What would you do if someone you didn't know touched your face?

Some 25 yr old jackass at work didn't believe I was going to be 34 in September. She starts blathering on about how I don't have collagen loss or wrinkles in my face and starts touching and pinching my face. That shit caught me off guard and I scream don't touch me. Which makes her go cry in the corner of the breakroom. I legit don't care that I made her cry. I don't like being touched.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • bbrown95

    That's definitely odd and inappropriate behavior on her part. I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable.

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  • olderdude-xx

    To answer you question: It depends on why the stranger touched my face. If I've been in an accident and they are administering first aid or trying to assess my condition or help me. No problem, and no complaints from me.

    There are a variety of other urgent/emergency situations where touching without specific permission would be appropriate.

    If its a situation like you describe; its a minor problem the 1st time it happens (and will escalate with repeated touching). She should have asked your permission to touch you - and explained why she wanted to touch you. I'm sure that if she asked nicely and explained why - you may well have agreed to her touching your face (at least one time).

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  • RoseIsabella

    Was she dirty, or unsanitary person? Perhaps you could have said something like, "thank you, I guess I just look young for my age. Now can you please stop touching me"?

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  • chiisana_izumi

    i would've easily slapped her so you reacted better than i would've. i don't get mad at things like this normally, but specifically touching my face gets me so mad. i don't spend tons of money on skincare products just so you can deteriorate them with the dirt and oils from your hands. but even if i didn't touching someone without asking is still highly inappropriate

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  • ospry

    They were looking for wrinkles on a 34-year-old? Do they not know how aging works?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Id of just told her to stop and swoosh her hand away and forget about it 3 seconds later

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    You need to report the incident to HR asap. She may have done it already. What she did was totally inappropriate. Ask if there's film of the incident and if so, demand that it be saved before it gets erased. Lots of those systems on save it for a few days.

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