What will happen to the bts group if a tragedy happens?
What happens to BTS if something not very good happens to one of the members. (The original talked about death, but for me it is very cruel.)I came across this strange question in the language practice chat while communicating with foreign K-popers and was very surprised, rather even shocked.
..when I started asking why such terrifying questions, they said that everything is quite logical and we should not be surprised, since our life is completely unpredictable and we do not know what burden idols carry in their souls. ..They even said that such successful and famous people rarely end up well (Excuse me?)and gave an example of a couple of people (not just Asians) But when I asked why exactly BTS they said that if something bad happens to one of the members, it will turn the whole of Korea.
It is strange that the Koreans themselves started a conversation on this topic (!)
I have only heard from one side and would like to know what other people think.