What was i drugged with?

I was sort of friends with a guy and agreed to smoke with him, I also had a drink next to him so there’s two possibilities here. The weed was laced or my drink was messed with. First thing that happened was everything became very distorted, I felt like time was moving so slowly. I started hallucinating, thinking God was talking to me. I thought I was dying. I remember begging for him to make it stop. I remember shaking uncontrollably and no matter what I did I was freezing. At some point I went unconscious and he had sex with me while I was unconscious. He also took pictures and it’s very clear I am not awake. These pictures were passed around School but I’ve never gone to the police because I don’t feel anything will really come of it. This was not normal weed. Please don’t say it was because I do have a higher tolerance than most people and I didn’t smoke a huge amount.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Sounds to me like you were "roofied." Roofie is the street name or slang for the sedative tablet flunitrazepam, which is frequently used by degenerates who are too lazy to rape a conscious woman. You were raped--plain and simple. Not doing anything about it is like silently giving permission to be used and abused.

    I feel for you.

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  • Bajazzles

    Date rape. Definitely get the police involved.

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  • badmanalive

    Sounds like a good opportunity to grow up.

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  • barstool

    Well, first of all the more important thing here is that you were raped. I don't think it really matters what you were drugged with. You should at least tell someone you trust about what happened, but you can deal with it however you want. I mean, he has pictures - that's a problem, but that's also evidence of what happened.
    So, I don't know about this stuff, but i really think you should do something about that. Like, get a trusted older person on your side and go to the police.

    As far as being drugged, it could have been anything. I know you don't want to hear this because you're an expert weed smoker, but funny things can happen when you're really drunk and smoke. It can be a different beast.
    Otherwise, there's tons of weird shit available on the internet he could have drugged you with. Who knows.

    It's awful that you had to go through that. But as long as you realise that the drugging part isn't the main issue here - I don't think so, anyway.

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