What to do

My boyfriend says he loves me but I always feel unwanted.Im so confused about what to do.How do I stay in a relationship where I constantly feel unwanted?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • techpc

    Take a love language test or something. Maybe he is showing love in a way he is compatible with, but you aren't.

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    • LloydAsher

      We all show love in different ways. My gf needs at least 3 texts a day if "i love you". While I can survive with just one a week.

      I got used to it.

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  • Boojum

    It's possible you're needy and have unrealistic expectations of what you should get from a relationship. It's possible he's a dickhead who says he loves you but only does that to get what he wants from you and he doesn't actually care about you.

    Nobody here can know what's really going on. The only thing we do know is that you're not feeling positive about the relationship.

    You shouldn't stay in a relationship if you constantly feel that the other person doesn't really want to be with you. That's very damaging to your perception of your value as a person.

    I'd suggest you try to take a step back and consider if the problems are mainly in your head, mainly in how he behaves with you, or if you two simply don't mesh very well in that you're expecting more of him than he's able or willing to give.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What is it that makes you feel unwanted? Is it something he says, or something he does that makes you feel unwanted? If there isn't anything that he says, or does that makes you feel unwanted then can you tell us about your relationship with your parents?

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