What should i do if my ex is posting my nude pic all over?

So my creepy ex boyfriend is posting a nude pic he took of me when we were together all over. I've talked to a lawyer and he said that there's not much I can do other than send him a cease and desist letter which he did, but the damage has been done. I contacted some of the sites but it's a slow process.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Within the USA most states have laws against revenge porn. Many other countries have them as well.

    Talk to your local police about it - and if such laws exist; press charges, then get a lawyer to sue them for damages.

    If you live in an area where there are no such laws... then a good social media campaign done right will ruin his reputation and restore yours.

    You can also contact the site administrators and tell them that your ex did not have permission to post those pictures and to remove them, or you will sue them. In this case the threat alone should now be effective as most sites have already lost such lawsuits.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I'm sorry to hear you're going through this :c
    You can learn from it but I feel like people "making an example" out of you isn't very kind. We shouldn't feel fear around showing our bodies to people we love at the time.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    no one else is gonna say this but do you have an older brother that can beat his ass? He needs his ass beat for that. Sometimes violence is the answer.

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    • No but my mother said my father would kill him if he knew.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Im assuming you know where he lays his head at night since you're his ex. I could give you 1000 ways you could fuck with him really hard with that knowledge. But I think someone needs to give him a little beating and intimidate him to stop. Its not hard to intimidate someone when they know you know where they sleep.

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        • I don't want it to get to that. If he got really messed up I'd never live with it. I just want him to know what a dick he is.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            He needs to get his ass whipped

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    I'm with 1weirdguy on this, if all else has failed, get him slapped.

    If the pics don't reveal your face, you could just deny all knowledge and say it isn't you in the pics

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  • Boojum

    FWIW, I agree with olderdude: you should talk to your local police about this.

    I can understand how you might find this idea extremely embarrassing, but if your local cops have any degree of intelligence and sensitivity (and, yeah, maybe that's an unrealistic expectation...) you should be able to talk to a female officer which could reduce the cringe factor. Whether this results in anything happening is another matter, but at least you will have taken some action rather than just fuming about what he's done. Also, your complaint will be on record, so if he pulls this shit - or worse - with another woman in future, the cops will know he has form for this crap and they might treat it more seriously.

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  • mathewdavis133

    call the police on him and sue him.

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  • Tinybird

    that's why you don't send nudes, kids

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    This is why I never sent a nude pic of myself or let someone take a nude pic of me, closest I came to that was my 3rd girl friend snapping one of me getting out of the shower with nothing but me holding a towel around my dick. Still have no idea how she got in there without me hearing her.

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Your fault.

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  • laxman209

    Can i have the nude pics?

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  • raisinbran

    Can't help much without a link.

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  • kikilizzo

    I believe there is a law against revenge porn, so you should report him.
    Ignore the people who says its your fault. Yeah it's not the best of ideas to send nudes but it's common and many people do it without thinking about the consequences in the moment.
    Plus when you're in a relationship your partner can take pictures of you without you even noticing, so nudes can always be spread around unfortunately. Even if you don't send any.

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  • jethro

    What you can do is to sue him. And make him pay you for using your image without permission. I don't know, is it worth a million dollars to you to have your nudes on the internet? Then also sue the internet pages for publishing your photos without permission. In some locales, that is a crime.

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  • jackstormwater

    Many states/jurisdictions have laws against revenge porn, but if a lawyer is telling you that’s all he can do I’m guessing yours isn’t one of them unfortunately…

    You should contact your lawmakers, however, and ask them to pass such a law and catch up with the 21st century so this doesn’t happen to more people.

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  • Somenormie

    Your boyfriend is a bitch.

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  • Meowypowers

    Mind if you are even hot and the Streisand effect.

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