What was the strangest gift you’ve ever received?

For me it's a tie between: When my friend sent me a bunch of jars of mayonnaise and that time a cousin of mine sent me a bunch of bootleg porn DVDs. While both were pranks, they both kept claiming they were gifts so they wouldn't have to take the stuff back . I wound up giving all that shit away. How about you guys?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    when my sister turned 14 i gave her an autographed picture of me

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    • Boojum


      I hope the frame was something like this:


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  • libertybell

    When I was a kid, my aunt gave me an ottoman for Christmas. And not a cutesy kids one, either. A big beige ottoman.

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  • LloydAsher

    I once gave my friends in highschool during Christmas a random xmas gift from a pile of wrapped gifts on the center of the table. Some were canned cookies and actual 5$ gifts. Others were random like peanutbutter or a dog toy made to look like a headset.

    I was the lovably weird friend.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    The worst I can think of was 6 years ago I was given a jumper that came down to my knees. The arms were normal length, it was meant to look like that. It went straight to the clothes recycle.

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    • Boojum

      That sounds like a knitted dress.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Pretty much. Or a knitted tent. Either way it looked ridiculous and should never have existed yet alone been given as a present.

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  • Boojum

    My all-time weirdest gift was a nicely-wrapped Christmas present when I was a kid of ten or so: one of those flat cans of anchovies. I'm sure it was joke and I'm sure I got other things that year, but I'm also sure that getting crap like that is one of the reasons I've never been keen on the whole Christmas and birthday present thing.

    Having said that, I'm sorta guilty of continuing the tradition. The Christmas before last, my then ten-year-old daughter found three large boxes of various sizes under the tree on Christmas morning. She was very keen on Thai instant noodles at the time, so I'd bought five cartons that each contained thirty bags of the noodles, and I'd wrapped them as a single box, another present with two cartons taped together and a third present with three cartons together.

    That definitely wasn't the only thing she got, and it kept her supplied with noodles for over a year. For some strange reason, since the final box ran out, she hasn't asked for more.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Malicious compliance at its finest.

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