What would you classify me as?

I'm not sure what to classify me as. I dont like organized religions. I was a Christian but then I started questioning it. I then was an agnostic but I believe that there is something that created us. Dont know what it is and I'm not going to try and act I know what it is. I'm not saying its a higher BEING. I just like to call it a thing or things. I believe in the paranormal. For sure. But I also like to reason and I'm open to ideas, theories, and philosiphies. It's all so confusing to me really. Help please! If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Atheist 3
Agnostic 22
Deist 18
Other 17
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Comments ( 14 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I would classify you as any other human being.
    Just another soul looking for answers, like the great minds always are.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Why do you need a label? Just read some books and take what you can from them. They all have something good you can take away from them. I really like the Joesph Campbell. If you haven't read any of his work, I highly recommend it.

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    you dont need to classify yourself as anything.

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  • BHolt

    You're a Deist.

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  • atrudixman

    When you were a Christian you just did not realize that the Bible was written to be studied not read. Here are some truthful facts you should consider. You say you don't like organized religion, do you know what God's definition of religion is? Religion is about righteousness right? God says that man's righteousness is as "dirty rags " to Him, in Romans 10:3 He gives His definition of religion, "For they being ignorant of the righteousness of God and going about to ESTABLISH THEIR OWN righteousness have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God." He is pure spirit and says that He is to be worshiped in spirit and truth. Charles T. Russell founded the Jehovah Witness, he took everything in the Bible that he did not agree with and threw it out and published his own bible, .."ESTABLISH THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS". The Bible was a finish work 700 yrs. before Muhammad was born and more than 1800 yrs. before Mormon founder J. Smith started the Mormon cult. Both "prophets" say that it was an angel from God that gave them their truth Well God proved that He was real because only a true God knows the future and anticipated who would try to usurp His Truth. In the NT Galatians 1:8,9 proves this is a fact, "If any man or and angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached let him be accursed, As we said before we say again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received let them be accursed." Since both religions do not agree with the other and only one can be the truth, which angel bought the truth? Who would you pick or would you have enough sense to see that the verses that came long before these 2 false faiths cancel them both out? In Matthew Christ prophecy before He died on the cross was that the empale in Jerusalem will be torn down and the Jews scattered around the world but one day would return again as a nation. In 70 AD the Romans sacked the temple and kicked the Jews out of their homeland where in subsequent history they became scattered all over the world. After every country that they prospered in took their wealth and murdered them or kicked them out and after Hitler murdered 6 million of them against all odds and against the wishes of the USA and UK in 1948 they became the nation of Israel. And you can't believe the Bible? These are just a few facts of truth that prove that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the real thing. In the Bible God says that only He can forgive sin, not to pray to graven idols that Peter was apostle to the Jews and never says anything about them ever being in Rome , that Paul was apostle to the gentiles and nowhere does it mention Mary ascending into heaven. Catholics have to go to a priest to have their sins forgiven and Peter apostle to the Jews became head of the largest Christian church in the world. Peter knew Jesus do you think if he were really the first pope he would let his church pray to statues? The catholic church proves Romans 10:3 in action. One last thing to think about, long before man thought up the dictionary to give us definitions, God already had the definition of faith recorded in the Bible, Hebrews 11 1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen", is that not a profound definition? Christians must be grounded in the word whereby they are not tossed to and fro by every wind and doctrine claiming the truth of God. You are not grounded in the word of God and all of these different messages have done the devil's work on you by having you doubt what truth you had. All written here is simple truth that can be proven use your common sense and see for yourself. Good Luck

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  • You ever consider joining the HARE KRISHNA instead?

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  • RedShift

    These people don't know what they're talking about.

    "I believe that there is something that created us."

    This sentence alone makes you a deist. If you believe in a non-intervening creator of the universe, yet reject organized religion, you are a deist. Period.

    "Spiritual" is a good label as well. And so is "foolish" for saying:

    "I believe in the paranormal. For sure."

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  • lalaaa

    You are normal :-)

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  • theaverageatheist


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  • Dumb maybe? smart maybe?

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  • disthing



    Your religious beliefs aren't defined enough to warrant a label, really :)

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  • smartpatrol11

    You sound like a pain in the arse and reall annoying to be around

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    • What? Im not. Im a pretty quiet person. What ever.

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  • dappled

    You sound like you're still working it out. Same as I was. I ended up reading the holy books of a lot of religions, plus a lot about mythology, and the thoughts of philosophers and poets, and shedloads of science.

    After all that, I'm still working it out. :)

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