What should i do if my roommate is a shoplifter?

My roommate starting shoplifting small stuff when she got laid off for the pandemic and now she's doing it all the time. She gets all the stuff we need for the house like toothpaste and shampoo but I know it's not right.

Tell the police 14
Nothing it's none of my business 16
Move out 11
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Comments ( 35 )
  • Vegas469

    You don't need to be with the person like that

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I'd confront your roommate and tell her if she doesn't stop you have to move and that you don't want to end up doing that. Tell her if she can't stop she needs to talk to someone about it.

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    • The bad thing about that idea is that I’ve been using the stuff and I know she’ll throw that back in my face.

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      • olderdude-xx

        So, admit that you made a mistake in that; and stop using that stuff.

        Go buy your own.

        Moving out is the best option, and finding an honest person.

        If the police bust her - and they find out you know and did nothing; you could also be charged.

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  • rosievibes

    Everyone here is such a cop. Let ur roommate steal. As long as they’re stealing from big corporations like Walmart or target they’re actually doing good.

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    Blackmail them into stealing lots of nice things, keep them or sell them and use the cash to help you move out

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  • jodi1955

    shop lifting is stealing and against the law, would confront them and if not change then I would move as if you know and let it happen I am sure the police can and will charge you with something,

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    • I asked my friend who’s a paralegal and she said that I might be charged with receiving stolen property but it’d be hard to prove. But she agrees with a lot of these comments that say I should move out.

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      • RoyyRogers

        I mean if she is not stealing from you I wouldn't fret

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  • kikilizzo

    I wouldnt involve myself to be honest. I just wouldnt care.
    My only issue is I might be a suspect too if they got caught so i'd switch to another roommate if possible, or rat them out already.

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  • darefu

    My first instinct was tell the police, but really that won't do any good. As you can see from the responses most people don't care, think it's harmless, big corporations deserve it, and telling the police after the fact, they'll have the same attitude. You could go shopping with them and turn them in when they are doing it but that's like setting the person up and will definitely end any friendship.

    I'd just move or get rid of them as a roommate. If they just started "because of the pandemic and now she's doing it all the time" she is progressing and progressing fairly fast. Who's to say she won't or hasn't stolen from you. A theif is a theif if they see something they want it won't matter where they are.

    Time for you to move out or tell her it's time to go, depending on your lease.

    The friendship/roommate relationship is gone either way unless you elect to do nothing, then you need to keep an eye on your stuff. I couldn't live with a thief or someone I couldn't trust.

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  • Sanara

    I was about to say its none of your business (its a small crime anyway, maybe better to keep peace with your roommate, and it would be their issue otherwise), but then I realized you may get in trouble too if they find out, solely because you live in the same house they may not be able to distinguish or think you were involved, besides the fact you would have known. You dont deserve punishment for what they do, so threaten to tell the police, and if they dont stop then actually call the police. They would kind of deserve it.

    If moving seems easy and affordable for you and wont get you to a worse house, then consider that option too

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      "Call the police". For what? You said it yourself, it is a small crime. And if the OP doesn't want to get busted, then they should just move out. Simple.

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      • Sanara

        Moving out can be expensive, time consuming and maybe land you in a worse place than you came from (depending what options you have). I dont get why people see it as an easy fix solution. It requires you at least have economy to move somewhere decent, and transport your stuff

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        • Billy247newaccount_35467829

          Or the OP could just mind her business. And maybe she should also throw out the stuff she used.

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          • Oh I already did and I told her I didn’t want anything she’s take. She gave me look like who the hell did think I was high and mighty but I don’t care.

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            • Billy247newaccount_35467829


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        • I know. So easy to say just throw in the towel but there’s a lot of things to consider.

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  • Meowypowers

    Stealing stuff is the new American way, in and that it is racist to complain against it. Defund the cops. Let us over pay for people that are wildn'out. Free stuff is free.

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  • BleedingPain

    A few years ago I accidentally stole jewelry beads from michales by inadvertently shoving it in my pocket when my hands were too full instead of going to get a cart/basket. Walked out undetected.

    My friend who works at target said she was trained to let petty theft go. That is, its not worth it to tackle someone over a pack of pens or shampoo if you did happen to see it. Doesnt make it any less wrong, big corp doesnt care. Its when you try to steal an iphone, expensive shoes, or even clothes that eyebrows are raised.

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  • Boojum

    If she was stealing big stuff and bringing it home, then you'd have good cause to be very concerned. The last thing you want is the cops banging on the door of your home with a search warrant.

    What she's doing is obviously wrong, but it's unlikely to have any impact on you. If I were in your position I think I'd just talk to her about how it's dumb of her to think that she's so damn clever and sneaky that there's no possibility of her being caught. That's exactly what everyone who's ever broken the law has always thought, right up to the moment when they see a cop giving them the steely-eyed look as they walk towards them.

    I'd also point out that having a criminal record of any sort can screw up her employment prospects. In lots of places, it's not difficult for businesses to check if a job applicant has been convicted of any crimes, and no sane business owner wants to have a proven thief working for them.

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      There IS a possibility she won't get caught for a long time. People have their ways, you know that right? Hell if someone can get away with murder, then they can get away with a lot of other things too.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Is she shoplifting it from a larger corporation or a small, locally owned place?

    Personally, if someone is stealing from Walmart I don't care. Especially when it's stuff like toothpaste or shampoo.

    Edit: She'll likely be caught though. Walmart hires people to pretend to be customers and find shoplifters.

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    • It's from CVS mostly but I don't think it matters. Someone has to pay for it. The other thing I thought of is just not using anything that she brought home.

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      • Meowypowers

        Small businesses too =(

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Shoplifting from big companies directly impacts the employees. Not good regardless. One thing it impacts is bonuses. I worked for a bigger company and because of how much theft we had that year they cut a few dollars each from everyone's check. Not much but still that's not fair to the employees.

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  • Somenormie

    She will get caught soon when the time comes. Her actions will have a way of coming back to her.

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      Haha this belief is ignorant.

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      • Refridgerators

        Ignorant as it may be, I have seen numerous cases of it happening. Those who continue their wrongdoings find themselves facing a pile of their consequences at some point or another.

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        • Billy247newaccount_35467829

          Not all the time, no. People assume every single person that does something wrong will automatically face the consequences. That is just not how things work. There are a lot of times where someone does something wrong and either they go a long time without facing the consequences for their wrongdoings, or they don't face the consequences at all.

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  • mathewdavis133

    is she broke by the way she keeps shoplifting?!

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      Some people do stuff like that for the thrill of it. There is a type of impulse control disorder (can't remember what it's called), that causes people to shoplift out impulse.

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  • JustJazzin

    Don’t worry, she’ll be on America’s most wanted before you know it 😂

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Mind your business. Who cares?

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  • jethro

    Well i guess you have to wonder what has she taken from you?

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