What was the dumbest thing you woke up to in the morning?

For me, it was yesterday when I heard a loud noise. I looked out my window and noticed that a tree fell on my car. The tree got blown by the wind during the storm, was weakened, and fell. Lol. Apparently the insurance is considering my car a total loss and they don't want to repair it.
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Unknown_player

    One of our chickens tried to fly in our fucking bedroom window

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I used to have chickens and one of them would fly to my brothers window whenever we called her. We'd give her treats and pet her when she'd fly in. XD

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Two idiots trying to fornicate on the same sofa as me after a high school party. It was a long sofa that wrapped around the wall but still. There were at least 5 others in the room, some were commenting on the performance.

    Sorry to hear about your car.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Dang those people were rude!
      Thanks. The insurance is going to pay me for it, so theres that. Lol

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  • megadriver

    Sorry to hear about the car, hope you got a decent payout from the insurance company at least...

    Dumbest thing to wake up to:

    My girlfriend waking me up, to ask me what time it is XD

    I was tired and dozing off in front of the tv, waiting for dinner, going between napping and being semi-awake. Girlfriend was busy making lasagna.

    She casually walks past the couch and asks me what time it is. Even more hilarious, cause there is a clock above the couch, literally above my head.
    The microwave and stove show the time too.
    She must have been so focused on that lasagna, that she was oblivious to everything and decided the best thing to do was ask me.

    I was a bit annoyed at first, but then I found it absolutely hilarious... Whenever I remind her of this, she feels embarrassed to have been so derpy.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Lol I think we've all had some sort of silly moment where we fail to see the obvious.
      Thank you. I'm going to get a decent payout for my car, so once that's done it's time to go to dealerships. XD

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      • leggs91200

        When I saw the first post, I thought, "I know this isn't megadriver because if that had happened to him, Mother Nature would be murdered"

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  • NoMalarkey

    A vintage silent video of two dogs having their legs amputated and sewn to the other dogs’ stump, followed by clips showing the “progress” of their healing (gangrene, btw). Apparently it was an important experiment meant to help amputated war vets but it was very disturbing to see right after a deep sleep.

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  • Tommythecaty

    My girlfriend 😂🤣

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, probably some asshole waking me up from a sound sleep to hear someone jibber jabber about some bullshit that can wait.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Did you throw something at the offending loudmouth? A few years back I threw a full can of soda at a neighbor for waking me up at 2am. He apologised and never took out his lawnmower at that time again. XD

      Edit: on second thought don't throw stuff at people.


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      • RoseIsabella

        Oh dear God! I can't stand the sound of lawnmowers. It's funny, because when I was in my late teens/early twenties I used to go out in my bikini with a pair of cargo shorts on, and mow the lawn for my parents. Of course they paid me to mow the lawn. I remember one of the last times I did it the little bits of dried grass that came off of me in the shower later really grossed me out. Stuff like hair, lint and grass really gross me out so much when they get wet. It grossed me out so bad that I actually threw up a little in the shower.

        What kinda soda?

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Stuff like that sometimes sticks more when wet making hard to remove, so it's a good reason to get grossed out. XD

          The soda was a generic brand that the PathMark nearby sold. I think it was called Americas Choice. Wasn't even that good tasting. Lol

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          • RoseIsabella

            HAHAHA! I'm glad it wasn't Coca-Cola, or Canada Dry ginger ale. 🤠👍🏻

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  • A horse chewing on my shoes. Not even joking.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Why did you have a horse in your room?

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      • You ask too much...

        Haha nah, I used to stay in a place that had a barn as part of the open land for the house I was staying in. This little shit figured out how to open the front door and just made himself welcome into the house and my room was the closest so he went in there and got a hold of one of my shoes and woke me up giving me the fright of my life. I used to play fight with the horses so I'm quite glad it didn't decide to just jump on me.

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  • raisinbran

    I heard a loud bang outside early in the morning but I was too tired to get up, later saw that someone had crashed into my car and left a number. The number was fake and the people I called threatened me.

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  • leggs91200

    Couple things -

    One time I woke up on the floor about five feet from the bed, I have no clue how or why, I wasn't drunk nor drugged.

    Another time I heard a police megaphone telling the neighbors across the street to come out of the house. Cops surrounding the place, assault rifles aimed at the place. Whoever lived there had already evacuated the day before. I thought, "They really done it this time".

    The best -

    It was maybe 7:00 am and the sun was shining through the window. I woke up naturally and stretched and smiled. I went into the kitchen and the coffee machine had just finished brewing a pot of Folgers's. My S.O. joined me and it was all so picture-perfect.
    I heard singing and my day started beautifully.

    Oh wait, maybe that is just on TV.

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  • CDmale4fem

    I woke up and started looking on "isitnormal.com".

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  • Somenormie

    I wake up and my neighbors already arguing in their language ( my neighbors are Romanian ).

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  • litelander8

    We must be in the same neck of the woods! A fucking transformer exploded every 15-20 minutes from 3am-8 am right across the street from my house. Fucking awful.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Shit. That's scary. I hope you didnt get any property damage.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i hired a guy to do some heavy equipment work years ago and he showed up at 6 in the mornin with a dumptruck fulla 6-12 inch rocks that he dumped in the fuckin yard next to the house

    sounded like the fuckin world was comin to an end

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      What did you guys need so many rocks for?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        riprap retainin wall

        the place is built on a hill and theres fill around the house to level out the immediate area

        when i bought the place the fill stopped with some severe dropoffs and was retained with plywood 2x4s and old tires

        i looked into buildin concrete walls but it woulda been ridiculously expensive and railroad ties woulda been labor intensive as fuck

        so pilin a few trucks fulla rocks was the natural solution and was done in a couplea days

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  • iMaNhEpPi

    My parents fighting

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Sorry to hear that. Honestly if people are going to get loud and they know there are other people in the house, they need to take that shit elsewhere.

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