What was i drugged with?

I was sort of friends with a guy and agreed to smoke with him, I also had a drink next to him so there’s two possibilities here. The weed was laced or my drink was messed with. First thing that happened was everything became very distorted, I felt like time was moving so slowly. Everything sounded underwater or echoed. I started hallucinating, thinking God was talking to me. I thought I was dying. I remember begging for him to make it stop. I remember shaking uncontrollably and no matter what I did I was freezing. At some point I went unconscious and he had sex with me while I was unconscious. He also took pictures and it’s very clear I am not awake. These pictures were passed around School but I’ve never gone to the police because I don’t feel anything will really come of it. This was not normal weed. Please don’t say it was because I do have a higher tolerance than most people and I didn’t smoke a huge amount. I’m also not the only girl he’s done this too. I just really want to know what I was given .

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Comments ( 14 )
  • CozmoWank

    Go to the police. Get this shit bag off the streets. Have the other girls go with you. Do not let this guy go free to continue this shit. What happened to you and the other girls is horrible predatory behavior!

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    • 77candyjane77

      He’s been arrested before. Went on probation and was released. His uncle is a police officer.

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      • Boojum

        If he was on probation, he wasn't just arrested; he was charged, went to court, and was convicted of something. That indicates he's not invulnerable, and it's not pointless for women to go the police about this rapist.

        I don't know how much time has now passed since he raped you, but you might consider talking to someone about what happened to you. Since you mention you being in school, perhaps talking to a counsellor might be helpful. Or perhaps there's a women's group or rape crisis centre in your town.

        Your original question was just about what drug he used, but this guy raped you and then passed around intimate photos of you. While I can understand your curiosity about the drug, I think that's not very significant now, and what's really important is what this incident has done to your mental health, and the possible long-term effects of the rape on how you look at men and people in general.

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  • SomeEmoLord

    Did you perhaps experience any visual hallucinations? Did you feel weaker? If someone were to hit you during this incident would you be able to feel it?

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    • 77candyjane77

      I did hear things that weren’t there. I couldn’t stand up and if I did I’d fall over. I’m not sure about the hitting thing. I didn’t feel him take my clothes off.

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      • SomeEmoLord

        I apologise if i'm wrong but i think you were drugged with ketamine, a common club and date rape drug used by vets as an anaesthetic. If this was the case then it is still unclear as to what was laced, the drink or the weed however i believe it was the weed

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  • nikkiclaire

    Sorry that happened to you, but failing to go to the police pretty much guarantees he will do it to get another girl. It's your descision but think about doing the right thing.

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    • 77candyjane77

      His family are the police.

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      • nikkiclaire

        That doesn't make him untouchable. His uncle is going to tire of him raping people. Report it, although at this point it's he said she said it still goes on his record. He won't stop and the more complaints filed the better.

        He will get it hammered by the law one day. Maybe not for what he did to you but eventually.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Did you get a rape kit done?

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        • 77candyjane77

          This was days later.

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        • 77candyjane77

          No. I wasn’t aware of what happened until I saw the pictures. I have no memory of what happened after I passed out.

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  • Boojum

    He sounds like a wonderful "sorta friend".

    I'm sure you'd find it very uncomfortable talking to the police about this shit, but if he's done it to you and he's done it to other women, he'll keep on drugging and raping women until someone stops him. Perhaps the cops where you live would do nothing about it, but I don't know how you can be certain about that.

    One thing is clear: your silence and the silence of his other victims is enabling his predatory behaviour. People like him tend to escalate, so it's possible what he does with unconscious women will become more extreme. It's also possible he'll overdose a woman or she'll react badly to the drug he uses, and she'll end up dead. You won't be responsible for that, but your silence will make you a sort of accomplice.

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    • 77candyjane77

      His uncle is one of the head police and has gotten him off before

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