What to worship?

i'm very depressed, my parents told me that Islam is the only and true religion, but after seeing ISIS and this damn groups and terrorists, i don't believe in my heart that Islam is true, some say that Satan will make my life much better, is that true??
also, if you don't care about religion and these things how do you live your life normally? with no belief... that's hard for me...
please no insults.

i don't give a shit 16
Allah "Islam" 20
Environment and nature 16
Christan God 16
Satan 10
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Comments ( 13 )
  • RandomNumbers

    dude i hope you read and consider what i have to say.
    Alot of people will try to tell you what to believe and which god you must worship. What i tell you is what i've done all my life:
    Discover your own anwsers! Ignore people who say that one god or another is the one true god. the very understanding of god is weak in those people. Seach, read, discover and explore, and then worship the god that is better for you, the one you feel its the right, truth one.
    i, particulary, worship christian god, but i search wisdom everywere i could find. Just love to read and study Hindiam gods, specially Shiva. Budha is also one full of wisdom.
    That said, you should follow your heart

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    • thank you sooo much for your kind and helpful words... really helped me. you made me rethink about everything. thank you, i wish i could meet people like you in life

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      • Archangel7nk

        Like @randomnumbers said, look into all of the world religions. I would personally pick apart the beliefs, find historical, and scientific proof for each of them. Once you've done so, see which has the most proof and the one you feel most called to, and there you have it. From my research, I have found that the God of the Christians and the Jews is warranted by the reliability of the Bible compared to other world religions. I can take that journey with you if you want. :) cheers and best of luck in your search to find truth.

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  • IMissMary

    Most people these days worship their Dog and don't even realize it....guess God = Dog spelled backwards for a reason. So go ahead and find a doG to worship and make it your God

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  • SweetPotatoe

    Satanism is more of a philosophy. Satanist don't believe in any "spiritual beings" (God, Satan, etc.) It's more about individuality and being your own "God". You can read more about it at http://www.churchofsatan.com if you're interested. And no there aren't any sacrifices or baby eating or devil worshiping.

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  • Toobiedetermined

    All religion can be bad, religion comes with ideology and dogma, and the lenses of these two things don't allow a person to see the world clearly.

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  • flamer180

    People think all muslims are bad. Dont believe them. I know muslims and they arent bad.

    This seems like a psy-op to try and make muslims look bad. Thats all this is. One day people might start saying Christians are bad lol

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  • boy1

    listen man .. firs of all how old are you? .. islam is the religion of peace and mercy .. the miracle of the islam is the quraan, it was written by a man who cannot even read (the prophet mohammed) and is completely flawless despite the fact that even the most talented writer at this time could not believe that a man who cannot even write or read a single word wrote such thing and till this day no one has ever been able to write anything of its sam level. ISIS are a group of people controlled by politicans around the world to achieve their nasty goals by making people hate the owners of the objects (or targets) they want to achieve so they can later attack these people (muslims and their countries) and take whatever they want.

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    • i'm 20, it's not my fault that i don't believe in my heart Islam is true, i saw those terrorists with my own eye, they made me hate them and there religion, i'm sad to say this... but i'm more like of an atheist right now, and about the Quran, yeah i know everything you said, and about the Scientific Deficiencies of the Quran, they could be based on a knowledge that were discovered during the age of Noah prophet.

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      • boy1

        i already told you .. we muslims are affected by ISIS negatively .. i live in egypt btw .. do not believe everything you see man.. we live in a world where seeing is not believing .. educate yourself much more before deciding .. most christians who attack islam havent even read the bible nor the quraan

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  • cocknballs

    Scientology is the true religion.

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  • Aaaaaaand he's back

    Judaism is the chosen religion.

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    • Could you please provide me with reasons. or a website.

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