What the worst injury of your life?

Title says it. More talking about physical injury not sickness or emotional shit. Based upon combination of degree of pain and time to recover.

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Comments ( 79 )
  • notsaying4life

    Someone drove a scissor through my eye,It’s a miracle it didn’t affect my vision

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    • notsaying4life

      it was a fight with a girl when I was young,i thought the fight was over until she went for a scissor and aimed straight into my eye its a miracle but it missed my pupil and my eyelid but I was bleeding inside I could see it through a mirror

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    • SorrowfulPath

      Care to share a backstory?

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Lol how?

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  • Toledorwb

    I saw a Katy perry video once. I’ve been injured ever since

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Lol please explain. I mean she is pretty shitty but is it really THAT bad???

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      • Toledorwb

        Yes. Yes it is

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  • bleedingdiarhea

    I got a cigarette crushed into the white of my left eye at about 5 years old.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Considering your username I was expecting a different answer lol

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      • IvanRoberts


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    • raisinbran

      5-year-olds' eye sockets make great ash trays. [sorry that happened to you!]

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      • momwatcher69

        You're not funny, now, or in other remarks I've read, from you.
        You are a very creepy "human".

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      • bleedingdiarhea

        Thanks, but luckily it didnt affect my eyesight. Had it hit the iris I would be at least partially blind now.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    In terms of functionality: Torn my ACL/meniscus & cracked the top of my femur.

    In terms of pain: Simultaneously Ruptured both my testicles.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      What the fuck? Ruptered testicles? You have some explaining to do!

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        Be me at 13
        went to public pool
        see's 40 ft high dive
        go's for cannon ball
        don't tuck legs up in time
        scrotum meets water
        begin flailing like an epileptic fish
        2 weeks later scrotum swells to size of soft ball
        go to Hospital
        doctor is horrified
        later find out I'm sterile

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        • raisinbran

          At least you saved some money on a vasectomy.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            How much do those cost? I'm considering getting one.

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            • ACfireandiceDC

              I think $700, I'm thinking of getting one as well. But don't quote me on it.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Damn thats bad. 40 ft high lol how is that safe for anyone.

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  • annamac

    When I was 2, I was at a barbecue at my relatives house. They had a dog, I was playing with him, I handed the dog a bone and next thing I knew, I was screaming bloody murder. The dog bit out a chunk of my cheek. I was rushed to the hospital and they tried gluing it back together and while they tried doing that, the glue had glued my eyes shut and they had to pry them back open 😬 I don’t think it was that bad though, since I was only 2 so I don’t remember any pain.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Yeah when your 2 years old you won't remember much, and if it does impair youe life now it ain't that bad.

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      • annamac

        well, yeah..

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  • megadriver

    Broke my right leg really badly while skiing back when I was a teenager.

    This was on a winter vacation. The ski instructor was an idiot, so pretty much everyone taught themselves how to do it more, or less.

    Anyway, long story short, I swerved to avoid a kid that wandered onto the ski slope, I fell, somehow my right ski dug into the ground and didn't release and it twisted my ankle and broke everything in there. Also had cracks on my calf bone. It hurt like a motherfucker.

    My right leg was in a cast and even after it was off it took weeks for me to get back to my regular schedule.
    Only upside was it was the winter of 2006 and I could play GTA San Andreas all day without anyone telling me to do chores, or homework XD

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Hey I broke my leg skiing as well. Only calf bone tho nothing to my ankle so prolly not as bad. And I was being stupid so it was my fault, you actually had the right of way it sounds like.

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  • chuy

    Broken left arm. I was playing with the cousins and got pushed off the back of my uncle's truck landed on my arm and broke it in 3 different places. I must have been around 5 or 6 at the time.

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  • raisinbran

    Nothing major, luckily. Weird little injuries. Hernia from jump-roping, that I never had fixed. A bunch of broken bones as a kid. One of my thumb joint cracks because of RSI + cold temperature scooping ice cream at an ice cream shop. Floaters in my eyes from watching a solar eclipse (stupidest thing I ever did in my life), even with protective glasses. Messed up toe from smashing it into things all the time. Fell down a flight of concrete steps as a baby and always wondered whether it caused brain damage.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Those are some weird ones lol. Scooping ice cream, jump roping and watching a solar eclipse. Ypu are prolly the unluckiest person so far on this post.

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      • raisinbran

        I consider myself lucky actually... no chronic pain, nerve damage or disabilities. Some people I know have it way worse.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Thats fair

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  • cipro

    1)dropped some 150 pound stone on my left toe, nearly severing it.

    2)angle grinder to index finger.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      I'm more inpressed you were holding a 150 pound stone.

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      • cipro

        i do strength training regularly (been exercising since i was 18,now 32), but that day i misjudged my grip and strength and paid a very costly price.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Yeah I know its hard to grip irregular shape objects like rocks.

