What's your zodiac sign? :d
What's your zodiac sign? Comment below.
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What's your zodiac sign? Comment below.
Zodiac signs are calculated on the basis of time and place we were born (the climate we experienced as a baby). They indicate the basic human nature we have.
It's good not to believe in horoscopes. I don't believe in them either. Zodiac is a different thing.
Is that so? i thought they're the same before. Thanks for sharing knowledge. :)
I agree. I'm not superstitious but I keep coming across interesting patterns in people's personalities with the same sign. Then again it can easily be all in my head.
if you're into astrology, I highly recommend that you look up "natal charts" and see what your moon, ascendant, venus, mars, pluto and the other planetary signs you have. The sun is the ego, the moon is your emotions, venus is how you love.
I'm a Taurus sun, Leo moon, Aquarius rising with a LOT of Scorpio and Pisces ;)