What would you do if lost in the forest

So me and 3 of my friends were shooting a college film project in the forest a month a go and we got terribly lost. it was around dusk because that was the shot we needed. As it got darker outside, one of the group members started running in fear of being lost for ever ( I dont really know why he ran but he did). We all ended up chasing after him and long story short, I tripped on a big tree root and went tumbling down the forest hill. I ended up breaking my wrist and ankle.

In this situation knowing that I was injured, what would you do?

leave me behind 7
call for help 18
wait till morning (as a group) and drag me out 16
have one person stay behind and the rest go get help 20
other (comment below) 4
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Comments ( 21 )
  • disthing

    I'd put you out of your misery with the help of a large rock, and share carefully cooked cutlets of your body out amongst the survivors.

    I'd then turn your skin into a nice leather hammock and use your bones as tent poles.

    It's the only sensible course of action!

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    • daydreamer394

      I laughed so hard.
      Thank you.

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    • I approve

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  • Well, if one stayed with the injured and the other ran to help the one who was stupid enough to run away from the group, that opens the possibility of two people being lost if the one chasing did not find the runaway and leaving one person with the injured making it harder to get out with the injured.

    So, what I would do is let the runaway go (unless it was my best friend, then I would go myself and tell the other to stay with the injured), then use someone's phone (let's face it, the likelihood of each one having one in the group is high) to phone for help. Go back, try look for a larger group to find the runaway, if not, after a few days, contact authorities for missing person.

    Who the hell would isolate themselves from a group in the forrest at such a time even if there was something scary they seen? Safer in a group.

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    • Exactly! My group members were assholes, they just left me there to go get the person running and never came back to get me.

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      • Riddler

        Did you ever find your friend who ran off?

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        • yes but I haven't talked to him since

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  • AbZi

    Lol hope you never felt better after it

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  • Allan08

    I learned in kindergarden that you have to hug a tree if your lost and wait at the same tree hugging it until someone found me.
    So thats probaly what i'd do.

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  • tattooartist

    Um, I know some basic first responders skills,id splint your ankle, put a sling for ur wrist, find a big stick to help you walk while I support you. We are getting out of the woods with out the run away person. Then I'd call the authorities to find the asshole,and kick his ass for scaring everyone. I'm pretty efficient in the woods, just dont get lost in the desert or anything above Canada or below Australia,lol other wise I could easily keep you alive.

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  • tattooartist

    I was thinking slender man freak accident lol

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'd have brought a compass, a map and a good flashlight and marked the location of my car and just followed the map and compass back. Basic land navigation skills are something I wish would be taught in school, next to basic financial management, proper use of birth control and basic car maintenance. I'd call it "Being a functional adult 101".

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yeah but wheres the runaway trolley in this story?

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    • ???

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  • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

    I'd probably send someone for help and stay with you until help arrives. You never leave a friend in need. If the person doesn't bring help, I'd bring you out of the woods myself. Prior to entering the forest, I would have us leave a marked trail to prevent getting lost (Probably with large rocks or bright paint). Glowsticks would work too.

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  • Holzman_67

    remember my training


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    • For shame, the uploader does not like my country...

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      • Holzman_67

        oh okay. it's just the film clip to the cure song "a forest."

        "Suddenly I stop but I know it's too late I'm lost in a forest
        - all alone.
        The girl was never there, it's always the same. I'm running towards nothing again and again and again..."

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        • Its ok... I know the song :)

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          • Holzman_67

            haha it's the first thing I thought of.
            Second was Blair Witch Project lol

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            • one of the group members kept making references to the movie during our forest trip...

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