          Hey another person who does strength training? You don't say? I know a thing or two about that! Also the fact that your are 32 and have strength trained since you were 18, and yet your 2 worst injuries weren't in the gym. I'm over here at 20 years old, lifting since 16 with a damn laundry list of lifting related injuries.

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  • libertybell

    I broke my neck 29 years ago in a car accident. I've never broken any other bones, ever. I had to wear a brace for 3 months.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Whats it like wearing on of them things? I'm not tryna belittle it, but I do think beck braces are kinda sexy. And no I won't jerk off to your description!

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      • libertybell

        They're not too bad during the day, but at night they are not that comfortable to sleep in. Also, to look to my side, I couldn't turn my head, I had to turn my whole upper body. I had to wear it 24 hours a day.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          I would have thought it would be worse during the day tbh.

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  • altowolf

    I'm in the veterinary field. My first, and only, serious dog bite was from a 98 pound coonhound. Dog completely unprovoked latched onto my arm in the room before we had started the exam or even touched it; bit me three times all the way down to my wrist, shaking its head in the process and tearing flesh hardcore.

    About forty eight sutures, a moderate fracture, and permanent nerve damage from its carnassial ( the big three peaked molar in the back ) hitting a nerve in my arm. It was pretty gnarly, fat was leaking out of the deeper puncture wounds and the amount of blood was remarkable.

    To the dog's credit, it was presenting for an exam/consult for behavioral issues. The owners never trained or socialized it, but in all my years in the field I've never had a dog literally latch onto me with absolutely no warning or reason. It actually was euthanized earlier this year after it broke out of the owner's backyard and proceeded to attack and kill a small dog that a neighbor had been walking.

    The only other injuries were boring things like a skull fracture from a bad car accident.

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  • When I was 5 I fell off the front balcony and fractured my arm. In 2009 I tripped on the backyard steps and broke my foot.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Fell off the balcony? Damn thats bad lol I feel better now.

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      • LOL, yep. There were two pine trees right next to the balcony in front of the house. There was a bird's nest on one of the branches that I thought I could see into if I stood on the railing. Lost my balance, over I went, landed right on my arm in a pile of red ants. I remember it so clearly.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Hahaha red ants just to finish things off! I git those once real bad to they hurt like a motherfucker!

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          • Yeah, added insult to injury. So along with some little bites, my arm was in a sling for about 4 weeks.

            In 2009 I was jogging down the back steps like a moron and my left foot bent sideways. I heard a loud snap, and a giant goose egg formed on the top left of the foot. The bruising after a couple days was psychedelic. Had crutches and one of those bulky boots for around 5 weeks.

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              Lol when you hear a snap you know thats bad! Boots I have never had but crutches yeah.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Mine was a torn hip flexor. Happened dive bombing a squat and getting dumped. Didn't hurt to sit but It I was walking funny for a good six weeks. Not super inconvenient at the time but It kinda fucked up my posture which took forever to fix and when it happened it hurt like a bloddy motherfucker!!!

    And yes, I'm the OP!

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  • Indigo1

    Ive hurt myself in some crazy ways over the years. But honestly nothing could even compare to this tooth ache I had. lets just say it was some next level tooth ache, like dozens of levels of hell deep kind of tooth ache.

    step 1: go to dirt empire kind of foreign country

    step 2: have your old filling fall out

    step 3: Ignore the occasional flair up and minor pain for months on end and mask it with oral gel


    step 5: wait for that thing to FUCKING GO OFF NON STOP

    step 6: have no way or money to see a dentist

    step 7: get almost no sleep three days while you're entire fucking head and tooth hrts ona level of pain you've never felt.

    step 8: wonder if life is even worth living anymore!

    step 9: Pull your tooth out of your fucking skull with a god damn tool ( or go to ER if there is one around)


    -When it was at it's worse NOTHING could stop the pain,NOTHING. It honestly made me aware of pain I didn't know was possible.... and I've felt some really bad pain before.. for example I crashed a moped and had to have the nurses scrub my road rash with sponges...boy was that fun... doest matter... i'd fucking cut off my finger before having my whole skull become a tooth ace like that again.

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  • shuggy-chan

    I got stung by a Wasp this morning cause they made a nest in the unit I opened and got jumped by 3 of them

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  • BleedingPain

    Twisted both my ankles from jumping out of a tall tree. Or was it the 3 car accidents 🤔

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Both ankles at once? How is that even possible?

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      • BleedingPain

        Well ok, I say ankles cause it's the first thing I remember, but I jumped straight down from a tall tree and the force shattered the lower half of my legs. Like completely rekt my legs knees below.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          I would think I high fall would do worse for the knees.

