What would you do if there were strangers in your house?

What would you do if you were in your room and you hear other people in your house weather you know them or not...

I would greet them 3
I would tell them to get the fuck out 17
I would stalk them 4
I would Hide till they leave 9
Depends if I know them 10
Other(Comment) 4
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I'd hide until they left. However, if they found me I'd try my best to be polite.

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  • DannyKanes

    Depends. If I could hear my gf talking to them, I'd greet them. If I didn't know who they were and were in my house for a sinister reason, well, well, well. I have many a Kung Fu sword I've been itching to try out >:D

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  • UhhhOK

    I'd ask who they were, and then tell them to leave.

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  • Dafackjohnny

    If I knew them I would be confused as to how they got in and would ask. If I didn't I would wonder how they got in then knock them out and drag them into the road.

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  • Weirdgirl

    Find the heaviest thing I could and knock em out

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  • Torch them

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  • HugeJohnson

    I'd whip out my AR-15 and unload every single round in the clip into their body.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I don't know, but I always play the scenario in my head.

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  • bananaface

    Hmm, I'm assuming you mean they broke in or something along those lines? I'm working with that rather than it being a situation where a couple of strangers came over to have a few pints and watch the football with my dad:P. Because if that were the case then telling them to get the fuck out, stalking them and hiding would not be appropriate at all.:P

    With that in mind, I really don't know. I think I'd probably wait to see how things turn out, not committing to any action until necessary. If they sound threatening and like they're moving towards where I am, then I'd hide (assuming that was an option). Of course that response only applies to strangers who sound like they're there to kill me:P.

    It really depends on why they're there. What are their motives?

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