what's the big deal?

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  • imtherealmattlewis

    Eh... femmys not for me... to hard to get em in the sack

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  • Maddison

    I'm a girl and I laugh at the kitchen jokes. Some women need to cool it a bit. Making sandwiches isn't the end of the world.

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  • GabrielGruff

    Feminists don't have a sense of humor. The veteran feminists of America went mad when Borat Sagdiyev of Kazakhstan told them about the discoveries made by Dr. Yamaka regarding the size of a woman's brain. Apart from this I do not see anything wrong with feminists or feminism. To each his own!

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  • peelover

    i have no problem with feminists. as long as they dont still expect a seat on the bus

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  • sleepingbeauty

    It was tempting to vote that I hate feminists. I will add that I am a woman and I believe in equal opportunities and equal rights for both genders.

    However my experience of strong feminism has been women who want better opportunities or more rights than men, and I totally disagree with that and it really angers me.

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  • joybird

    Forgive me for saying this, but you're not putting forth a logical, rational argument. In fact, you seem to be so worked up that you're rambling.

    The poller is just saying that they hope you wouldn't bully anyone weaker than you - male, female or animal. History would dispute that there were no female geniuses eg Pasteur, but as her discoveries would not be recognised by the scienvific community, her husband put his name to a lot of her work. For this very same reason female authors used male names eg. George Elliott.

    The ability of women was recognised shortly after World War 1. They had proved their abilities when they stepped into the jobs in the munition factories, internal pilots, farms, etc left vacant by the men. Then, they went home, ran their house and brought up their children. The mental ability of women can never be in doubt, as they coped with the loss of their husbands and yet successfully multi-tasked for their families and country. We all know men cannot juggle many mental tasks at the same time. Many of these women then stepped down from their new jobs to allow their men back into them when they returned from war, to increase the male self-esteem. Those whose husbands didn't return continued to work.

    Personally, I can't be bothered with minority groups wanting more than their fair share of jobs etc and I understand why employers don't want to give young women a chance in case they start taking time off to have children. But, there are some very determined, career focused women out there, who deserve to reach the top of the ladder. Although, from teaching children I could say that they do this to the detriment of their children (but men too!)

    I worked in various industries where I was told directly that I wouldn't be promoted as I was female eg. oil, abbattoir, etc but my attitude was 'your loss, I'm outa here!' Then I went and found another job before handing in my notice. However, you only climb so far, then you're told this, then another job, then you climb so far - snakes and ladders!

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    • I find it quite irritating that if males say that females aren't good at something then they automaticly assume that the male thinks females are worthless and can't do anything, I don't think that so the point you made was pointless.
      Females are stronger mentally because they had to raise their children and worried about their husbands in the war? Yeah I guess that does show that females are mentally stronger since they can survive raising a child and worrying about their husbands dying in the war, I guess that the husbands in the war seeing their friends die and getting blown up and seeing so much blood doesn't even compare to the raising of a child and only thinking about their husbands dying while the husbands actualy see their frends die instead of just worrying about it.
      I think females make better entertainment like films and books. I think that females are better than males at alot of things but that isn't enough for people like you is it? Females like you and the otherone inthis discussion either have to be seen as better or as equal but god forbit if someone says that males are better than females at one thing.

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      • Males have a fantastic sense of direction. It's thanks to evolution back in the day of hunting when men needed to understand their surroundings.

        Men are stronger than women. There's a load of jobs women can't take because their a strength requirement.

        Men deal with pain better. Women actually have more pain receptors. The reason why men can't deal with pregnancy is that their organs can't deal with that, they'd probably die. Women are stronger internally, we have buff organs.

        The problem isn't people saying men can't be better than women at ONE thing. The problem isn't saying women are better than men. The problem is some people saying that -insert gender- isn't good with things that they actually are good with. And -insert gender- not getting the rights they deserve.

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      • joybird

        Yep, the women were mentally stronger. They were at work and had never left their children before, so didn't know if they were safe. They certainly knew their men weren't safe - yet they carried on. It is well documented that the physical trauma the men went through, caused many of them to commit suicide.

        Although you deliberately try to be rude it would be really great if you knew what you were talking about, or had an area of expertise. You seem very young, as you don't know when to sit back, listen and learn. You also seem to think we value your contribution - it would be better if you asked questions to have things explained to you rather than butt in like a spoilt child with your ill-thought out logic.

        This is a very interesting poll raising issues regarding the rights of women in the Third World - that's certainly food for thought. I recently spent some time in Poland visiting Auchwitz and Schindler's factory etc which is why I am interested in the war.

