What would you do if a hoe try to fight you?
Are you going to throw hands if a motherfucker trying to fight?
Whoop that bitch ass | 19 | |
Walk away | 14 |
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Are you going to throw hands if a motherfucker trying to fight?
Whoop that bitch ass | 19 | |
Walk away | 14 |
Do you mean like a literal hooker or just as in a mean spirited person? Why is this person trying to fight me? Can it be resolved any other way. I not going to lie I have no qualms and if I have to destroy someone I will. I have lived far too long and put up with so much stuff. I have no fear anymore.
I mean someone that's trying to fight you. And that's good you ain't putting up with people's shit.
I be like "Okay, lets go". I almost been hit by a three falling 5 times, have had my heart stop and be told to suck it up and go to work the next day. I lost my cat and was told to stop whining like a little bitch when I mourned over losing them. I was disowned by both my parents and living by myself since I got kicked out. You think I give a flying fuck at this point in life? No, I do not! I been homeless multiple times and survived even. I am not scared of death and I am not scared of any idiot threatening me.
That comment made me laugh way too much 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Freak the fuck out, because garden tools should not have gained sentience.
I'd go ape shit crazy and slam her across the floor.
JK I wouldn't actually do that.....
I would just put her in her place and use my self-defence skills if I need to
I was taught to be a gentleman and not hit women, tho if a woman is assaulting me, I will defend myself.
If said woman hurt my girlfriend, parents, or best friend - the gloves are off.
When I was younger I wound have messed her up. One closed fist would be an easy knock out. Now, I am doing better and fear people attacking me in the courts. I try to avoid ratchet places like spirit Airlines and Walmart.
I don't hit a women.
But I keep a gun. I have very old over used phrase I don't fight but I do say with my gun, "try me"
Well that's good that you don't hit women. But if she going psycho you gonna have to go pow pow pow
That would be the sensitivity thing to do. But the society act differently when you laid a hand on a women. Doesn't matter what bad the female do to you very first time you put a hand on a women she's a victim and you are the bad guy. I don't want that. But honestly I think if a women hit you with unfairly it's fair to go jackie chan on her ass.
If a person is aggressive enough, you're not walking away. At that point you just have to hope you're being recorded by a local camera.
I'll do the same thing I always do when someone is yelling at/insulting me within arms reach, hit her the very second she raises her voice (because peoples reaction times are slower when they are multitasking) Just like i've done with every other man/woman/child.