What sex is hornier? female or male?
Men | 1661 | |
Women | 1021 |
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Men | 1661 | |
Women | 1021 |
I think women are more horny, but they have the tendency to hide it. It usually comes out a little bit when they're drunk, lol
women can be a very horny even hornier then men but ther horny less often
i think it depends sometimes when i get horny i get this kind of aching in my vajayjay, its like it wants **** you know what, its crazy and i just have to lay there kind of wriggling hoping it will go away, usually at these times it isnt convienent for me to materbate, it sucks.
WOMEN 110% Women are just too shy. Why? Only "God" fucking knows.
I dream about it. I am on porn sites often. I've kissed a girl. I would have gone further...but she didn't want to. Oh well...plus, I need to feel the warmth of a mans cock.
i think its about even. but my bf never asks 4 sex! im always the 1 who has to ask!
my wife can take more men than i can do women and she never wears panties with her shaved beaver and she still wears short skirts and skimpy shorts at the gym. I have noticed her get out of cabs where her whole stuff shows. she never wears bras either but has medium tits with very long and thick nipples which always show, so does the dark color of her nipples if she wears light colored shirts. what do you think about this?
I'm a woman and I'll tell you that we are secretly hornier :) We just hide it better than men. A lot more turns us on than most guys think.
It depends i guess. Im a woman and im constanly wanting it and thinking about it 24/7!!!
Okay, somewhat clinical here: The part in the "normal" brain that deals with pleasure is called the "Hypothalamus." In men it's two and one half times large than in the "normal" womans brain. You can take the word "normal" out & replace it with "usual", if you want. That's why the male thinks about sex so more than "most" women.But who's is more horny, it usually comes to their environment. The "mind" is where it ALL begins, so remember that guys!!
men all the way if you ever see a guy fiddling with his trousers a lil bit hes trying to hide his dick
I believe men in general, although men and women hit their sexual peaks at different ages.
But... men are usually always horny. Turn off your penis, dammit!
Okay, how about you answer me this, it's sort of the same, but horny means want to do it all the time.
Who do you thik is more desperate to lose their virginity?
women are eqally as horny just men are more open about it. Women have their way of asking for sex without talking about it.
we rly dnt know, women keep there shit under cover (pun intended) so we dnt know if there horny or not, men talk about it out loud so it would seem we r
I vote for men on that one. It always seems more men use more of there energy to get laid than women.
Thats because women don't need to use much energy in the pursuit of sex.
That is true, but that is generally because it takes more work.
I know more guys that want a good girl and good relationship over getting laid, but maybe that is because I have no friends that JUST want to get laid (aka Assholes)
I'm not sure.
But I definetely don't think women are as frigid as they're thought to be.
I think it's more frowned upon for a woman to be promiscous, and a lot of women would prefer sex within a relationship.
But as a woman, i admit i'm plenty horny.
I would have to say that men have a bad name for being horny all the time but women can hide it better, if women would stop kidding them selfs we would know that we get horny A LOT at least i do. I think that its even
I think guys and girls are the same it's just guys are more open about it girls seem to be just as horny if you actually really observe them.
Honestly, it depends. I'm a female, and I find that sometimes I really am. If I really like a guy, or I'm ovulating, then yes. Men are a little more blatant about it, but then I've met some who aren't that bad.
i think it's good that men have that energy and drive for sex. i certainly like someone who's going to make all of the moves :D
i think me and women get horny the same...but since males areee the most dominant gender they are naturally more agressive...when is making me kinda lean toward saying males now cuz im thinkin testasterone gives them that energy..that agression..that very powerful sex drive.
Well, female can be better at hiding it, or are pressured to play down their sexuality, so maybe they're hornier.
imma go with men...can't help it...my girlfriend gets me horny all the time, even when she's covering it all up...I kant help but picture her naked all the time in my head...she got me so sprung out on her that my dick(a.k.a JOHN) ceases to amaze her...CCHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
and shes with me rite now, reading my comments and hoping to see if john is up yet(it already is..)
Depends on the person some people have a disease called hyp******* makes them have orgasms and boners over 100 times a day.Then the normal people just depends on your body.
I have to vote female. I base it on this. Women and men both have a sex drive. However women think differently and will choose when and when not to have sex. Men will have sex whenever they want and flaunt it shamelessly.
Women do not have this privilege. Women are shamed into "Not being sluts" and "Respecting themselves". Any kind of sex to a women is praised but any sex received from a female is shamed. Be it someone lover, boyfriend, husband or not.