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          • BleedingPain

            It does. Your knees become a conglomerate of bleeding pain

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              Falling and landing on your feet doesn't figure to be bloody does it?

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  • Worst was spraining my wrist and tearing my pinky tendon but at the same time I also got 1st degree burns on my face that left bruises and a bloody nose and a super painful face that took a month to stop hurting. It all was caused by the airbag. I turned my face when the accident happen so luckily only one side got attacked by it’s painfulness.

    I saw a doctor to make sure I didn’t do any serious injury to my arm anywhere and saw a surgeon for my pinky but gladly it all healed on it’s own. Took about a month for everything to go back to normal but with stretched ligaments it never goes back and sometimes I feel like I occasionally have wrist pain.

    As for degree of pain even when I got checked out at the doctors a few hours after I only said I was like a 4 it wasn’t badly painful to a terrible extent just mainly the worry something worse that sucked. Tho idk how it feels to break something I was still a lil shooken up and still a slight adrenaline rush and wanted to be sure I’m okay. That and only having one arm for a month and being scared to put my hand in a fist cause the tendons movements were nasty. Most pain may have been my face cause that really smacked me hard. I was kinda dissy after cause it hit so hard.

    You realize how much you need another arm. Especially things like shaving the arm pit of the only arm you have.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Yeah man masterbating would suck if that happened to my right arm. How did the accident not result in worse injuries than the air bag? Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose?

      The one time I crashed I totally my car hitting a tree at 45, the whole front was smashed up and the air bag didn't even go off!!!

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      • palehorse

        That's why you learn early to use both arms. I had the foresight to get into that habit when I was a teen, and it's served me well.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          I know I should prolly work on it lol. But I did have a torn callous in my right hand a week or so ago that hurt so bad I tried some lefty. I just need a better reason to do it more often

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      • It happen to my left cause I was trying to stear right with it and brake but couldn’t stop in time. So I guess I was in the clear with that. Are you saying cause it could have been worse? My surgeon was telling me I’m lucky cause people get decapitated from them. It could of been worse for sure. My boyfriend was with me and the noise it let out sounded like a loud gun shot. He lost his hearing for a little while but was untouched physically. It really does it’s dumb sometimes causes the actual problems and tbh I remember the seat belt catching me so I didn’t go forward. Then the airbag decided to cause me unneeded pain.

        Damn. Well airbag sensors are in the reinforcement bumper in one small spot on each side so you have to hit that in order for it to go off. And I smashed into the ladies back tire with the left side of my front end right at the sensor. My car was totaled too 😔 but then I bought it back from the insurence company took the rest of the check and bought a new front end. Back to normal and driving good as before just now rebuilt title and it took a few months of work and some welding for some front end frame.

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        • Boojum

          American airbags are required by law to save the life of an average-sized man who isn't using a seatbelt in a collision, while European law requires them to protect a belted person, and the European safety rating of a car is calculated based on all the designed protection measures, not just the airbag. The result of this is that American airbags are larger and more powerful than those in cars sold in Europe, and airbag injuries are pretty common in the USA, while they're rare in Europe.

          It's a strange thing, really. American legislators seem to accept that many drivers won't use a seatbelt out of a mule-headed fixation on personal freedom, but they make the fines for not using one piffling and enforcement of the law is lax. So to compensate for this, they require car manufacturers to install freaking bombs in the dashboard and steering wheel of every car.

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          • McBean

            Lol. Them bombs add heaps of excitement for wild ass freeway gladiators everywhere. Whew, multiple car pile ups are often the highlight of getting out of the house. (Note: Plane crashes are exciting too. But thankfully, they are rare.)

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          • raisinbran

            I thought they were purposely designed to decapitate babies.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Yeah it definently sounds like it could have been worse.

          Thats good to know actually about the air bag sensors. I hit a tree like dead center so I guess I got between the sensors so they didn't go off.

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          • Yeah it could of I’m glad it was nothing serious.

            That must have been terrifying. I’m glad the accident wasn’t my fault and I at least didn’t have to pay my medical bills. Did you get hurt when your accident happen?

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              I hit ice going 45 and was into a tree in what felt like and instant. I was pretty much fine actually a little dizzg from the shock but I tensed up so I didn't hit anything. I was prolly a little lucky to be fine tho.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've sprained my left ankle twice over twenty years ago, and it hasn't been the same since then.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Honestly for being almost 50 I think you made out alright. How do the lasting effects feel now?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thanks, sometimes it feels kinda weak, and it hurts when it's going to rain, so I can sort of predict the weather a little. I honestly think I should get some physical therapy.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Hurts when its gonna rain? Lol wut? I need to ask you if your ankle hurts before I go fishing now?

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        • palehorse

          You should. But tbh that's some killer ESP.

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          • RoseIsabella


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