        I'm away now, you're boring me child!

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        • So you are telling me that the trauma from being in war seeing your friends die knowing that you and others can die any second isn't as much trauma as having to look after your children? And then you imply that I'm the stupid one in this conversation, bravo.

          In moments of war and death just be greatful that you aren't those poor women that have to look after their children and imagine the war for the husband be greatful that instead of having such a hard life like a womans that you are out in the war seeing your friends die knowing that the next person to die could be you, darn you're so right about women having the hard side of it all.

          If you really think that then you clearly are the moron here.

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          • Don't forget the trauma of female soldiers nowadays. Their chance of getting raped by their fellow military men is higher than any girl in the states walking down an alley at night. And they normally never report rape because they don't want to be taken out of their team. It's so common that they expect it.

            So these women that you're positive are mentally weak in comparison to men have the fortune of having their friends die in battle and being in fear of their own comrades.

            But if you want to look at historical facts look no further than the west. Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote, many other western states followed. Why? Because people in the west were building their lives, EVERYBODY worked hard and dealt with the same problems. Problems like murder, disease, money, and being able to take care of your own children. It was obvious that women were contributing members to society and they realized it before anyone else.

            Have you ever stopped to wonder how women's rights also benefit men? Probably not. You probably never will wonder either.

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            • sparrowfeed

              For one thing, men are no longer forced to support the entire household, even though this would have been easier when the trend was popular.

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          • I would also like to add about how the male soldiers trauma wold be bigger due to them knowing they might not see their child again.

            It amazes me that you think work would be more traumatic than a war.

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  • dappled

    I'm very interested in feminist thinking.

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  • mizeka

    Feminists are so annoying... They just want more rights to women and make them superior or something. They are not even trying to go for equal rights.

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    • Yes. Abortion rights and stopping violence are actually dark plots to take over the world.

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      • mizeka

        Yes, those are good things to go for. But those are easily forgotten when a group of people (feminists) have many bad things too. Like wanting to be absolutely superior, get more money, do as they like... Just because of their gender.

        There seems to be many feminists here, since all posts against them are voted down and vice versa.

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  • I think feminism is pretty sexy.

    to me they represent women that are

    strong (emotionally)
    respect themselves
    forward thinking

    I think what I like most about feminists is they seem to have more respect for themselves than most women.

    idk. that's just me.

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  • 41ph4m413

    Feminists are just bulldykes who are bitter they can't get a boyfriend/husband and beta males who think "respecting women" will get them laid.

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  • 800imawesome

    I don't mind feminists as long as they're defending their sex, not bitching the other.

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  • doxies4life

    If your a feminist your entitled to your beliefs. The only time I hate feminism is when they push it and make you seem like a dick or just acting like one of those crazy animal rights activists.

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  • xZe39a47lg

    An organization aye? I didn't know they could fit that many ladies in a kitchen! LoL!!! Sorry I couldn't help myself.

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  • Jeshua

    I think the type of feminism the poll creator is referring to is ultimately to try to help women be better people in and guide them into more opportunities .I would do the same for a male. Women aren't lesser humans,however generally speaking women have their strengths and weaknesses as do men. We all have our roles to play as individuals,don't make it harder on yourself by trying to do what somebody else could do better.

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  • puckzilla

    I skipped over all the previous comments, but for me it's like this. Feminist fought for womens rights, thanks to feminists women HAVE rights. I am a woman, I want rights. I want to not be a second class citizen. I want to have the same amount of respect as a man. I don't call myself a feminist now, because I don't feel the need to, as I have rights and so far I haven't decided or needed to fight myself in that sense. But without feminism, I wouldn't have ANY of that. I have a huge amount of respect for those women, and I feel any women who don't are crazy and probably hypocrites. I feel it's very insulting to insult feminists as it's essentially insulting women as a whole.

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  • Jiovanie

    I'm not fond of them considering they don't really advocate for equality in general, they advocate for female equality. I don't hate them because I understand some the ones I can't stand are the ones like my mom who put all men, guys and boys in the same boat, the "All men are horny pigs and the men are rapists etc. The feminists who just want to be seen as more, I like them. I personally view women as physical,intellectual,emotional, equals only difference is they have an inny we have outies.

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  • rearle18

    i am not kidding when I say that Men are heading to where women were 50- years ago.
    Lt me give examples.
    50 yrs ago, men always took care of the homes finances, who does in your home?
    50 yrs ago, men were intelligent, strong and decicive, in your femily, who's happines depends on who's?
    I am NOT Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin etc. I am a man, and Am sick of being put down by society as the funny dumb ass drunk

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  • sexyxo

    I don't get the whole feminist thing. I've never thought of myself as below a man, but actually above men. Women who think lowly of themselves need more self esteem. You don't need to be a feminist to understand, that we are equal. That is a given.

