What would win in a battle?
Yeah, what would win in a death-battle?
3 Rottweilers | 8 | |
1 Lion | 24 |
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Yeah, what would win in a death-battle?
3 Rottweilers | 8 | |
1 Lion | 24 |
Probably a lion, especially if the lion is male. The mane on a male lion helps protect its throat, which is the most vulnerable part of almost any creature. Predators in general like to go for the throat to make a kill, dogs are no exception.
Rottweilers are very intelligent and they DO have very powerful bites, but it's still difficult to imagine even 3 of them taking on a lion. A lion is a very powerful animal, it could kill just about any dog or canine with ease. All it takes is a swipe of its paw or a well timed bite. 3 rotties would probably take most lions off guard, maybe even enough to make the lion run away, but ultimately I think that a lion would still win the fight.
At least in my experience, rottweilers are actually very friendly and sensitive dogs. They CAN fight, and they do so extremely well, but most of them aren't really cut out for it. Most rotties just want to hang out with their family and eat anything that they can. But yeah, I don't think 3 rotties could take on a lion in a fight, at least not a fight to the death. Lions are just too powerful.
I saw a video of a full grown male lion bitch slap 2 hyenas around like leaves in the wind & they are about 30lbs bigger then a big rottweiler & have a 1000psi bite force while rottweiler's only have a 330psi bite force. Money's on the lion.
The lion may be overwhelmed by the Rottweilers. But most likely the dogs would die of blood loss. Not from the teeth, but the claws would fuck them up pretty quickly. The big cat claws would be ripping their arteries open immediately.
The lion might run away if its being overwhelmed but if the lion gets backed in the corner its gonna kill the Rottweilers
I think a lion could easily take one single rottweiler, but not necessarily 3. Canines can be very good when working in packs and lions to lose against hyenas sometimes (not actually a canine, but resembling)
The Rottweilers jaws are not bit enough to grab the lions throat.
They would be quickly massacred by the lion... Not as easy as squashing a bug; but fairly close to that in this situation.
They don't call him the king of the jungle for nothing, the lion of course.