What should i do in this situation?

I was out at the dumpsters behind the store, throwing a bag of garbage in. Immediately after I threw the bag in, I yawned. That was when a fly flew in my mouth. It didn’t fly back out again. I felt it buzz somewhere down in my chest, as if it wanted to let me know it was still there. I didn’t know what to do so I started singing: “There was an old woman who swallowed a fly. I don’t know why she swallowed that fly, perhaps she’ll _______”


But maybe I'll only die if the fly itself dies inside of me. It’s still alive; I felt it buzzing. Maybe there’s some oxygen down there, wherever it is. What if it is female and lays eggs inside of me. I have to get it out.

How do I get it out?

Vacuum cleaner, with the crevice attachment—suck it out 1
Smoke a strong cigar—gas it out 8
Keep my mouth open—it will fly toward the light 3
Drink a mickey of rye—make it happy 2
Drink a two-four of beer—might not like rye 1
Other. 3
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Comments ( 5 )
  • shuggy-chan

    Stop! Hammertime

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are in serious danger. If it doesn't lay eggs it will eventually eat it's way out of you and you will have a hole in your body. If it lays eggs, thousands and thousands of little flies will eat their way out of you and you won't have just one hole, will you?
    Flies eat about 300 times their body weight in food every day. How big are you?

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Open your mouth, put your lips against a speaker and play flight of the bumblebee

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  • noid


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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You may as well me where the pudding is already. If you don't I''ll rip apart every drawer, cabinet, fridge, and sheet rock and find it anyway. Then I'm going going eat every single drop of it instead of just one cup like you told me you'd give me, you liar!

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