What would you do if you found out your girlfriend/boyfriend..........

believes marriage is ONLY for heterosexual couples?

What would you do if you found out this was their belief?
What if they also told you they believe gay/lesbian people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because same-sex couples are unable to provide a proper family environment?

I would agree with them. 9
I would disagree but it wouldn't change my view of them. 11
I would try to change their mind and stay with them. 11
I would break up with them if I couldn't change their mind. 6
No discussion, I would break up with them. 5
Relationships aren't for me. 5
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Comments ( 20 )
  • iEatZombies_

    I could deal with it if they weren't actively fighting against gay rights, though I would want to get to the bottom of such feelings. Usually people who feel this way are afraid of some stereotype and have yet to understand the lack of implications on our society for such changes. Sometimes people don't want things to change because ther imaginations run wild with possible negative outcomes. After that conversation it would depend on how they handle their beliefs as to whether I go or stay

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'd like to hope that I would be well acquainted with a person's political, moral and religious beliefs before entering into a committed relationship with him. While I have not completely cut myself off from the possibility of having a long term, committed and monogamous relationship I'm only interested in sharing my life with someone with whom I can share emotional, spiritual and intellectual intimacy.

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  • dom180

    I think having similar political views, or at least political views that aren't offensive to your partner, is important to most people.

    As for whether I would break up over it, I think it would really depend on how serious the relationship was and what I wanted to get out of it. If it was never intended to be a long term or committed relationship, something like that might be possible to sweep under the carpet and ignore. If what I wanted from my partner was a deeper connection and a feeling of wider long term fulfillment, having conflicting political views could be a pretty big obstacle to achieving my own aims.

    I think it depends on what sort of person you are, too. Are you very passionate about social justice and homosexual equality specifically, or is it something you don't hold close to your identity? If I was dating someone who didn't believe the UK should be part of the EU, or who believed Scotland should get independence, I wouldn't mind because even though I disagree with those opinions it's not something I care about deeply. If I was dating someone who believed fox hunting should be re-legalized, or someone who believed in less rights for gay and bisexual people, that would be more likely to be a dealbreaker for me because those things have a personal importance to me. I wouldn't want to strongly associate myself emotionally with someone who believed those things because it would feel like I was condoning beliefs I find it hard to tolerate.

    I also believe that hoping to change someone is something you shouldn't really do. If I could help them change in a way that they want help with, and in a way that will enrich their life then that's an exception. However, I would wonder whether personal politics is something your partner would want to change their views on any more than I would like to change my own beliefs. If I already loved this person deeply I might not want to change their nature, even if it was a dark part of their nature I didn't find acceptable, because it is nonetheless a part of the person I fell in love with.

    Taking that all into account. Supposing my aspirations were for a long term relationship, someone I can be together forever with. Supposing that equal marriage and adoption rights are important to me (which they are). Supposing my partner didn't want to change or I didn't have the desire to change their nature. I don't think I'd be able to meet my aspirations under those conditions, so I'd break it off with them with the rationale that a long term relationship would be untenable.

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    • anti-hero

      Political view... no offense to you dom, because it is a common expression and sentiment. I am sure you didn't mean it in a bad way. But the fact that society has boiled down love and marriage to a political view makes me sad. Why should any government have any say in what consenting adults choose to do?

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      • dom180

        Oh, I totally agree. It isn't something that deserves to be politicised. Nothing is beyond the reach of politics whether we like it or not, and that's a shame. How much power the government should have in our everyday lives is a political view, but I think anyone who believes that power should include saying what sort of love and sex and marriage is acceptable believes something unjustifiable.

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        • anti-hero


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  • handsignals

    I think breaking up with some one over that would be pretty extreme.

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    • highrider

      It could be extreme, but what if you have a kid with this person and they turn out gay? The father is clearly going to Kye his life miserable and that's not cool at all

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  • jeebley

    This belief alone probably means that we have very different opinions on a lot of things. So I couldn't really have a long term relationship with someone who disagreed with me on such fundamental things.

    However, a fling might be different. I was with a woman once who was quite the racist bigot. And in a messed up way, it kind of turned me on... I don't want to know what that says about me...

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  • Tommythecat.

    Well she wouldn't say such things. But if she did I wouldn't care because you can think what you want about shit.

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  • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

    I'm not one to get into relationships. However, if I were to get in a relationship, I'd date someone that feels and thinks the same as I do so the person wouldn't believe these out-dated things.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I don't think I would have gotten into a relationship with someone as ignorant as that to begin with.

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  • Kew1120

    I don't think gay people should get married or adopt. When, they adopt they're going to brainwash the kids, into becoming one of them. That’s not something I agree with.

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  • Thorolf

    Either they learn to see reason, or we break up. Plain and simple.

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  • Lynxikat

    LOL at people who chose "I would try to change their minds and stay with them."

    Marriage equality for gays has become a political opinion, and you CANNOT change anybody's political opinion.

    Besides, trying to change their mind on something like that will only piss them off, and the two of you will get into fights. You either decide your differing opinions won't deter your relationship, or your belief in marriage equality is so strong that you can't ever be with someone who thinks otherwise.

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  • megadriver

    Doubt it. My girlfriend has a gay friend and supports gays. But if she did believe only in heterosexual marriage, I'd agree. Besides. I don't care what homosexuals do, as long as they don't make an advance, or argue with me. Honnestly, I don't like the whole gay marriage/ adopt children, but I'm not supporting, nor dissing. I just don't care really.
    I care about me, getting married to the woman of my dreams.

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  • RainbowDischarge

    I do not see a problem with same sex marriage or with gay couples adopting. My boyfriend disagrees with this. But it is not a problem in our relationship.

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  • I can understand their stance, really. Marriage is from religion, a religion that doesn't praise homosexuality and is meant for man and woman. I can see why someone would think that someone that goes against the religion in that manner would use the religion's practices in the manner of marriage.

    Personally, I have no problem with homosexuals being married, but I can understand the opposition.

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    • Marriage pre-dates religion.

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  • Couman

    I'd say he was just trying to get out of marrying me. :(


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