What the hell is wrong with me?!?
I know this will be like "first world problems" and I hate myself for that, but anyway, what the hell?!? I have no motivation or sense of priority. I am in university. I've been trying to get my sh!t together, and I was pretty happy with what I've done this week, until today. I have no idea what even happened, i was meant to go to class at 9:00, so I have set my 2 alarms like usual. Woke up at 11:00, don't remember the alarms. Shiiit. this happens all the time! And I think I had a huge project due in that class today, but I really have no idea, it wasn't completely done anyway. I'm failing all my classes, as I often do by mid-semester, but able to pull them back to at least a C before the end. but despite continually failing, telling myself I MUST study, because it's just plain embarrassing turning in such shitty work... here I am again sat doing fuck all for the past 2 days with lots due tomorrow. And I still don't even give a fuck apparently, which is why I'm here... I know that's stupid, but... I really have no interest in life... I don't like to do anything. I just like to stay home, I have no friends, no relationships, no desires, I don't masturbate, I don't watch tv, I don't play games, I don't even feel like eating much. anything but sleeping seems just too much for me. The only reason I do anything, is because I have to, in order to be "normal". So I just do the absolute bare minimum, and I hate myself for it. i'm kind of afraid to even look at where I am in my school work at this point, although the subject is something I've always wanted to learn, and I find it very intriguing on its own.