What would you do?

What would you do if someone close to you; best friend, son, father, brother, in law, showed you the suicide vest he was wearing and told you he was on his way, after leaving you, to kill as many people he could?

nothing, it's not my concern 2
stop him any way possible including killing him 13
call the cops and let them handle it 27
Try to talk him out of it, but no more 3
Other, explain 4
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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    womens caint blow theyselfs up too?

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  • GreyWulfen

    Nuke him.

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    • zlofton

      thats enough internet for you today mr kim jong un!

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  • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

    Melt them with acid.

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  • Anime8

    I'd be tempted to punch them, just might even. It's one thing to kill yourself; it's another thing entirely to drag others down with you. I'd want to talk to them, and offer to pay for a psychiatrist. I'd get rid of the vest and make sure they don't have access to any sort of weapons. I really want to help them, but a part of me would be angry at myself if say the therapy didn't work and they somehow went through and killed a bunch of people.

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