What's your opinion on this?

The video for the song elastic heart by sia, I'll leave a link,

The video has been met with a lot of controversy with people claiming the video to be sexually inappropriate regarding adults and children, leading sia to apologise but I find this hard to believe, to me the video is obviously a moving depiction of something else. Either a father daughter relationship or as a metaphor for two states of mind of an individual or of sia herself but it appears I'm in the minority, what's your opinion on this

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Comments ( 8 )
  • I liked it. Not to sound douchey but it looked beautiful in a completely non-sexual way, so I don't get what this whole "It supports pedophelia!" speech from people is about.

    Today's society is weird by how it just assumes if two people are naked or showing a lot of skin that it must translate to the situation being sexual.

    This reminds me of what a Youtuber called Maddox said. Sexualization is in the mind, hence why you can find completely non-sexual parts of the body sexual, just like situations. All it takes for you to see something as sexual is for YOU to sexualize the body part or situation.

    So if someone finds this to be wrong due to pedophilia, then I'm sorry but I'm more concerned about those people coming to that conclusion considering pedophilia than I am SIA for making the video.

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    • " it looked beautiful in a non sexual way "

      Couldn't agree with that statement more

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  • Dad

    There are over 57 million views, with one in every hundred deciding to hit Like.

    It is not what you defined it as, if it were then it would have not received the amount of popularity it has.
    If you admit it or not (most fooling themselves by saying not) it is the closest legally allowed child sexualization on the net. Unless you can think of another?
    THAT is why people have watched it, out of absolute shock what can now be viewed as normal.

    It astounds me when people lie to themselves, as I'm sure my replies will show.

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    • You obviously haven't seen all the articles claiming the opposite causing sia to apologise

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      • Dad

        No I haven't.

        This girl is an excellent dancer, excellently created dance theme for her. But when she reaches 18 I'm sure she'll have less views for new vids.

        This video opens up the next level of nude suit to > nude itself.
        Nudity is not actually a bad thing, nudist clubs exist with children in them, its the 'sexualization' that is the issue. But I suppose 57 million can't be wrong to like it ;)

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  • sandraasiilva

    I think they can do this dance without any problem. But I would prefer see them with other clothes. Idk, I just think these clothes make physical contact between them seem a little... strange. Probably if the clothes were black it would not be so weird. Makes me a little uncomfortable just of the thinking if I were that girl. But if she feels comfortable, I don't see any problem in this.

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  • calidud

    i like it! i can't see anything wrong with it. really interesting theatre//dance and i like shia la bouf in it even if he does seem like a douche most of the time.

    ppl wouldn't be upset if it was an adult woman and a young girl/boy. so it kinda shows how ppl are quick to view men as sexual predators. like what springs to mind when i see it is a father figure, or big brother. but some people immediately think pedophile? fucked up.

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  • http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KWZGAExj-es

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