What the hell is going on with my best male friend?

Yesterday I was upset about a guy that I liked because he was the "one who got away" and I was thinking about it and wanted to just refrain from telling anyone but my bestie asked why I was down so I spit it out.

He (we're best friends) seemed supportive at first but then he went dead silent numerous times where I had to finally ask are you okay??? He said he was okay but that it was a "weird topic" when I asked how? He said because it's just unexpected that I'm talking about another man.

But I said I'm not dating you though and you told me you want to be single so why would it be weird me telling you why I'm upset about a guy? So I asked if he was upset and he said he "wasn't sure". I also said "you'll find someone someday" and he said "I doubt it"

He then said he had to go and the conversation got cut short. Normally he texts me during work and sends me memes or videos but I didn't receive anything all day then at night he usually says sweet dreams but last night all he said was "night"

Why? I don't understand. We're friends, he acted upset that I was talking about another man..but he's my best friend I should be able to tell him why I'm upset right?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    He might have romantic feelings for you and not know how to process it.

    This one’s less likely but if he really sees himself as a permanent bachelor the idea that you will probably have a relationship at some point might have shocked him and made him fear losing your friendship.

    Either way I second sweetone’s advice to reach out to him.

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    • I texted him and he only said he's not feeling well and put a sad face..

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  • SwickDinging

    Perhaps you mentioning a relationship stroked his ego a bit, and now you're talking about another guy he's suddenly feeling a bit jealous because he hadn't considered that you might start seeing other people. He probably prefers it when you are single.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Sounds like he might like you

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    • But if he did wouldn't he have said let's date when I playfully mention us as a couple? He always tells me he isn't in a good state of mental health to be in a relationship

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Just because he doesnt want a relationship doesnt mean he doesnt have feelings for you. Give him space for now and tell him youre here when hes ready to talk. Sorry friend, it must be hard not having his support right now. Ive been through the same thing.

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        • Yeah he's basically gone silent on me I'll just give him space. I guess you're right and I'm sorry you've been through the same thing

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          • Curiouskitten444

            Thank you ❤️

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  • sweetone89

    You might have made him have a bad memory when he had a breakup. Did he have a breakup recently? Or a difficult one in the past?

    What if he does have feelings for you?

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    • Hm he's never been in a relationship. I don't think so because whenever I joked about dating him he'd say he can't be in any relationship

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      • sweetone89

        Okay. Is he secretly gay and trying to hold it in, for fear of rejection?

        Or does he have another fear of relationships- was he hurt sexually and wants a relationship but is afraid of one?

        But let's just stop assuming. Why don't you talk to him, offer him a hug, and just let him know if he wants to talk, he can trust you. And whatever he reveals to you, don't ever tell anyone else.

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