A female can not so much as make a perverted joke without a male saying "What a whore" since women are suppose to act "Ladylike". Now I am not saying either side should behave like pigs but women get looked down upon more for this type of thing.
Men will be praised in almost every case. So even if a female was very horny she is probobly never going to admit it. Since its ingraned into ladies from a young age that they must "BEHAVE"!
You can even see this is how dads raise boys. If a boy is getting sex at 14 the dad will say "That a boy" even if its a 25 year old female. If a female has sex at 14 she is lucky if she is not kicked out of the house. I am not saying this is right but men are encouraged to be pigs by society and women are encouraged to keep it in their pants.
Which honestly is a stupid message to send. Since if we do nothing but tell ladies "Never ever have sex ever" and tell men "Have sex with anything that moves" men would be better having other men apposed to actually finding a female who is willing to be with them.
It's men. Definately. For certain. Factually. Disagree and go and live in a bin with a dead fish.
We men are horny but show it blatantly.
Women are horny but they hide it.
Both sexes are horny,but you have no ideia how horny we are :>
Lol depends on the person. Cause i know some Extremely crazy girls that is always horny lol
i would say men are more horny women are till they get marred but men are still horny i am allways
Face the facts folks. If women were as horny as men, we'd still be living in caves or we'd be extinct or something. The human race would do nothing but screw - all day, every day.
No one would be raising crops, or building things. We'd be screwing, non stop.
No medicine, no technology - they'd all be screwing.
One benefit to humanity (other than the obvious lots of sex): no war, we'd all be too busy screwing.
Oh, and rape statistics would go way down. (But who would know, no one would keep stats, and no one would read them. You guessed it, we'd rather screw.)
Who would lose? Duh, the sex industry (which serves men almost entirely) would go out of business. There would be no need for them if women wanted it as much as men.
No the rape statistics would not go down. Rapist will rape who they want when they want. That means women or men or children. The fact someone wants sex is not to say they will have it with anyone. So rape will still exists. If someone is horny and are committed they will not cheat.
Women turn down sex often so they are less horney. Most men would doa fat chick.
Admit it fellas...if you were hung up...you'd hit it.
Women rarely drop their standards in that way.
has a girl im way more picky then most guys i think... i realy like older guys and if hes older and strong then im crazy horny... if its some guy my own age , even if hes perfect i dont get turned on at all.
It depends on what you consider horny. Women get hornier for longer, and harder. Men get horny for short bursts throughout the day, unless of course they're provoked, in which case the short bursts get a little longer.
Both are, women have a tendancy to hide while men let their tongues drop a mile away making it noticable. So let's not debate AS ALWAYS that the man is, women are too and accept it ladies because we can't see your faces here and its not like we ALL KNOW your adress to walk up your house to pull your pants off. It's just honesty, not a porn forum.
I vote women, but they keep it to themselves way better than guys most of the time.
it depends on the person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
claude faustus is tapdancing on my roof!
I think it's about the same, but we show it in different ways. Guys are more likely to show it, and girls usually keep it under control. But we're both horny. lol
Men, if women were even remotely as horny as men, having sex wouldn't require so much work from the men's part.
pfft. men are way hornier. i get horny for no damn reason. now that i think of it im probably horny a little too often.
I'd say we're a pretty close tie. I know some of my girlfriends who are EXTREMELY horny. And some of my guyfriends, just as much. But I would think men tend to think about sex more often than women do.
womens are more hornier but they untends to hide it and acts like they are not but the truth is they realli arent like wen they are drunk omg they are whoow whoos hahaha crzy they do it dirty..hahaha and ruff ahhaha i like like
i think women because they spend so much time trying to look good so they can get men to notice them. more men play video games then women. video vixens. etc...
they like romance. if sum1 was to not have sex or masturbate in a long time then they act more romantic or passionate depending on how long it has been since they had sex or masturbated
guys are more likely to cum b4 girls. guys can masturbate a few minutes while for girls its longer.
i think girls dont cum as much as guys do when it comes to time so it could be why girls spend time on trying to look good.
btw this is a guess not a statement so correct me if im wrong
Scientifically, It is men as you may have guessed, because womens hormones are always changing and that has a major effect on how 'horny' they are but men are more stable as is their sex drive. but when her hormones are at the right levels, it is an even playing field :P
I think men have a stronger sex drive, and women often think about career's and money. Apparently girls do better a school.