What would you do if a group of activists went invading your restaurant?

You own a restaurant but they were persistent in protesting and you instantly get fed up of it, you have only a few of these options to choose from.

Which option would it be?

Kick them out and call the police 8
Beat them up 4
Yell at them to get out 0
All of the above 5
Get security to manhandle them out of the restaurant 6
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Comments ( 14 )
  • raisinbran

    Other. I’d activate my custom security system. Metal barriers would drop in front of the restaurant, locking them in. Gas would be released from the sprinkler system putting everyone to sleep. Customers wake up outside on the sidewalk, the others wake up in a corn field with missing limbs.

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  • I would phone the police and claim that I can't be certain but I'm sure I seen a few of them carrying concealed firearms, otherwise the police would probably do nothing about it depending on what the protest is about.

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  • greekfish

    I’d release my pet bear on them.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theyd be tomorrows 'special'

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  • megadriver

    Because I'm Bulgarian, should I decide to open a restaurant, or club - All of the above!

    Get security to manhandle them out back, behind my business and beat them up. Then yell at them for trespassing and call the police and have a bribe ready... just to make sure the police "haven't seen anything other than violent hooligans trying to harm my business and threatening the lives of my customers and staff".

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  • jethro

    You need a voting option of "all of the above". Because I think that is what I would have selected. Yell at them to get out, get security to manhandle them out, beat them up, then call the police and an ambulance.

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  • RoyyRogers

    Call the police obviously. Than proceed to politely ask them to leave. Than if they become agressive attempt to retain them. Though I am trained in security so I not sure how well this might work for others.

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  • Inkmaster

    Ask them to leave. Failing that, call the cops on them for trespassing.

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    I would speak with them, ask what exactly their message was, if they had any further resources they would like me to check out, and tell them their further presence won't be needed but they're welcome to stay and eat.

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    • LloydAsher

      Until you get a brick thrown through your windows and people jumping the counters to try to steal shit. Or threaten everyone in the building and just requesting you just want the alcohol.

      Happens more and more at these "protests"

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        But everyone's responding as if Molotov cocktails are being thrown by default. The OP just says they're protesting, not that it's already gone terribly wrong. Given the restaurant setting I'm assuming these are vegans with pamphlets about animal abuse at worst.

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        • LloydAsher

          Ah in that case I think that's a lost cause when it comes to vegans. Theve made up their minds about eating meat being a front to genocide.

          I think the OP was talking about the recent protests that started more fires than actually bringing up solutions to issues.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Me id try to find out who the leader or some of them are and find their address online and confront them with a gun and explain to them that they will die if they do it again.

    You gotta hit these dudes hard.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    If they are not hurting anybody, damaging property or blocking business/traffic i'll let them be, but if they do i'll immediately shoot the cunts. The police won't do shit so I won't bother with them & the mob won't listen to me so I might as well just get the gun. Violence only understands violence & it only respects greater violence.

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