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  • whiplash

    There are different types of feminism, I believe. Some think that men and women should be equal. Others think men should be lesser, and I think these are the people that we often think of when we think of feminists. I am a feminist to the extent that I think men and women should be equal, and there's nothing wrong with that. I disagree with the concept of one gender being better than the other, whether it be men or women.

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  • dillbirto22

    i like true feminist that actually want equal rights and not the crazies

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  • Pisslan616

    I think there is inequality with both of the sexes but just in different areas.

    I am all for equality. But I don't think I would liked to be called a feminist because that seems to suggest an emphasis on only the female aspect of it.

    I guess the phrase to describe me is a sexual egalitarian.

    I agree there is a difference between a femi-nazi and a feminist.

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  • That's what I'm saying, if females aren't ready but the male is then the female can abort the baby without needing the fathers permission where as the father cannot do that.
    I never said that if the male doesn't want to be the father then the woman has to have an abortion. What I said is that if the father doesn't want to be a father then they have to say so before the baby is born so that they have a choice to have a child or not and if the female wants to keep the child then she still can.

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    • Are you complaining about evoloution now? It's funny it almost seems as if you wish you had the ability to give life.

      Let me paint a picture. A man wants a baby. The woman isn't ready. Is it fair for the man to ask her to go through with 9 months and childbirth on his behalf? That's asking a lot from a woman. Another funny thing is that I notice the men that are pro-life tend to be aloof fathers.

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      • screwface69er

        Sperm are alive, albeit it not sentient, and we produce them in vast quantities.

        Both men and women depend on each other to naturally create sentient life.

        Women are burdened with having to provide the environment and sustenance for that life.

        In the life giving process neither man or women are superior but two essential contributors to the effort.

        Point - Women do not "give life" they contribute to it.

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      • peelover

        i a male would happily go through the nine month process to give my male partner the child we both agreed that we want

        if a woman doesnt want a child, surely that is something that should have been discussed and agreed upon BEFORE the marriage.

        a marriage is nothing more than a social contract. if the woman said she would (try to) give a husband a child then she is morally bound to do so.

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      • Let me picture two pictures for you, the male wants a child and the females agrees and then the pregnancy is assures and then all of a sudden the female says she isn't ready, now the male is heartbroken because he thought he was going to be a father. I'm not saying females don't have the right to abortion but what I am saying is that you all seem to think that females are the only one that has feelings during a pregnancy.

        Picture two.
        The female is ready for a baby, the male isn't but she doesn't care because "she" is ready so she decides to have the baby, the male isn't happy about this but can't do anything about it. The male then has to either be a father to the child he didn't want or pay money to the child for a long time.

        What my point is that Males should have achoice if they are wanting to be the father while she is pregnant or not and if they don't want anything to do with the child then they don't have to be, ust like how women get to choose to keep the babyor not to keep it. Tell me you can atleast understand that.

        Are you implying that females alone create life? Sorry to break it to you but it's impossible to create life without a woman "and" a man. So when you say "it's like you're jealious" I can easily say that I'm not because I already can. Feminists seem to always think they can create life on their own, it gets rather anoying.

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  • What exactly is a feminist?

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    • A feminist is a person (this person can be male or female) that advocates in women's rights.

      In the 20s it was for the right to vote
      In the 60s it was social issues. (Stop discrimination and stereotyping encourage empowerment)
      In the 80s it was for better jobs (against the idea of trophy wife)
      Nowadays feminists are concerned with the right to chose to have an abortion. And are concerned with violence towards women (have you noticed women's self defense classes getting popular?)

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      • I've always been under the impression that a "feminist" was someone (usually a woman) who believes that women are "superior" to men in some way.

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  • Hmmaybe

    I dislike anyone who tries to enforce their point of view on others.

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    • That has nothing to do with feminism. That's life. People are always going to try to change you.

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      • Hmmaybe

        It does apply to overly vocal feminists when they try to force other women to become feminist. Granted it does not apply to feminism as much as it does to, for example, people who try to convert others to their religion (I'm Christian and I wouldn't dream of trying to convert someone who was happy with theri beliefs).

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think being a feminist means something different to each woman. I don't like feminists who think they need to be more masculine to prove a point. That doesn't do the feminist movement any favors.

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    • sparrowfeed

      Au contraire... being feminine can get us.. so much ;)

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